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Manual Document Processing

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Manual Document Processing

The manual document process follows a series of stages:

Choose the order to process. Key the order numbers, or accept the next default offered.You can then change the date and, optionally, the document number.

Next up to three sets of data are displayed for you to confirm. The first comes from the order header, the second comes from the purchase ledger and the third is free form according to your requirements.

Detail lines are now displayed ten at a time, to allow you to change or enter the quantity of each item that is to be processed on this document. A default quantity is likely to be set. Optionally for each line you can confirm one or two items of data – the cost for example.

Optionally you can now enter some closing information.

Now the document is ready to print and update the files. This can be optional or forced.


Select Printer

On selection of the document the first prompt is likely to ask you for the printer you wish to send the document to (a configuration setting allows you to delay this selection until you actually print the document).

Options are available to send the document to:

Print Device – select the printer to output the document. Click the icon next to the printer name to select the printer if required.

Disk Spooler – save the document to the spooler for later enquiry/print.

Email – send the document as a PDF attachment on an email (Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express or Tobit David only).

PDF File – create the document as a PDF file.

Confirm Selection Criteria

Whilst unusual on manually processed documents you can set, on non-Compact systems, so that only orders that match pre-defined criteria can be printed. You may, for example, have two different documents – one for UK suppliers and one for EC suppliers.

If configured to apply selection criteria, and to allow the operator to amend this criteria, then a prompt asks you to confirm the "Which Order Header” selection criteria to be used.The selection criteria are then displayed to be amended or accepted as required.

After the header criteria then if any detail criteria is set to be used (and allow amendment) then the operator is prompted to confirm/amend these details.

After confirming any selection criteria the document now asks for the order to process.

Order Reference

Depending on how the document was defined, either you are given an order number to confirm, or you must enter an order reference (the former occurs where the document process gives you orders to process one by one; the second where you can choose orders in any order you like). You can use the <F4–Select> key to find an order.

If selection criteria are defined but this order does not match them, you are warned of this and returned to the order reference prompt to re-select the order.

You can use the <Escape> key at any time to return to the order reference prompt.

If a memo is recorded against the purchase order or purchase account then these are displayed.


Defaults to the ‘system’ date although may be overtyped (which is then remembered as the system date for next process). This date will be validated on delivery notes against the current stock period, and on invoice against the current purchase period, and some warnings may be displayed when outside this date range. (The acknowledgement may also warn if the document is ‘chained’ to another document – the date is only prompted for at the start of a ‘chain’ and thus is validated assuming a delivery note and/or invoice will follow).

If the date is outside the current period, and previous and forward posting not allowed, then you will be warned the date is out of range and returned to the date field to reconfirm or abandon processing.

If forward processing is allowed and the transaction date is in the next period then you are warned as such but can elect to proceed with the document. Note you can only post one period in advance – if the date is further ahead than this you are warned ‘out of range’ as above.

If previous period posting is allowed and the transaction date is earlier than the start of the current period then you are warned as such but can elect to proceed with the document. Note that the date is used for ageing and credit terms purposes but in all other respects (i.e. VAT liability, turnover/demand recording etc.) is treated as being posted within the current period.

Document Number

The document number is used as the identifier for the printed document and is used as the delivery number or invoice number posted to the stock/purchase ledgers. Normally by default this reference is automatically accepted and cannot be overridden but document options can enable you to amend this.You would not input the suppliers delivery note or invoice reference here, instead you would configure a free-form prompt for this.

Multiple Order Documents

If this document definition allows multiple orders, then as an alternative to selecting a single order you are asked to create a list of up to 20 orders from which you wish to assemble order lines for this document. First you must give account code, data and document number, and then specify the list of orders to include — use the <F4–Select> key for this.

The order detail lines from these orders are subsequently treated as though they all belonged to a single order for the purposes of this document.

Header Information

Up to three sets of information are now offered to you here to accept or change.

Order Details OK?

The body of the screen may optionally display up to ten order header items, which you may accept or alter at this stage. Note that any changes you make here do not alter the order header information stored in the file. They are used only for the current document. (These items are defined in screen 7 of the document parameters.)

Account Details OK?

Up to eight items from the supplier account record may now be displayed for you to accept or change.You might display the name and address, in case you need to change these details for this particular document.Again note that changes you make here are temporary for this document, and the supplier record is not updated with these changes. (These items are defined in screen 8 of the document parameters.)

Header Prompts

Finally in this stage, up to six items may be requested for printing on the document depending on the document definition. Key in the information as prompted, pressing <Enter> after each item. Leave an item blank if not required. (These items are defined in screen 9 of the document parameters.)

Detail Line Procedures

Choose Details and Quantities

In most circumstances these particular options, which determine the order lines to display, and the quantities to which to default, are not asked and you may skip to the Process order lines step below.

If, however, the document definition is set up to do so, you can firstly decide which order detail lines to display for printing on the document, and secondly what quantity values to offer as the default on each line. The ability to make such choices at this stage can speed up the process and help reduce errors.

Which Order Details

Reply with one of the following values (one may already be prompted)

0 All — all order detail lines, regardless of status, are offered for processing

1 O/S — only order detail lines for which the invoiced quantity is less than the ordered quantity are offered for processing.

2 Del Date/Ref — only those order detail lines that have a specific delivery date and/or delivery reference field is offered for processing. The implication is that you have previously printed a goods received note, and you want to consider now only those lines for which a note was printed on a particular date, and/or which match to a particular reference. You are asked to enter the delivery date and/or the delivery reference to which to match. You can enter either one or the other. But if you enter both, then both must match if the detail line is to display.

3 Del < Inv — this time you are offered only those order detail lines for which the quantity delivered is greater than the quantity invoiced.

4 To Deliver — this choice offers you only those order lines for which the quantity delivered is less than the quantity ordered.

6 Credit Delivered – includes lines that have been delivered, this option would apply on goods returned notes.

7 Credit Invoiced – includes lines that have been invoiced, this option would apply on purchase credit notes.


If selection criteria are active, then these are also applied, so that only those order detail lines which match both sets of criteria are displayed.

Which Quantities

Reply with one of the following values (one may already be prompted)

0 O/S Qty — the quantity still outstanding, defined as the order quantity less the invoiced quantity

1 Order Qty — the order quantity, regardless of how many invoiced or delivered

2 Last Del Qty — each time a goods received note is printed, the quantity delivered is updated in those order detail lines for which there was one or more delivered.You would probably use this quantity if you post the supplier invoice after each delivery.

3 Del < Inv — this is the difference between the delivered quantity and that invoiced so far. You would use this option rather than the previous option if you could make more than one delivery before you entered your supplier invoice.

4 Del O/S — this is the difference between the original order quantity and that delivered so far.

6 Credit Del Qty – this is the quantity delivered so far, used on goods returned documents

7 Credit Inv Qty – this is the quantity invoiced so far, used on purchase credit documents

8 Blank – this defaults to blank forcing the operator to enter a qty even if zero.

9 Zero — in this case no attempt is made to offer a default quantity, and you must enter the quantities yourself at document processing time (defaults to 0).

Process Order Lines

The system now displays the order details that match any selection criteria and parameters as defined above, ten at a time down the screen as illustrated below.

For each line the program displays, by default, the entry number, stock code, stock description and two quantity columns. The first quantity column shows the quantity that was originally ordered. The final "Action Quantity” column shows values as specified above — outstanding quantity, order quantity, last delivered quantity, quantity not yet invoiced, or not yet delivered. The cursor is positioned in the final column — "Action Quantity”.The quantity in this column is going to be used for this particular document. Accept the quantity prompted by keying <Enter> or overtype it with another quantity <Enter> (you can set it to zero too).


You may change the other items displayed on each line (normally entry number, stock code and description) to another set of items by changing the document layout parameters (screen 11 of the document definition).

If the document is designed to do so, you may be asked to confirm up to two items for each line — but only if the action quantity is not zero. The purpose of this is to allow you to confirm the cost price, for example.

You may also be prompted to confirm the line total and VAT amount (although VAT can also be confirmed at the end of the document where likely to be more convenient).

If the document updates stock (although under certain circumstances an acknowledgement can do this also) and the stock item is batch or serial-tracked then a pop-up will ask for the batch codes to be delivered on this document. The total quantity of the selected batches must match that of the confirmed action quantity before you can proceed to the next line.

If you confirm a quantity less than outstanding (for delivery or invoice) you may be prompted if you wish to write-off the balance of the line meaning that you are not expecting further delivery or invoice as your supplier had insufficient stock to complete your order. The prompt ‘Leave on back-order’ can be responded to as required. NB: the assumption is usually made when this prompt does not appear that the order is left on back order. If write-off options are available then you can also exceed the originally entered order quantity when your supplier over delivers.

As you key <Enter> to each item, the top of the screen shows you the number of entries selected so far. When you reach the last line on the screen, or if you key <End> in the "Action Quantity” column, you are asked: if the above details are ok

‘No’ returns you to amend the details. ‘Yes’ calculates the value of the document so far. If there are more details to process, then another screen is offered with these details. If you have processed the last order detail line then you are passed to the next stage.

<Escape> in the "Action Quantity” prompt asks you to key <Escape> again if you wish to abandon the document.


If the default quantities are acceptable then the operator can press <F7-Option> to accept the default quantities. Note the system will still pause at each line if confirm items are set or on stock items which are batch-tracked, or the selling price is below cost (where this option is enabled).

If the detail text option is in use then operators can press <F4-Select> when entering the action quantity to edit the detail text. Note this is not saved back to the file but will be printed on the document.

Closing Document Procedures

Most of the closing document prompts are optional, and are driven by the document definition.

Delivery Charge

You may enter a closing amount to cover (for example) postage and packing. Whether or not to prompt for this, and the text of the prompt, is determined by the document definition. If you are using this feature, you can predefine a value in the order header, although you can overwrite this value now.

Overall Discount

If you are using an overall discount, then the supplier default (or that entered into the order header) is displayed here, although you can overwrite it.

Change the Document Totals

You can only claim back the actual VAT charged by your supplier, regardless of whether it is calculated correct or not. If you amend the total VAT, then the program allocates the difference to the detail lines so that the VAT in the details will sum up to the purchase invoice total.

The Settlement terms can also by confirmed at this stage.

Change Order Detail Entries Again

After confirming the VAT you may have to change the details again to amend the line value (exclusive of VAT). If confirmed you will be returned to the detail entry stage.

Change Whole Document Again

If you elect not to go back to the details you are prompted if you wish to change the whole document again.Respond as required. If confirmed you will be returned to the order reference prompt.

Mark Invoice as Authorised and OK for Payment

An option in the purchase ledger means that, optionally, invoices have to be authorised before payment is allowed. This prompt allows you to authorise the invoice on generation rather than later through the purchase allocation options. Respond as required.

Footer Prompts

Depending on the document definition, you may now be prompted for up to six further items of information to be printed on the document. Key the information requested, pressing <Enter> after each item.

Header Text Amendment

If you are using the header text facility, you are asked if you wish to edit the text before printing the document. Reply ‘Yes’ and the text box opens for you to edit the text displayed. ‘No’ takes you to the closing steps.


Printing & Updating

The next stage allows you to print the document and update the files.

Print the Document

‘Y’ prints the document, ‘N’ bypasses printing. Note you may be forced to respond ‘Y’ by document parameter settings.

Document parameter settings allow you to confirm the printer at this point as opposed to at the start of the document selection process. If configured then you are prompted for the print device at this point.

Another Printout

This option allows you to print another copy of the document – ‘Y’ to print, ‘N’ to move to the next stage.Note you stay on this prompt until you respond ‘N’.

If confirming the print device at the start of the document then the second copy is printed to the same printer. If confirming at point of printing then you will be prompted for the print device to send the second copy to.

Document OK for Updating?

You are now asked whether you wish to update the files – order, stock, purchases and job files depending on document type and configuration. Respond ‘Y’ to update or ‘N’ to bypass this – note you may be forced to respond ‘Y’ based on document configuration.

Notes – Document OK for Updating

Depending on configuration you may not be asked ‘Document OK’ but instead asked as separate options to:

Change Any Document Details? – taking you back to the start of the document to make any changes required.

Update Order Files – asking you update the document reference and date plus, on delivery note and invoice, the quantities processed to the purchase order files.

Update Purchase Ledger? – asking for reference (defaulting to document number confirmed at the start) and description and optionally a ‘User Item 1’. ‘User Item 1’ is an optional header-level user definable item recorded on all ledger transactions. The actual text prompt used for this item is defined by the Purchase Ledger System Profiles.

Update Stock Control? – asking for reference and description and ‘user-1’ If ‘User-1’ required then can be configured within the Stock System Profiles.

Update Job Costing? – Y/N prompt to update job costing.

To enable/disable ‘Document OK’ prompt you need to configure the Document Design option ‘Automatic Updating of Files’ on parameter screen ‘Optional Features during Invoicing’.

Notes – Invoiced and Paid

If using the ‘Order Paid’ flag on the order header input then you are prompted to confirm Y/N whether the invoice has been paid and, if Y, the nominal bank account to update. Note this is only applicable if the option for Automatic Updating is disabled.

Scan Supplier Invoice

After updating the purchase ledger on a supplier invoice you may be prompted to scan the suppliers invoice so it can be saved for recall within the ledger enquiry. See the sales/purchase manual for more details on this.

Another Document

After printing and updating the files you will be prompted ‘Another Document’ – ‘Yes’ allows you start another document and ‘No’ returns you to the menu.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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