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Copy Items

Datafile Software

Copy Items

Name Description

Acc to Hdr (1/2) Ten copy items from the accounts file to the order header. Actioned when create new order.

Acc to Hdr (2/2) Ten further copy items from the accounts file to the order header.

Stk to Det (1/2) Ten copy items from the stock file to the order detail record. Actioned when add new order line.

Stk to Det (2/2) Ten further copy items from the stock file to the order detail

Hdr to Det (1/2) Ten copy items from the order header to detail record actioned when add/update order line or update order header.

Hdr to Det (2/2) Ten further copy items from header to detail

Stock Upd Detail Ten copy items from stock file to order detail copied on add and update of order detail record and, optionally on Premier,in document production.

Detail Upd Stock Ten copy items from order detail file to stock file copied on add and update of order detail record and, optionally on Premier, in document production

Nominal to Detail Ten copy items from the nominal accounts file to the order detail, actioned on add of detail record.

Detail to SL-Trans Ten copy items from the order detail record to the analysis transactions actioned on invoice/credit production.

SOH to POH (B2B) SOP Only. Ten copy items from sales to purchase order header when using back-2-back header link. Actioned on purchase order generation.

POH to SOH (B2B) SOP Only. Ten copy items from purchase order back to sales order header when using back-2-back header link. Actioned on purchase order generation.

SOD to POD (B2B) POP Only. Ten copy items from the sales order detail to purchase order detail when using back-2-back. Actioned on purchase order generation.

POD to SOD (B2B) POP Only. Ten copy items from the purchase order detail to sales order detail when using back-2-back. Actioned on purchase order generation.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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