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Link to Company / Constant File

Datafile Software

Link to Company / Constant File

 Link to Application Company

This facility allows you to link your profiler application directly to your existing Datafile accounting application. It can be usedful for two purposes. Firstly, if you wish your profiler application to be used for different accounting companies. Secondly, to allow the constants database to pick up values from the company such as name & address, current period setting etc.

Linking to multiple companies will cause the ProFiler application to use the data files of the current company selected and automatically change if you select a different company via the Datafile DeskTop. In order for the ProFiler application to know which files need to change you must specify your Location of Files as follows:

Specify an actual live file as the base file

Use ??? in the live pathnames where the application code would be e.g. ???-SLA.DFD.

The ProFiler program will replace the ??? with the current three character code of the company currently being used.

Show Current Company in Menu Headings

When using the option to link to the application company it can be helpful to clearly display the active company being used. Setting this option displays the company name after the menu heading at the top of the screen.

Use Discount Matrix

If the application is generating transactions for update to the sales or purchase ledger (either by batch update or the ProFiler Plus invoicing options) or you have designed the application to supplement order entry in Sales (Purchase) Order Processing then you may have included the discount matrix file in the location of files.If you have then setting this option allows you to configure matrix options within the screen designs.

Use System Wide References per Company

When adding records to a database you may require more than one ProFiler screen – perhaps to avoid different entry requirements cluttering the screen and confusing the operator.If automatically generating prime-index references you would want the same sequence to be used for both screens and thus the screen parameters allow you to set to use a particular system wide sequence number.

The sequence numbers (16 in all) are used regardless of the accounting company held in a file DFCONST.DEF.If, however, the ProFiler application is linked to a company and you require to use the same sequence number for several ProFiler screens, but need that reference to be unique per accounting company, then setting this option allows this application to use a file DFCONST.??? (where ??? is replaced by the company id) so that sequences are unique to the company.

Constant Database Number

A constants database may be specified as any one of the eight files in your application. This database requires no prime index and should only contain a single record. The record layout can be totally to your own format. The purpose of this database is to make the values in this database available to report definitions and the selection criteria.

The constant database should be maintained by your own screen design. Items from the constant database may be included in any report definition.

In addition, the constant database may be used in conjunction with the feature for linking to your Datafile applications whereby values from the application company such as name & address, current periods, tax rates etc. may be picked up automatically. These company values will be prompted for the elected constant database in its Data File Profiles.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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