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Account Audit Trail, Account Audit Trail (Currency) - Nominal

Datafile Software

Account Audit Trail, Account Audit Trail (Currency) - Nominal

The audit trail reports all the transactions which apply to each account printed on the report — it is equivalent to an account statement. It is usual to print a complete audit trail for every account at year-end for audit purposes.

The audit trail for each account may consist of up to three parts:

a header showing up to 10 items from the accounts file

a partial or complete list of the transactions for the account

an optional analysis table giving debit and credit totals of transactions against each analysis code used

The currency audit trail operates on the same principal but excludes base currency accounts and shows the values in their original currency.

In addition to the standard report options described at the start of this section, there are some further questions:

OR List Accounts to be Reported

If you leave the account range blank (this is part of the standard preamble) then you can elect to choose up to 200 specific account codes which you want to print by setting the option to "List Accounts”.

You must first key the list of account codes you want to print, and only when the list is complete is the report printed or displayed. You can use the <F4–Select> key to help you find the codes you want.

Transaction Records in Range From / To

If you know the record range of the transactions you are looking for, you can enter them here.However, it is more usual to use date ranges for selection (see below).

To help you restrict the transaction range to those for a particular period, you can note the last transaction number for each period by viewing the system status display at the period-end. However, since you can post to any period at any time, this may not be a complete guide to all the transactions for a specific period.

If your system has been set up to write brought-forward transactions when the transaction file is cleared, you are also prompted at the bottom of the screen with the record number of the last brought-forward transaction.

Transactions in Date Range From / To

The date range of the "as at” period already chosen is prompted here, but you may overwrite these with different dates. If you clear the dates (<F3–Clear> is a quick way to do this) then all transactions on file for the chosen accounts are printed.

Include Transaction Analysis

If you are using analysis codes in nominal transactions, you may print a table at the end of the transaction list for each account which analyses the total of the debit transactions and the total of the credit transactions for each analysis code in use.Key 'N' if you do not want to print the analysis table, or 'Y' to print the analysis table.

New Page for Each Account

You have the option either to print each account starting on a new page, or to run the details of one account immediately after the previous one. It conserves paper to run accounts immediately after each other, but your auditors will probably prefer each account to start on a new page. Reply Y <Enter> to start each account on a new page, or N <Enter> to run each account immediately after its predecessor.

Exclude Accounts with no Transactions

It is not uncommon for nominal accounts to have had no journals within a period. Reply Y <Enter> to exclude from the report accounts which have no transactions, or N <Enter> to print all selected accounts whether or not they have any transactions.

Include Any Journal Memo Text

Only prompted if using this transaction option, when set any entered text is printed underneath the transaction.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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