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Scan Supplier Delivery Notes on Goods Receipt

Datafile Software

Scan Supplier Delivery Notes on Goods Receipt

This new feature allows for the system to prompt to scan the supplier delivery note against the purchase order when booking in the stock using the POP Goods Received Note process.

After printing (if appropriate) your receipt note and updating files the system will prompt for the title the scanned supplier delivery note is saved under. Enter the title required, overtyping the default as required, and press <Enter> you will then be prompted with the usual scan dialog to scan the supplier document.

Once the supplier delivery note has been scanned the document can be viewed via the Ledger Enquiry utilities for Purchase Order Processing.


Document Design Manager

The option to scan the supplier delivery note needs to be activated within parameter screen 18 of the POP Goods Received Note. The document design parameters can be accessed via the Installation option off the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Document Design Manager. Select Purchase Order Processing Documents followed by Goods Received Notes and then enter the number of the document to update. When the document is displayed select Parameters from the toolbar and move to screen 18 Selection Criteria / Auto Run Features via the ACTION button at the bottom of the screen.

Scan Supplier Delivery Note – set to allow scanning of supplier delivery notes after posting the goods receipt.

Default Title for Scanned Delivery Note – set any default title required; you can use !nnn where nnn is a three-digit value for a data item on the purchase order header database. As the order will have been updated at the point of the scan you can include items such as the delivery reference or delivery date within the title.


If scanning against a multiple order document the scan will be saved against the last order processed on the Goods Received Note.

This option is not supported on automatic invoice run processes.

If processed on an instant print ‘automatic’ basis then the document title is not confirmed but instead the default is accepted.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.2
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