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Record Journal Number on Sales / Purchase Transactions

Datafile Software

Record Journal Number on Sales / Purchase Transactions

When you update the nominal ledger from the sales/purchase ledger the system creates an ‘audit trail’ report of the import transactions processed and records the journal number created. This new feature allows for the recording of the journal number created back on the source transaction together with the date/time the nominal journal was created.These items can then be included on reports or enquiry screens as needed.

Support for this option has also been added within the Cashbook receipt and payment entry processes.


Database Changes

Three new data items are required on the sales / purchase transaction file to record the journal number created and the date/time it was created. You can update the database layout by selecting Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Restructure a Database. Select the Sales (Purchase) Ledger application, elect to change the ‘Live’ files, and then select the transactions file. <Page-Down> until you reach a blank item and then press <Enter> against it to create the item(s) below.

Item Name Type Description

JNL-CREATED N / Y (6) Holds the Journal Number created. Create as N-type or Y-type sized to six characters to match the item type of the nominal transaction.

JNL-CREATE-ON D / E Holds the date the journal was created. Create as D-type to hold the date in DD/MM/YY format, create as E-type to hold in DD/MM/YYYY format.

JNL-CREATE-AT N Holds the time the journal was created as HHMM

Enter the item name in the first input and then press <Enter> to set the item type (F4 is available). Once the item type has been entered then selected item types (X / Y) will ask for the item size, enter size required and then press <Enter> again to complete entry.

Once the database changes have been made press <ESC> to complete and then choose UPDATE to update the changes. Press <Enter> to confirm prompts to ‘Extract Existing Data to the new Database Structure’ and ‘Copy Table entries from Old Database to New Database’ - the new database structure is then updated. When prompted to ‘Remove .OLD Database’ you generally respond ‘No’ for backup purposes.

If prompted to ‘Carry Out the Same Restructure on the "BASE” File as well?’ respond as required.The BASE file is used if/when you create a new company based on the existing structure, if this is likely to happen respond ‘Yes’ and repeat the entry of new items above taking care to ensure you create at the same item positions and with the same type.

Set Database Profiles

The new data items need to be referenced within the Datafile Database Profiles. The profiles are set by selecting Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and Set Database Profiles. Select the Sales (Purchase) Ledger and then select the parameter screen Trans Optional 4 to reference the new items.

Against the prompts on the left for N/L Journal, N/L Date and N/L Time reference the new data items created - <F4-Select> is available if needed.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.2
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