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Document Processing - Select Nominal Code from Order Header Item |
Article Number: 147 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 5:37 PM
Datafile Software Document Processing - Select Nominal Code from Order Header Item When a sales/purchase invoice is created from an order the system uses the nominal analysis code recorded on the order detail on the generated analysis transactions. Release 6.2 introduced an override option within the document that set a ‘hard-coded’ nominal analysis code for all transactions generated from that document. Release 6.3 extends this facility to select a nominal code from an Order Header item and, if cross-referenced as a keyboard input, to confirm this nominal code during document processing. You would typically use these nominal overrides where (say) repeat invoices use a different nominal code from the original order or credits/cancellations are analysed separately from the original invoice. Installation Database Changes A new item is required on the Sales / Purchase Order Header database to record the override nominal code. To create this item select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Restructure a Database. Select the require Order Processing application and select to update the live files before select the Sales / Purchase Order Header database – the system then displays the list of current items. To insert a new item move down to the next blank entry and press <Enter> to insert the item below within the pop-up entering the name, item type (X) and size. File Item Name Type Description SOH/POH NOMINAL-CODE X (16) Holds the override nominal code to be used on selected documents. You may, of course, have multiple override nominal codes depending on your requirements so repeat these items as required (you do need to ensure that the item name is unique however). Once complete press <ESC> and choose the UPDATE button to update the database changes – confirm that you wish to extract data to the new file and, if prompted, to copy the table values to the new file. Once complete you will be prompted if you wish to remove the old database and to make the same changes to the base file – respond as required. If you elect to make the same changes to the base file then ensure the new item(s) are created in the same position as on the live file. Application Screen Layouts If you wish to set the nominal code item(s) when
adding/update an order (as opposed to using Database Profile copy items to
update or purely selecting within the document) then you need to add the
nominal code items to the screen. To
update the order entry screen select Installation from the main menu followed by Application
Manager and then Application User
Facilities. Select the required
Order Processing application before selecting Enter/Amend Orders and then Enter
New Order Header. To add the text label for the nominal code input use the mouse to position the cursor where required and type the text required – you can use the delete key or the space bar to blank out any errors. To add the data item position the cursor where required and press <F4-Select> to list the available data items, move down to the nominal code item and press <Enter> to add the item to the screen. You will be prompted if you wish to make the item view-only, force to uppercase or mandatory input – set as required. As the nominal code(s) will not be a profiled data
item <F4-Select> is not available for this item during order entry unless
you define a lookup database against this item.To define the lookup database select the Tools option of the main
toolbar and select Lookup. Up to three
lookup databases can be defined so move to the first blank lookup entry and
enter details as requested. Lookup Format – enter the code format for your nominal account structure (i.e. 999 / 9999 / 999A etc) Item for Lookup – select the data item on the order header database used for the nominal code input. If entering more than one nominal code then you can reference the subsequent items in prompts 2-10. Items to List When Selecting Records – select the items from the nominal accounts file to be listed when you press <F4-Select>; typically you would include the nominal account code and account name. Specify Copy Items – copy items from the nominal accounts file to the order header are unlikely to be required so leave these items blank. Once complete press <Enter> through any remaining lookup definitions to return to the main screen. To update the screen layout choose File from the main toolbar and then Save & Exit. If using a separate screen configuration for the Update of the Order Header then you (may) need to replicate the above changes within the Amend/View Order Header definition screen. Document Design Manager This new option is set within the document parameters for the order processing document parameters.To update select Installationfollowed by Application Manager and then Document Design Manager. From the list of application documents select the appropriate Order Processing Documents and then select the document type and then the list of documents is displayed, enter the document number required and the document mask is displayed. To update a nominal code select the Parameters option from the main toolbar
and move to screen 2 of the General Parameters by selecting the ACTION button
and selecting the required screen from the list. Use Specific Nominal Code– to use a hard-coded nominal code enter the code required here (note that the code entered will be validated to match the format but will not be validated that it actually exists). Or OH Item – as an alternative you can also reference a data item on the Sales/Purchase Order Header database to select the nominal code from. Enter the item number as required - <F4-Select> is available. To allow the operator to set or amend the nominal code
at run-time you also need to set the nominal code as a Prompts: Request
Information from Keyboard item so select the ACTION button again and move to
parameter screen 9. Name for Prompting – set the text to be prompted to the user when entering the nominal code. Size – set the size to match that of the data item or nominal code format as required. Line / Col – these prompts relate to the print position on the document layout which are unlikely to be required. Mandatory – set to force user input into this item. SOH/POH – select against this item the data item number from the order header database that holds the required nominal code; do not set items against the other databases. Note At run-time when you press <F4-Select> against the keyboard prompt the system will apply the sales income or purchase expenditure range as defined within the System Profiles to the list although, if known, you can manually enter a code outside these ranges. |
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