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System Profiles Screen 6 (Sub-Contractors Accessory) |
Article Number: 1347 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 3:44 PM
Datafile Software System Profiles Screen 6 (Sub-Contractors Accessory) Only applicable for the Purchase Ledger on Diamond and Premier systems, and then only if the sub-contracting accessory has been purchased. Tax Rate for SubContractorsEnter the rate at which tax is deducted from the transaction, when an invoice is entered for a labour charge against a sub-contractor that has no valid certificate. Tax code for zero posting of tax deductEnter the VAT code for recording on tax deduction ‘payments’ created. Exclude Retention when calculating taxSet to exclude the proportion of the invoice held for retention when calculating the tax deduction. Default description for tax payment txEnter a default description to be set for generated tax payment transactions Default reference for tax payment txEnter a default reference to be set for generated tax payment transactions Default description for retention credit txDefault reference for retention credit txAny portion of the invoice held for retention invoices is entered as a credit against the original invoice, and a new invoice is created with a due date for when the retention portion is due. Enter here the reference and description to be used for the generated credit transaction. Default description for retention invoice txDefault reference for retention invoice txEnter here the reference and description for the retention invoice transactions Nominal Account for DiscountsSubcontractor invoices allow the ability to enter discounts as part of the invoice entry process.Enter here the nominal code to be used for any discount calculated. Nominal Account for RetentionsEnter the nominal account to be used for the retention credit and re-invoice. As a retention invoice and credit should cancel each other out this account acts as a control. Nominal Account for Tax PaymentsEnter the nominal account used for any tax deducted from a sub-contractor invoice. Allow Multiple Jobs per entrySetting this option allows an invoice analysis line to be analysed over a maximum of 99 jobs. This option is only applicable if the job costing system profiles are set to update purchase invoices in ‘real-time’. Enter Quantity on multiple jobsSetting this option allows entry of a quantity value to be updated to the job costing transaction as part of the multiple job analysis above. |
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