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Maintain Chart of Accounts - Nominal

Datafile Software

Maintain Chart of Accounts - Nominal

Only five of the seven choices on the sub-menu on the right allow you to specify any details. The details are effectively the data items to display when you enter or amend an account in full, view an account, delete an account or enter budgets

The run time choices which have no user-defined options are shown for completeness in the menu below, but enclosed with brackets.

Maintain Screen

This option allows you to design the data entry screen used to maintain nominal ledger accounts in full.

You design the screen as per the standard design parameters.

To add text to the screen you use the mouse or arrow keys to position the cursor at the start of where you wish to enter your text and type in the required label(s). To clear any text you can use the space bar.

To add a data item to the screen you use the mouse or arrow keys to position the cursor at the start of where you wish the item to display and then either ‘right-click’ with the mouse or press <F4-Select>.The list of available data items are displayed for you to select. To delete a data item from the screen use the mouse to click the item and then hit the <DELETE> key.

To draw borders around the screen choose the option ‘Border’ on the Tools pull-down at the top of the screen.

To draw a line on the screen select the option ‘Line Mode’ on the Tools pull-down and then use the mouse to click the start position of the line and then drag the line (horizontally or vertically) to the end position of the line. To delete a line use the mouse to select the line (it will turn blue when selected) and then hit the <DELETE> key. Once the line(s) has been drawn you can switch back to text mode use the option on the Tools pull-down.

Once complete choose the File pull-down option ‘Save & Exit’.

View an Account

Here you can define up to 28 data items from the nominal accounts file which are to display on the screen when a user chooses this option at run time.

You specify first the items you want to display in the left-hand column of the View Account screen, and then the items to display in the right-hand column. You can define up to 14 items for each side of this display, which you do from the parameter screen above. You can use the <F4–Select> key to select data items or enter the item number if known.

After defining the left-hand column the screen resets for you to enter the right-hand column.

Delete Account

Here you can define up to 14 items from the nominal ledger accounts file which are to show when you ask to delete an account. You specify these data items in exactly the same way as already described above for View an Account.

Enter Budgets

You need to define here the data items which are to show for the various budget options.

Enter Current Budget Year Totals – Show Which Item?

At run time this is the second of the budgeting options which allows you to change the annual budget for the current year. It normally shows the actual value for last year (in other words, the closing year balance) for comparison.

This prompts asks for the data item name for last year’s balance, but you could, if you prefer, give another value — last year’s annual budget instead, maybe. 

Previous Year Budget Totals – Show Which Item?

At run time this is the fifth of the budgeting options which allows you to change the annual budget for the previous year. For comparison it normally shows the actual amount for the year before (in other words, the closing year balance) but you could show a different value.

This prompt asks for the data item name for the previous year’s balance, but you could, if you prefer, give another value — the previous year’s annual budget perhaps.

Budget Input for Periods – Show Which Values?

At run time this is the third of the budgeting options which allows you to change the period budgets for the current year. It normally shows the actual period values for last year (in other words, the period movements) for comparison.

You are given the choice of showing either the actual movements each period last year for comparison (in which case answer 1) or the budgets entered for each period last year (in which case answer 2).

Previous Year Period Budgets – Show Which Values?

At run time this is the sixth of the budgeting options which allows you to change the period budgets for the previous year. It normally shows the actual period values for last year (in other words, the period movements) for comparison.

You are given the choice of showing either the actual movements each period last year for comparison (in which case answer 1) or the actual movements each period in the year before that year (in which case answer 2).

Sub Accounts

If using a two-level partition structure with no delimiter then this option allows you to configure the ability to auto-create a code when used.

Allow Auto-Create

Set to allow auto-creation of nominal codes for a department/cost centre when posting within the sales and purchase ledgers, nominal ledger and the order processing applications. Note: other applications allow selection of any existing code but don’t give you the option to create codes that don’t exist.

NLA Item for (1
Split) Code Allowed Only

Enter the data item number, <F4-Select> is available, for the flag data item that controls whether or not only the general department/cost centre is allowed for this item. This would be set, for example, on control accounts so that only the general cost centre can be used/created.

Department Code used for Master Only

Enter the code value to be used for the general cost centre.

NLA Item for Dept

Enter the data item number, <F4-Select> is available if required, to update the department title to when a new nominal account is created.


This option relies on the code structure being to two levels only with no delimiter between them

When enabled you are allowed to create accounts ‘on-the-fly’ in the nominal ledger, the sales/purchase ledgers and order processing.Other applications allow you to select an account but not to create one that doesn’t exist.

This option relies on a second database holding the available cost centre / department codes. The database, ???-NLA2.DFD (replace ??? with your three-letter company id), would be maintained via the DeskTop or ProFiler and has two data items – item 1 being the department code (prime-index), and item 2 being the department title (secondary index).

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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