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Ledger Enquiries - Performance Tuning


Ledger Enquires – Performance Tuning



Over time as transaction sizes grow within the Datafile system, displaying transaction lists in LIFO sequence may take longer.



Some common ways to improve performance are as follows:



Ledger Enquiry






Recommended Action



Sales Account






Create a Secondary Index on the "ACCOUNT” field in the Sales Ledger Transactions (SLT) table.






Set the Database Profiles to store the last Invoice document number in the Sales Ledger Account Table (SLA) and then re-index the Invoice file.



Sales Orders



Create a Secondary Index on the "ACCOUNT” field in the Sales Order Header (SOH) table.



Purchase Account






Create a Secondary Index on the "ACCOUNT” field in the Purchase Ledger Transactions (PLT) table.






Set the Database Profiles to store the last Invoice document number in the Purchase Ledger Account Table (PLA) and then re-index the Invoice file.



Purchase Orders



Create a Secondary Index on the "ACCOUNT” field in the Purchase Order Header (POH) table



Stock Record






Create a Secondary Index on the "Stock-Code” field in the Stock Transactions (STT) table.



Sales Orders



Create a Secondary Index on the "Stock” field in the Sales Order Details (SOD) table.



Purchase Orders



Create a Secondary Index on the "Stock” field in the Purchase Order Details (POD) table.



Works Orders



Create a Secondary Index on the "Stock” field in the Works Order Header (WOH) table.



Job Record






Create a Secondary Index on the "JOB-CODE” field in the Job Costing Transactions (JCT) table.



Purchase Orders



Create a Secondary Index on the "JOB-CODE” field in the Purchase Order Detail (POD) table.



Sales Orders



Create a Secondary Index on the "JOB-CODE” field in the Sales Order Detail (SOD) table.



Sales Order






Create a Secondary Index on the "ORDER-REF” field in the Sales Order Detail (SOD) table.



Purchase Order






Create a Secondary Index on the "ORDER-REF” field in the Purchase Order Detail (POD) table.



Works Order






Create a Secondary Index on the "ORDER-REF” field in the Works Order Detail (WOD) table.



Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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