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Select Alternate Part References

This new feature allows you to select a ‘part reference’ from a list of data items on the stock record.

The reference options will be offered via a drop-down list or via F4-Select to choose, alternatively you can type in a reference not on the list. Note if enter a new reference this is not saved for future selection.


Database Changes

Changes are required to the Sales/Purchase Order Detail and the Stock Records databases to record the alternate references. To add these items, select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Restructure A Database. Select the Sales/Purchase Order Processing application or the Stock Control application and elect to update the Live Files and then select the appropriate application file.

To insert a new item press <Enter> against a blank entry, enter the title as required and press <Enter>, select the item type (using the drop-down list if required), and depending on item type select the size required.

File             Item Name       Type       Description

SOD/POD    ALT-PART-REF     X          Holds the selected alternate reference.

STA            ALT-REF-1           X          Holds the first of series of the available alternate references.

STA            ALT-REF-N           X          Holds the nth alternate reference. Create items as required as a consecutive block.

Once the required items have been recorded press the <ESC> key and select the UPDATE button to save the database changes. When prompted respond ‘Y’ to the prompts to ‘Extract Existing Data to New Database Structure’ and, if appropriate, ‘Copy Table Entries from Old Database to New Database. Final prompts ask to ‘Remove (.OLD) Database’ and to ‘Carry Out the Same Restructure on the BASE File as well’ – respond as required. If you select to update the base file you need to manually insert the new items at the same data item positions as on the live file.

Application Screen Layouts

Updates are required to a stock maintenance screen and the sales/purchase order detail entry screens to allow input of the alternate references.

To update the main Stock screen, Installer users can right-click on the Stock Records option on the main Stock menu and choose to update the Add New Stock screen. Alternatively, select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and Application User Facilities. Select the Stock Control application followed by Maintain Stock and Add New Stock Records.

Screen Design is in the usual manner - To insert text labels such as ‘Alternate References’ use the mouse to position the cursor where required and then type the required text.To insert the data items, position the cursor where required and press the <F4-Select> key and choose the data item required. Set whether items are view-only, mandatory or require uppercase input as required.

To update the Order Detail entry screen Installer users can right-click on the Order Entry option on the main Sales/Purchase Order Processing menu and choose Enter / Amend Orders and Maintain Order Details. Alternatively, select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and Application User Facilities. Select the Sales/Purchase Order Processing application followed by Enter/Amend Orders and Maintain Order Details.

Again, enter the text label and position the data item as required.

Application User Facilities

To enable the option new parameters have been added to the SOP/POP Optional Features.

To update Premier Installer users can right-click on the Order Entry menu action and choose to Configure Option. Alternatively, users can select Installationfrom the main menu followed by Application Manager, Application User Facilities, Sales/Purchase Order Processing and Enter/Amend Orders.

Next select Advanced Input Facilities, Optional Features and move to screen 5.

Alt Part Order Detail Item – reference the data item on the Order Detail file for input of the alternate reference.

Alt Part From/To Stock Item – reference the first and last in consecutive range of data items on the stock records file for the alternate references available.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 7.4
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