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Article Number: 1553 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 4:59 PM
Datafile Software Document Parameters In addition to the design features accessible from the document mask there are various parameter screens which can be used to configure the printed output and the processing of the document. When you select Parameters we automatically display the first of these parameter screens.You can navigate between the parameter screens by using the options available at the bottom of the parameter screen. The PREVIOUS button, available on all bar the first parameter screen, takes you to the previous parameter screen. The NEXT button, available on all bar the last parameter screen, takes you to the next parameter screen. The OK and CLOSE buttons both return you to the document mask. The ACTION pull-down lists the parameter screens available allowing you to go directly to the required screen if desired. In addition to the buttons you can navigate between pages by use of the <Page-Up> and <Page-Down> keys. The <End> key will also take you to the next page and the <ESC> key will return you to the document mask. Note that once you have changed the value of an item then the value is updated to the definition – if you want to reset it you must either change it back or exit from the document design without saving. General Document Parameters – 1Number of lines down on documentYou may print information on a maximum of 132 lines of a document. Width of each line (max 255)You may define a width of up to 255 columns. Line where document detail startsLine where document detail finishesThese questions refer to the first and last printing lines on the page in which detail line entries are to be printed. You would allow space above for any heading details, and space below for totals, messages and so on. Credit note documentYou would normally use a different document type to print a credit note as opposed to an invoice. If nothing else, you would want the words "Credit Note” to print! If this document is to be a credit note, set this question, otherwise leave blank. The quantities and values printed on a credit note are positive, but files are updated in a different way compared to other type of document. For example, stock is increased instead of reduced and so on. Allow Credit Note Against InvoiceThis prompt controls whether credit documents are only allowed against credit flagged orders (leave blank) or if you are allowed to credit against a ‘normal’ order that has been delivered and/or invoiced. Set if required. Re-activateDe-activateThe re-activate parameter asks if you post a credit against a completed order do you want to offer to change the status back to active so it can be reprocessed. The de-activate parameter asks if you post a credit against an active order do you want to cancel the balance and complete the order.Set as required. Select which orders to be processedYou are helped at the bottom of the screen with the message: 0-you specify, 1-all outstanding, 2-every order This allows you to specify the orders which are to be displayed when you use this document.Zero allows you to specify individual orders for which you wish to print the document; 1 displays all outstanding orders in order number sequence for you to process; 2 displays each order in order number sequence, outstanding or not. Select which order details within orderOnce again you are given some help at the bottom of the screen. The purpose of this question is to decide which order detail lines within the order should be processed when the document design is used. Your choices are: 0 All — all order detail lines, regardless of status, are offered for processing 1 All o/s — only order detail lines for which the invoiced quantity is less than the ordered quantity are offered for processing. 2 Has Del date/ref — only those order detail lines which have a specific delivery date and/or delivery reference field are offered for processing. The implication is that you would have previously printed a delivery note, and you want to consider only those lines for which a delivery note was printed on a particular date, and/or which match to a particular reference. 3 Del not inv — this time you are offered only those order detail lines for which the quantity delivered is greater than the quantity invoiced. 4 Del o/s — this choice offers you only those order lines for which the quantity delivered is less than the quantity ordered. 6 Credit Any Delivered – this choice offers you lines that have a delivery quantity recorded against them 7 Credit Any Invoiced – this choice offers you lines that have an invoiced quantity recorded against them Although you must make one of these choices as you define the document parameters here, you may elect (see later) to change this when you come to use the document. Default to which order detail quantitiesThis question now asks which quantities are to be offered as default quantities (you can overtype them) on the details lines you selected through the previous question. 0 O/s qty — the quantity still outstanding, defined as the order quantity less the invoiced quantity 1 Order qty — the order quantity, regardless of how many invoiced or delivered 2 Last Del qty — each time a delivery note is printed, the quantity delivered is updated in those order detail lines for which there was one or more delivered.You would probably use this quantity if you invoice after each delivery. 3 Del not inv — this is the difference between the delivered quantity and that invoiced so far. You would use this option rather than the previous option if you could make more than one delivery before you raised invoices. 4 Del o/s — this is the difference between the original order qty and that delivered so far. 5 Credit Del Qty – this is the quantity delivered so far 6 Credit Inv Qty – this is the quantity invoiced so far 8 blank – this offers no default, not even 0, forcing the operator to enter a value to process 9 Zero — in this case no attempt is made to offer a default quantity, and you must enter the quantities yourself at document processing time. Although you must make one of these choices as you define the document parameters here, you may elect (see later) to change this when you come to use the document. Or Default Quantity from Data ItemZero After UseAs an alternative to the parameters above you can set the quantity according to the value held in a data item on the order detail record. If selected you also have the option to control whether this value is zeroed once it has been used (to prevent re-use by a subsequent document). Save Action Quantity into Data ItemAccumulateThis option allows you to save the confirmed action quantity to a data item on the order detail record and, if set, whether the quantity is added to the existing value (set to accumulate) or replaces the value (leave accumulate blank). This is useful on chained documents (see parameter screen 18). Omit prompting for detail/qty (accept above)If you leave this blank then at the time you use this document you are in effect offered the above questions again (which details / which quantity), with the answers you supplied as the default. If you set this then the order detail lines and quantities which you requested in answer to the previous two questions are automatically used for the document. If you want to use the same document definition for many different uses, then you may want to leave this blank, so that you can decide which order detail lines and which order quantities are to be offered to you. However, you can define up to twelve different document layouts for each type of document, so it is better to define a new layout for a new use and allow a menu choice, rather than change the answers at run time. Omit Part QuantityIf set then if the operator doesn’t process the line in full they are warned that part quantities are not allowed and prompted to abandon the order. If they respond ‘No’ then the action quantity on that line is zeroed. Print zero quantity selections (outstanding)If you set this option, then when a document is printed, all lines which have any quantity outstanding are printed even if there is no action quantity (that is to say, no quantity delivered on a delivery note; no quantity invoiced on an invoice). You might use this on delivery notes and invoices to show your customers that you have not forgotten that you owe them more goods, even though you are not currently delivering/invoicing any for them. Use stock file only (no stock transactions)Even though you may specify later that the stock files are to be updated when the document is printed, you choose here whether or not you want to generate stock transactions. Set if you do not wish to generate stock transactions, otherwise leave blank. If you don‘tgenerate stock transactions — perhaps because you have no use for them in your operations, this does not impact whether or not the stock master file is updated with demand and stock position.A common requirement that would mean setting this option is for Purchase Order Processing where you set to update quantity on the delivery note, but cost on invoice. Include Description Only DetailsDescription-only lines are details that have no quantity or cost information but provide extra notes options during order entry. As these notes maybe of an internal nature you can control whether or not a particular document prints these notes. Note on following prompts The next three prompts ask you which files you expect to update when you use this document. In fact you are prompted whether or not to update them at run-time once you have printed the document (and you may be forced to update them — see later) but only those sets of files for which you give an affirmative answer below. Update order header & detail filesUpdate stock & stock-transactionsUpdate ledger accounts & transactionsSet as appropriate for each set of files. These questions bear some thought as to how your own operations are to work. For example, you will want to update stock (that is decrement the stock quantity) when the delivery note is printed, so that orders entered subsequently know the stock has physically gone. On the other hand, you are unlikely to update the ledger except when you print the invoice. As an example of an unusual use of these questions, if you lease equipment then you may want to print an invoice for approval and settlement prior to updating anything at all.Once approval is given, only then may you want to update the sales ledger (because you know the invoice will be paid) and the stock files. In this case you might define a leasing invoice document which doesn’t update files, and a simple "approved lease” document which confirms approval, and does update the files. Update Alternate Invoice ValuesIf not updating the order files on an invoice document, perhaps using the lease example above, you may still want to record the ‘invoiced’ value on the order files.These prompts allow you to nominate alternate invoice values on the header and detail to update. Date / Refs OnlyIf updating the order files and set to update stock and ledger as well then the order files are updated with delivered and invoiced quantities. Setting this option only updates the date and reference to the files not the quantities and values. Omit Order Del-Q (Delivery Notes and Invoices)If processing a delivery note and updating the order files then the ‘delivered-qty’ on the order is updated due to the document type. If not updating stock you may or may not want to do this. Set as required. Generally if processing a delivery note and not updating stock and processing an invoice that does update stock you would set this parameter on either the delivery note or the invoice so that the order delivered quantity isn’t updated twice. Suspend Order (Acknowledgements and Delivery Notes only)Set to mark the order on hold after production of this document. Used in point-of-sale for cash on delivery orders. Allocate if Credit (Credit Invoices only)If processing a credit (invoice) document then this option asks whether you want to launch the sales or purchase (as appropriate) allocation procedure after updating the ledger. If not update ledger, save for F10 as document typeHdr Desc ItemIf updating the ledger then invoices within sales order processing are saved automatically to the ledger enquiry for recall (but see screen 12). For other document types this is optional. If wish to save select the document type to save as – A-Acknowledgement, D-Delivery Note, I-Invoice or Q-Quote – leave blank to not save. If you do save you can nominate an item on the order header database to use as the description in the documents list. Allow adjustments to inv qty & write-offThis feature is used where you want to write-off the balance of an order line once you have invoiced it, regardless of whether part of the original order quantity is outstanding.You would use this if you were selling (say) heating oils, a customer has ordered 1000 gallons, but the delivery lorry could only squeeze in 970 gallons. You aren’t going to make another journey to deliver the remaining 30 gallons once there is room! The normal reply is to leave this blank even though you may be invoicing part orders. Only set where you want the order line to be marked complete even if there is a quantity outstanding. NB: If a 0-qty is actioned then the line is left active. If write-off ask at each detail lineKeep on back-order by defaultDefault to back order if delivery was back order (invoice documents only)Whilst the above parameter automatically writes off the balance of an order, setting these options gives the operator control for each line over whether the balance of the line is written off or kept on back order. Set if want to allow this control (note you must also set to allow adjustments above). If prompting whether to write off then setting the ‘keep on back order…’ sets the default at run-time to ‘no’. The final prompt ‘Default to back order…’ applies on the invoice document(s) and controls the default of the write-off parameter by whether a delivery note wrote of the balance of the stock update. General Document Parameters 2The first ten parameters refer to the co-ordinates, expressed as the line number and printing column number, where you want to print the document date (or tax point); the date on which payment is due; the document number; the account code; the time the document was printed and the user-id of the operator who printed it.Note that you may print each of these items (except the time and user) in two different places on the document. If you want to print a remittance advice attached to your invoice, this lets you print the relevant identifying information on the remittance slip. For each item you are asked for the line and column number of the first place at you wish to print it, followed by those for the second. Give zero co-ordinates for any item you do not wish to print. Note it is normal to set these items from the document mask. Document sequence numbers The next few questions on this screen determine the reference number you want printed on this document. This reference number is part of your audit trail, and you should give some thought to how want it used. You may define up to 36 document layouts (subject to product level) for each company: twelve each of order acknowledgements, delivery notes and invoices.You allocate each layout its range of numbers, which are updated automatically by the program when a document is printed. The order processing systems each keep 18 counters to use for this purpose; counters 1–6 generally are used for order acknowledgements, counters 7-12 for delivery notes, and 13-18 for invoices. You may use a single range of numbers (counter) for several document definitions. For example, you may have different layouts for printing order acknowledgements but wish to use the next reference number regardless of which layout is used. In this case, all the layouts would use the same number sequence. (There is nothing to prevent you using the same counter for more than one document type if that is what you need for your operations) If you use the invoicer as well as order processing, you may want to use a common sequence of numbers regardless of which application prepares invoices. In this case you can use one of the ledger sequence numbers which are accessible to the order processing, invoicer and appropriate ledger applications. These are numbered from 19–22 as shown in the definition screen. If using multiple order processing companies, perhaps for different entry requirements, you may want to use one of the system wide reference sequences which can be accessed to maintain a number sequence across companies. Note Tax and VAT inspectors, as well as your auditor, expect to see unbroken sequences of invoice numbers. You may want to use the screen 12 option to prevent a user over-typing the document number offered, to prevent the possibility of numbers in the sequence being lost or doubled up. The current setting of sequence numbers 1–18 may be viewed from the System Status Display option of the order processing user program, whilst the ledger sequence numbers can be viewed from the ledger programs themselves. Update Which Number SequenceSelect the sequence number to use. Account Code to write missing document numbersDescription to be written for missing numbersFor invoice documents auditors like to see an unbroken sequence of reference numbers. In a multi-user environment an operator abandoning an invoice could cause a missing number (where another operator has already been allocated the next in sequence). Setting this option allows you to update a zero-value invoice to a nominated account using the reference number of the abandoned invoice. Within the description you can use ‘AAAAAAAAAA’ and ‘UUUUUU’ which are replaced with the account code and the user-id respectively. Calculate Settlement TermsCalculate on TotalsSet whether settlement discount terms are to be calculated and printed on this invoice document.Settlement is normally calculated line-by-line and accumulated but you can set to calculate on the invoice total if required. On invoice, use delivery note no if presentUse Last Invoice NumberOr use order number as document numberYou have the additional options, for invoice documents only, to specify that the delivery note number should be used as the document number (which becomes the invoice number), that the last invoice number used on the order header, or that the original order number should be used as the document number. This may make it easier for your customers to keep track of their dealings with you in certain circumstances. For example, when the two documents are printed at separate times, it is easier to match delivery notes to the invoices which follow if they have the same number. An example using the third option is where van sales staff (say) use order pads with pre-printed numbers, and you want to print invoices which use the original order number. You might use the second option for a document reprint (when not using the ledger enquiry). Note Exercise some caution before you decide to use these options. For example, part deliveries could result in two invoices with the same number — a practice which could give you particular problems with auditors or inspectors. Additionally you can only use the order number as the document number where the order number format is purely numeric and equal or less than six characters. Prices to 4 decimal places (otherwise 2)You can specify M-type fields for prices in the stock or product files. If using 4dp field set to print as such on the document. Note Extended values (for example, quantity multiplied by price) are always expressed to two places of decimals. The above question applies only to unit prices. Override Cost Price with value from detail item (POP and Premier only)The cost price is based on the unit cost picked up from the stock file during order entry. This may be affected by additional processes that you want to include in the cost price for update to stock, and used in the value of this invoice, select the data item if required. Recalculate prices from Stock File / Matrix (SOP only)Set to re-apply current pricing during the document production. Omit Warning for Credit Limit ExceededThe documents will warn where the account is over the credit limit (either when select the order to process or after the order has been processed). Set to omit this warning. User Defined Column EntriesThis parameter screen allows setting of order detail print items. Items are normally defined for print from the document mask but equally you can set the line/column to print here. Options are in this parameter include. Order Reference – allows two prints of this item. Column-1 / Column-2 – set the size of this additional item to print and the column number at which it prints. (Whether these items are in use is determined by the system profiles) Description Column / Maximum Width – set the column number at which to print the description and set the size of the description column (no of characters) Order Detail Entry No – prints the entry number on the order detail Stock / Product – set print column of the stock or product code Analysis Code – set print column of the analysis code Nominal Code – set print column of the nominal code Price Per Factor – set print column of the price per factor Tax Code – set print column of the tax code Tax Rate – set print column of the tax rate Discount Rate – set print column of the discount rate Unit of Issue – set print column of the issue unit
In addition to these parameters are the following options: Description-1 OnlyThe description for an order detail is entered as two lines. Set to print the 1stline only. Stock ImageSet to allow print of an image from the stock file on the document. When set a pop-up allows additional configuration options. Image Width (cols)Image Height (rows)The image is displayed within a ‘box’ and these parameters ask you to define the range of that box in columns and rows. The stock image is then stretched or shrunk into that box on print. Start ColumnSet the column position at which the top left of the image is to begin printing. Stock Image ItemSelect the data item on the stock records file that holds the image filename. Space Line BeforeIf printing the image below the document detail for the stock item, then this prompt asks if you wish to leave a blank row following the document detail before printing the image. Other Data AlongsideInstead of printing below the document detail you can print the image in its own column alongside the document detail. Set if required. Note that the document design mask will continue to show the image ‘box’ below the detail. Description Multi-Line Display in Pop-up boxWhen processing the document and entering the action quantity the description is set as one of the items to display. If more than one description line it can be useful to see both – set if required. Alternate Item for Description-1Alternate Item for Description-2This option allows you to nominate alternate items from the order detail file to print instead of the description items (set within the Database Profiles) Alternate Stock CodeThis option allows you to nominate an alternate item from the order detail file to print instead of the stock code. If blank then the original stock code item prints. Multiple DiscountsIf using multiple discounts then setting this pop-up allows definition of print positions, over 2 lines, of the individual discount rates. Values on Last Description Line (if after description column)Document detail items usually print on the first line. If multiple lines of description (including extra detail text) then setting this option prints the values to the right of the description on the last line of the description. Column Entries for ValuesThis parameter screen allows print of numeric values within the detail. You specify the position for the start of the significant values, the decimal values and whether the decimal point is printed. As with other items of this nature you would usually position for print via the document mask. Items available include: Quantity Price Each Quantity x Price Line Discount Amount Quantity x Price – Discount Tax Amount Total Including Tax Amount Quantity Still Outstanding Original Order Quantity
In addition various parameter options are available. Omit Quantity on Discount / Deposit lines (SOP only)Entries created for deposit and counter-sales discount are primarily value related although they are assigned a quantity of ‘1’. Set if, when printing, the quantity is to be suppressed for these entries. Omit Printing of Zero Value EntriesIf value for detail calculates as 0 set whether print of the line is to be omitted. Omit Packing ItemsPacking items are flagged order details which relate to packing charges, these lines are omitted from the detail print but a total value can be printed within the document footer. Setting this option omits the details and allows you to define the print of the total item. Text if Zero PriceIn ColumnIf price is 0 then 0.00 is not actually printed. Set here alternate text to print (say ‘FOC’) and the column at which it is to print. Text if Zero QuantityIn ColumnIf quantity is 0 (and printing these lines) then the quantity itself is left blank. Set here alternate text to print (say ‘Out of Stock’) and the column at which it is to print. Print Quantities to 2dp Where PossibleIf quantity field are set for 4dp then setting this option prints the quantity to 2dp except where the third and fourth decimal place are active (non-zero). Maximum Size of Values PrintedValue items can hold values of up to 10 significant figures (depending on item type) but rarely do values require this number. Print considerations allow you to set a maximum number of significant values to free space. NB: If amend this setting then you will need to refresh the print positions of all value items (select with the mouse and move it to where needed) Values to include ",” in thousandsSet whether value items (excludes quantity, price, discount) are to include ‘,’ as a delimiter within 1000’s – i.e. 1,000,000 as opposed to 1000000. NB: If amend this setting then you will need to refresh the print positions of all value fields as above. Space a Line between Document EntriesDash Line?Set to leave a blank line between order detail entries. If set then you can replace this blank line with a dashed line. Space n lines on change of ItemPrint Header?Set to leave a requested number of lines on change of a detail value (you would normally sort the details by this value on parameter screen 10 as well). Enter the number of lines to leave and the data item number to check. Setting the ‘Print Header’ option gives you the ability to select an item from the detail file, usually the same as the data item being checked, to print as a ‘sub-header’ for the details. Additional Charge / Overall DiscountAdditional Charge Prompt TitleAs well as the order detail line entries, you may specify one extra item to print on the document.Typically this is used, for example, to charge postage and packing. It may also be used (by keying a minus sign when the amount is entered) to allow a fixed overall discount on the whole document, in addition to any line-by-line discounts offered — percentage overall discount follow below). First type the text which is to be offered as the prompt to the user at run-time; for example, "Postage” <Enter>. You may enter up to 15 characters, including spaces. Note Where the order header file has data items for the additional charge name and amount, it is that information which is displayed at run-time as the prompt to the operator. Text PrintedLine / ColumnEnter the text label to be printed for the additional charge and the line/column it is to print at. Note if using the additional charge prompt within the order header database you should use the Order Header Items to print this instead. Use Header Charge as Default ValueSet to use any entered header charge as the default value. If left blank the default is zero with the header charge shown as a suggestion alongside. Apply which tax codeApply which tax code (alt code if EC account)Give the tax code to use in working out the tax on this additional charge/discount. The "alt code if EC account” may be needed for EC accounts, where the account tax code is defined as exempt in the tax table and so it is the customer tax code which would normally be used. Default Sales/Purchase analysis codeDefault General analysis codeDefault Nominal account codeYou must then define the default values for the analysis, general and nominal codes to be used for the analysis record written to the transaction file for this item. Key in the appropriate codes, or leave blank or zero if not required. Total entered also includes taxIn some circumstances you may quote and enter the additional charge tax inclusive. If so set this option and the system works back to the tax and net amounts to enter into the transaction from the tax-inclusive amount entered. It is more usual to enter the net amount, in which case leave blank. Enter Cost Value for Additional Charge (SOP only)OR Assume Cost Value same as the additional charge (SOP only)For cost-of-sale purposes you may want to enter the cost of the additional charge. Set to prompt, alternatively you can set the cost-of-sale as per the entered additional charge. Allow overall discountIf you want to calculate and print an overall discount, then set this option. OR Overall Discount taken from header item (SOP only)Optionally, you can nominate an item on the order header to take a default discount rate. Exclude "additional charge” from overall discountExclude "packing charge” from overall discountIn certain circumstances you may want to exclude the additional charge amount from the document total before you calculate the overall discount. For example, if you are charging postage, passing it on at cost, then to calculate a discount on that value would cost you money. Set to exclude the additional charge and / or packing from the calculation. Overall Discounts Applied by Total Order Value (SOP only)You may want to apply the discount based on the order value, giving a bigger discount for larger values.Setting this option gives you a pop-up and the ability to enter ten bands of discounts. You enter the order level UP to which the entered discount applies. Discount Message Printed if DiscountLine / ColumnYou would not want customers who don’t get a discount to know that others do which, if you entered ‘Discount’ on the document mask they would do. Enter the text to print if any discount and the line/column at which it is to print. Print Overall Discount % in Line / ColumnGive here the co-ordinates where you want the overall percentage discount (from the order header record) to print. Final Document TotalsThis screen allows you to specify the co-ordinates on the document to print the final totals for goods, discount, post discount amount, additional charge/discount amount, net amount, tax, gross invoice total, and settlement discount amount and terms. Again, as for the items in screen 3, you must specify the column numbers for the whole numbers and the decimal places separately, and whether to print the decimal point. In addition, you must give the line number for every item. Items available include: Total Quantity x Price including Tax Total Quantity x Price Total Discount Quantity x Price – Line Discount Additional Charge/Discount Net Total Before Tax (plus equivalent in Euros) Tax Amount (plus equivalent in Euros) Invoice Totals including Tax (plus equivalent in Euros) Settlement Discount Allowed (for terms 1 and 2) Settlement Discount Rate (terms 1 and 2) Settlement Discount Amount (terms 1 and 2) Settlement Discount Days (terms 1 and 2) Settlement Discount Date (terms 1 and 2) Invoice Total (2nd Print) Cost Total (SOP only) Gross Margin (SOP only)
In addition if any of the euro equivalent print items are set (where the total values are printed in the euro (€) currency as a prelude to the currency joining the euro zone) then a pop-up screen appears at the end of this screen allowing you to enter text labels and print positions for these labels. Final Discount Totals (2) – Deposit and Discount Totals (SOP only)If using the deposit or counter-sales discount entry option then this parameter screen allows print of total values including total deposit and discount, plus alternate document totals that exclude the deposit values from the print. Items available include: Total Deposits Taken Total Discount Given Invoice Total Excluding Deposit Net Before Tax Excluding Deposit Net Before Tax Excluding Deposit (2) – a second print of this item Invoice Total Excluding Deposit (2) – a second print of this item Tax Amount Excluding Deposit Tax Amount Excluding Deposit (2) – a second print of this item Goods Value Excluding Deposit In addition you can print up to four text labels which print where the payment made is positive and four labels where it is negative (i.e. refunds). You can also enter a text label for print of the total counter-sales discount. Order Header Items to be Displayed/PrintedUp to 40 items from the order header file can be printed on the document. Specify here the data item number, followed by the line and column number on which to print that data item, keying <Enter> after each.The order header file data items are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, although you can also use <F4-Select>. Two columns of ten items can be specified at one time. A question at the bottom of the screen allows you to specify a further two columns of items in a second pass. Any items in the left hand column of the first pass are displayed at run-time, and may be changed by the user before printing the document. If you do not want to display items at run-time, but do want to print them on the document, then it is better to specify them in the right-hand column of the first pass, or within the second pass. Note You may leave, in the left-hand items of the first pass, the line and column blank so that it doesn’t print on the page. This could be useful if you have certain reference information which the user needs to know before printing the document, even though this information is not going to be printed on the document. The second set of ten items, plus any further items specified during the second pass, is not displayed prior to printing. Extra Header items?If you reply set this question, then the two columns of items which you have just processed are replaced by a further two columns to allow you to specify a further twenty items.None of these items display first at run-time. Use Item Number for DateThe date processed on the document defaults to the system date. You can also select an item from the order header file to default this date.Note you should not do this on automatic documents as this will avoid the period posting checks. Print Header text?The "header text” feature allows you to store any number of text lines in the order header. If you want to print this text in the document, then set this option. The header text is printed as the very first entry within the transaction area, before any transactions themselves, and prints in the area defined for the transaction descriptions. Only non-blank header lines print. Omit detail lines?In some instances you may not want to print any detail lines at all, even though you are using them to determine the value of a document. For example, some service industries might use header text to describe the service invoiced, and want only that text, plus the total values, to print on the document. The details may be for their analysis, and be irrelevant to the customer. Set to omit printing of detail lines. Edit Header text?If you wish to allow the user to edit the header text just before the document is printed set this option, otherwise leave blank. Compress Address Lines (Premier only)If printing an address using the order header items to be printed then you can set this option to suppress blank lines within the address. Note this is only applicable if you have defined the first and last lines of the address in the advanced features of the database structure, the data items are consecutive, and you are not applying a similar option on the account items to be printed. Account items to be Displayed / PrintedYou can specify up to 30 items from the ledger accounts database to print on the document.Typically you use this to print the account name and address. The accounts file data items are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, although you can use <F4-Select> if required. Specify the data items by keying the data item number, line number and column number, pressing <Enter> after each. The first eight items specified on this screen are displayed when a valid account code is entered at run-time and can be changed. The remainder are printed (provided you supply valid co-ordinates) but are not displayed first. If, for example, you wanted to specify that the credit limit and balance should be displayed when the document is used, even though these items are not to be printed, then you could reference these items within the first eight entries, but leave their co-ordinates zero. Compress Address Lines (Premier only)If printing an address using the account items to be printed then you can set this option to suppress blank lines within the address. Note this is only applicable if you have defined the first and last lines of the address in the advanced features of the database structure, and the data items are consecutive. Only Print Account Items if Header Item=YThis setting allows you to check a flag on the order header database as to whether account items are to be printed. This may be of use in a cash sale environment. Prompts: Request information from the keyboardThis allows you to define up to 12 free-format items for input and to print as part of the header or the footer of the document. These items can also be stored in the ledger and stock transaction files if you update these files. For example, you might wish to print a shipping date or a special message for certain documents. The first six items you specify are prompted at the start of the document prior to the line entries, and the last six are prompted at the end of the document after the line entries. For each prompt you wish to use, key in the title such as "Deliver to” <Enter>. You can use up to 15 characters including spaces for these prompts. The size of the information keyed at run-time may be up to maximum of 40 characters. Key a number from 1 to 40 for each prompt used <Enter>, then key the line number and column number of the printing position, pressing <Enter> after each. Finally give the data item numbers within the ledger and stock transactions in which to store the date entered at run-time — you may use the <F4–Select> function to choose a data item from the file structure. Leave at zero any co-ordinate or data item number you don’t wish to use. Useful Tip If at run-time there is any text already present on the document in the positions given for the prompts above to print, then this is offered so that the user can accept or change it. Order detail items to be printedThis allows you to specify further items from the order detail file to print on each transaction entry in the document. The order detail file structure is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, and you can user the <F4–Select> function key to choose the data items you wish to display. Key the data item number of the item to print and the column number at which to start printing the item. There is no line number to specify here, of course, because the item will print for each transaction. Leave zero if not required. Print Detail text?If you are using the option to store a set of detail text lines for each transaction, then you may print these text lines on the document by setting this option. The text prints immediately after the details for its transaction, in the column reserved for the description. If you don’t want to print the detail text, leave this blank. Total Which Item 1/2Line / Column / Print Decimal PointIn some circumstances you may wish to total up a value in addition to the monetary value. Perhaps you need the gross weight, or the physical number of items, or the number of lines on the document. If you wish use this facility, enter here the data item number of the value in the detail file you wish to total. You may use the <F4–Select> key to choose the item from the file in the usual way. Leave this at zero if you do not wish to use this facility. If you are totalling extra values, then you can also specify the line number on which to print this total, plus the columns to print the units and decimal values, and whether or not to print the decimal point (in the same way as in screens 4 and 6). Print if no Details?Setting this option, acknowledgements only, allows the document to print when no details have yet been entered against an order (as opposed to the earlier prompt which omitted the details but the order would still have required details to have been entered before it could print). Order Detail Items to be ConfirmedConfirm ItemsYou might want to confirm the sales or purchase price of the item in each line, or perhaps enter the specific serial number of the product being shipped or received. You can choose up to two items to confirm per detail line (but you are only asked to confirm items at run-time if the action quantity is not zero). Alternate Display ItemsThe standard items displayed for each order line at run-time are the entry-number, stock-code and description of each order line. You may over-ride this standard display and choose your own set of up to five items to display instead. For example, you might want to display the stock code, the last delivery date, the last delivery quantity and the price. Remember that each line on the screen is only 80 characters long, so there is a limit to the number of items you can display, particularly if you include long items like descriptions. Sort Detail ItemsDescending?All?Order details are usually printed in the order which they were entered. Optionally you can select up to five items from the order detail file in which to sort the details for display (and confirm of action quantity) on the document. Enter items as required. If set you can also control whether the sort sequence is processed in descending order (leave blank for ascending order), and, if printing the document for multiple orders, whether to ignore the order reference in sorting the details (and thus mix all the details up). Prompt for Extra Text Description Line IF Different QtyOr IF Zero QtyThese options allow you to enter a comment input, which can be printed on the order if printing detail text, to explain the change in quantity (from the default) or if quantity processed is zero. Ask Split Quantity FormatPrint Split Quantity FormatIf entering in packs then you enter the order quantity as ‘1/6’ for example to show 1 pack and 6 units.The order record is, however, updated with the number of units and this is what is printed and confirmed on the document by default. Setting the first parameter allows you to enter/confirm the action quantity in packs/units, the second allows you to print the quantity in packs/units. For the second a pop-up allows you to specify the column number to print the value and descriptions over two lines. Accum Item in HeaderAccum Whilst InputWhen entering the action quantities for the order the system accumulates the net total before tax, VAT and total including tax at the top right of the screen. This option allows you to nominate an additional detail item (perhaps weight or quantity) to be accumulated along with them. The ‘accum’ item is only updated at the end of each screen of details, setting the second parameter updates after each detail. Optional features during printing/updatingCalculate tax with settlement discountIf you are allowing settlement discounts, then it is usual to calculate the tax on the after-discount invoice value. Set to use this feature, or leave blank as appropriate. Write only one analysis record to ledgerRecalculate tax on whole document totalsThese prompts should be answered the same, either set both or neither. If you only ever use a single tax code within a document, then instead of writing an analysis record for every line entry, you can write just a single analysis record per document. This saves space in the file but reduces the ability to analyse the information in detail, or to assign different document entries to different nominal, sales or purchase ledger and general codes. If you write only one analysis record per document, then you may also ask for the tax to be re-calculated on the basis of the document total, instead of on a line-by-line basis.These two methods can give marginally differing results for tax, due to the rounding which takes place when calculating tax on a line-by-line basis. Confirm Tax / Totals on each entry lineSet to confirm line VAT and total after entry of action quantity (and other confirm items) Exclude Tax form confirming line totals (POP only)If confirming line totals set to exclude VAT (so you can confirm total VAT at the end) Confirm Tax / Totals at the end of the document (POP only)Set to confirm totals at the end of the document. Usually set so that you can match the VAT value on the purchase order against the suppliers invoice. Include Settlement When Confirming End Totals (POP only)Set to include settlement details when confirming totals at the end of the document. Omit saving of invoice documents (if set) (SOP Invoices only)This refers to the feature whereby sales invoice documents can be stored for recall through the Ledger Enquiry DeskTop tool. If you don’t want to store a copy of this document set this question. Other documents control whether to save or not on parameter screen 1. Allow Fast OK of order header/account filesThe document processing allows you to confirm the order details are OK, the account details are OK, plus any additionally configured prompts and, before going on to the details, it asks you to confirm the details entered so far OK. Setting this option removes the last of these prompts. Force updating of filesIf set then only an affirmative response is acceptable to the run-time question "Update (order/stock/ledger) file”. If the updating of the files is to be optional at run-time, then leave this blank. Automatic Updating of FilesIf not set then you are asked separately at the end of the order to update order files, sales/purchase files, stock files and job files (depending on parameters in screen 1). Setting this option asks one question and updates all configured databases if choose to update. Update Only Demand Figures on Stock / Product FileIf updating stock set to update demand figures only – omitting update of other quantities and values. Omit option to change any detailsAfter printing the document (and not set for automatic updating of files) you are given the ability to change the order details. Whilst this may be desirable for the purposes of correcting errors it also opens the ability for operator fraud – printing an invoice with some details but updating the ledger with others. Set this parameter to omit this option. Note you should not set this if also set for ‘automatic updating of files’ as this removes this option automatically. Always accept next document no. (no overtyping)Leave blank to allow the document number to be overtyped at run-time. Setting this option ensures that the next reference in the chosen sequence is automatically used by the program for the document and cannot be amended by the operator (preferable on invoices to maintain an unbroken reference range). Use document number as Ledger Tx referenceIt would be the usual practice to use the document — i.e. invoice — number as the reference to the transaction in the ledger file. Set to do so, otherwise leave blank to allow the user to enter a reference at the time the transaction is posted (only if not updating files automatically) Remember previous description on Ledger updateOnly applicable when not set for automatic updating. The description written to the ledger transaction is prompted after the document is produced but before the files are updated. This description is normally printed on ledger statements, and may therefore be similar from one document to the next. Set if you want the program to remember the description from one document to the next — you can still overtype the description displayed. Leave blank if the description is to be typed in afresh each time. Note You can enter a ledger description when you create the order (there’s a field for this in the order header). If you do so, then this is offered to you here for confirmation or change Use document number as Stock referenceRemember previous description on Stock updateThese two prompts are similar to those for ledger above, but this time refers to the updating of the stock transaction file. Reply in the same way as above. Order complete status "C" when all qty invoicedOrder complete status "C" when all qty inv & delThese two questions control when the order detail line is marked completed. If you set the first question, then the order is marked as complete when the invoiced quantity equals the order quantity. If you set the second question, then the order is marked as complete only when both the delivered quantity and the invoiced quantity equal the ordered quantity. Change Order Reference to Order Header Item NameWhen processing the document you are asked for the order reference. You may have amended the data item and input screens to phrase this differently – Contract-No, Job-No, etc. If so setting this option replaces the default ‘Order Reference’ with the data item name of the ‘order reference’ field. Use Document Title for Display during InputThe title displayed during document processing is usually ‘Order Acknowledgement’, ‘Delivery Note’, etc.Setting this option replaces this title with the name entered as the document title during initial configuration (when setting pathnames) Print "Credit” text when negative invoiceThe value of a particular document, usually if part-invoicing, may end up being negative resulting in a credit transaction being generated rather than an invoice.Setting this option gives a pop-up which allows three text labels to be printed (and thus overlaying the default text ‘invoice’ labels on the mask). Tax / Payment Analysis TableYou may print a tax analysis on any document, to show the goods amount and tax codes used within the document. By printing these as a separate block, for example in the footer part of the document rather than as columns within the document, you can release more space to print other line entry information. Set to print a tax analysis block, and then complete the questions for the starting line number, and columns for printing the other tax details, keying <Enter> after each answer. Or Print Analysis across the PageThe tax analysis is normally printed down the page, a line per VAT code used on the order. Setting this option print the analysis across the page – a column per VAT code used. If set this you need to set the following options for line number to print the values on and gap between columns. Prompt for Multiple Payment Analysis (SOP only)If using the multiple payment options during order entry then setting this option displays the entered payment analysis for confirmation and adjustment (required for part-invoicing). Set Any Surcharge to Additional Amount (SOP only)If applying surcharges to particular payment methods (2.5% for visa payments, 50p for cheques, etc.) then to apply the surcharge to the invoice you need to set this option so the additional charge is updated with the surcharge value. Print the Multiple Payment Analysis (SOP only)Set to print the multiple payment analysis block on the invoice and then complete the parameters for the starting line number, and columns for the payment name, amount, previous payments and refunds. You can also set column headings for the previous payments and refunds that only print if there are any previous details. Special Print OptionsForce Printing of the DocumentSet so the operator is forced to print the document after entering the action quantities. Omit Any PrintYou may set this on goods received notes or supplier invoices in POP where you don’t need to keep an audit trail of these details. Force Page Out on Each PageSet to print immediately on selecting to print. Leave blank to print on completion of the order document. Single Sheet StationeryIf set then after each page is printed the system pauses for you to insert the next sheet. This is useful if need to insert special stationery for the document. Omit Printing of Any Order Details (Acknowledgements Only)Set to omit print of the order details. You may set this on a ‘Terms and Conditions’ acknowledgement document. Note this option will still only print a document where the order does have details recorded against it. Omit "Another Printout”Set to omit the option for another printout during document production. Default Printing to Printer NumberWhen printing a document the printer offered is the last used (or the default if not printed previously in Datafile this session). Set to a printer in the Datafile printer list to default to a specific printer. NB: The Datafile printer list is defined in the CONFIG sign-on. Confirm at point of printingThe printer to send the document to is selected at the start of the document process and applies for all documents in the continuous session. Setting this option asks for the printer each time you actually print the document. You should not set this on an automatic batch-run document. Automatic Print to Printer NoThis is equivalent to the ‘default’ parameter above but doesn’t offer the printer to the operator to confirm but instead automatically selects it. Number of CopiesSet the number of copies to print (1-9). This option is not restricted to use where automatic printing. Automatic Second Print to Printer NumberNumber of CopiesThis allows you to print a second copy (or multiple copies) to a second printer. Apply Auth Check to ReprintsAuthority Level for ReprintYou are allowed to reprint a document against a completed order (although you obviously cannot update the files). This option allows you to apply an authority level to this. Set to check authority level and define the authority level to be applied. Print Dates in DD/MM/YYYYDatafile processing dates are held with a two-digit year 26-99 being 1926 to 1999, 00-25 being 2000 to 2025. Setting this option prints these dates (tax date, due date) with a four-digit year. Compressed Till Print (Point-of-Sale Accessory only)If set then the detail lines continue to print until all printed and the footer follows this as on a till receipt (the print also doesn’t leave blank lines once the detail print is complete). Open Till Drawer (Point-of-Sale Accessory only)If set a pop-up asks for the COM port against which the till drawer is attached and the ASCII codes to open the drawer. Copy items between accounts/stock to transactionsThis facility allows you to copy up to 10 data items from the ledger accounts file into every ledger transaction record generated by the order processing program, and similarly, up to 10 data items from the stock file to the stock transaction file. For example, you may specify that the salesperson’s initials or an area code are copied from the account record to the transaction record, to allow later analysis of sales by salesman and region. Similarly you might copy the supplier code from the stock master file record into the stock transaction, so that you can compile a quick re-order list based on sales. For each item to be copied, key the data item number from which to copy, followed by the data item to which to copy. The "from” data item and its corresponding "to” data item must be of the same item type and size. You may use the <F4–Select> key to view and select the item numbers you want. Update stock cost price? (POP only)If you want to update the stock cost price when posting to the stock file as part of the processing triggered by this document, set this parameter otherwise leave blank. Average stock cost? (POP only)OR replace with new cost (POP only)If you elect to update cost price, then you may choose to do so either on an averaging basis or by replacing the cost price by the cost of these new items. Averaging takes the value of current stock (quantity times price) plus the value of stock on this order line (new quantity times new price) and divides this sum by the total quantity now in stock, using the resultant value as the cost price. Update Quantities Only (POP only)Update Values Only (POP only)In Purchase Order Processing you may decide you want to update the quantities at goods received stage but the cost price on the supplier invoice (when you are notified of the cost). If updating both on same document then set neither, otherwise set as appropriate. Note If updating quantities on the GRN and cost price on invoice then both documents need to be set to update stock on parameter screen 1. You would usually set the invoice also to ‘Update Stock, No Stock Transactions’ to avoid two transactions being shown for the same goods receipt (see below). Type-4 Transaction for DeliveryFollowing on from the above then you may have two transactions generated for the one goods receipt. If generating transactions on both the GRN and the Invoice one solution is to have the quantity update on the delivery note as a type 4-goods received transaction, and let the invoice to write a type 3-purchase order delivered. Copy items to ledger and stock transactionsIn the same way as in the previous screen, you can copy up to 10 data items from the order header file to the ledger transaction record; up to 10 items from the order detail file to the ledger analysis records; and up to 10 items from the order detail file to the stock transaction record. This screen is completed in the same way as described for the preceding screen. Flag Order Header Item as Being ProcessedCharacterThis option updates the set character as a flag to the order header record when an order is processed against this document. This may be used as selection criteria to run a subsequent document. Flag Order Detail Item as Being ProcessedCharacterThis sets the flag on the order detail record. Cross Reference Account FeaturesWhere you are using the delivery cross-reference account facility, then your order would normally be placed against the delivery address account code. Here you may specify up to ten items to select from the cross reference account (the account to which to post the invoice) and give their printing co-ordinates on the document. Typically you might print the main account address (screen 8) in the delivery address position, and the cross-reference account address in the "Invoice to” position. Show Cross-Ref Items in Account DisplayWhen processing the document you are asked to confirm details from the accounts file (the first 8 items printed in the account items to be printed screen). Setting this option substitutes the first 8 items from this screen (i.e. the account the order will be invoiced to). Print from account if not cross-ref?If the account code is not a delivery address, then you can either ignore the above items so that nothing prints on the document (in which case leave blank) or alternatively ask the above items to be selected from the account record and printed. Omit Standard Account Items if not cross-ref?As discussed above you use the ‘account items to be printed’ for the delivery address, and the cross-reference items for the invoice address. Setting the above question ensures that the invoice address prints at all times. Setting this parameter omits the standard account items (i.e. the delivery address) if the account details are the same. Selection criteria / auto run featuresAllow Multiple Orders per DocumentPrint Order Info LineSet to process multiple orders for one customer/supplier on a single document. Setting the second parameter gives a pop-up asking you to print five items from the order header file (plus text labels) as a sub-header for each order as the standard order header print items will be omitted. Enter Search Criteria for Order HeadersAllow ChangesSave ChangesThese questions allow you to determine which orders are to be selected at run-time, based on information in the order header. If you set the first question, then you can specify some search selection criteria on the order header file which decides which orders to process. These search criteria are then effective however you decide to look for orders. For example, in screen 1 of the specification you can request orders either one by one, just those outstanding, or all orders. The search criteria are applied to the choice you have made so that, for example, if you ask for a specific order which doesn’t match against the search criteria, then you cannot process it. For example, you might want to process all orders for which delivery has been scheduled for tomorrow, plus any which are overdue and not yet fulfilled. You would select on the scheduled delivery date being equal to or less than tomorrow’s date. The search criteria are particularly relevant to auto-run processing (see below) where you can determine precisely which orders are to be processed. The second and third questions are linked to the above search criteria, and determine whether or not the user can alter these at run time; and if so, whether or not the changes made are to be remembered and offered as the criteria the time after. Set as appropriate. In the example above, you would need to change the criteria at run-time, because you need to change the date each day. It might be helpful to write back the date too, because you then have a record (the next time the run is done) of the date which was used the previous time. If you allow changes a pop-up asks whether you want to use ‘easy mode’ where the operator can only amend the value to search and not the items being searched upon. Enter search criteria for Order detailsAllow ChangesSave ChangesThis second set of three questions applies to the order detail file, and allows you to specify selection criteria for the details which are to be considered for each order selected for processing above. For example, you might want to prepare delivery notes only for (say) products group A through C, because these are (say) the non-serial-numbered items which you can process in a batch, leaving the other items to be processed individually. Auto run (hands off) printing facilityThis question determines whether this document design is to operate on a batch run basis, or whether you are processing documents individually. Set if you want to use this document for a batch run, but leave blank otherwise. You need to check batch run specifications carefully, since there is no operator intervention other than to change selection criteria if this is allowed. For instance, in screen 1 above the answer to "which order detail quantities” is normally 1 (order quantity) for an acknowledgement, typically 0 (outstanding quantity) for a delivery note and 3 (delivered not invoiced) for an invoice. These defaults dictate the quantities printed if you are using the auto run procedure. Sort?Start New Document on Change of ItemAsc(ending)?Documents are processed in order reference order. Setting this option allows you to sort in another specified order. NB: If using multiple orders per document and auto run then the first sort item must be the account code. If set a sort item and using multiple orders you can order start a new document on change of a value (included in the sort sequence) perhaps a reference or delivery date. Auto Run without Locking FilesSetting this option omits the exclusive file lock on the orders, stock, accounts, job and batch files (as configured to update on the document) allowing other operators to continue processing whilst the document is being run. Instead orders and other records are locked individually. If an order cannot be processed due to locks then it is held to the end and retried. If fails again then a report can be printed showing the orders that the run failed to process. Auto Run Summary ScreenSetting this option, which is only applicable if not locking files, displays a summary screen whilst the documents are being produced rather than showing the process itself. This can speed up processing as the system is not updating the display. Confirm Auto-Run at Start of DocumentIf use the same document layout for automatic runs and manual processing and you are running short on available documents then setting this option offers the operator a run-time prompt whether the document run is to be automatic or not (default is to run a automatic document) Auto Select by AccountThis option relates to a ‘multiple orders’ document. If set then instead of asking for the orders to be included the system automatically includes all active orders for the selected customer/supplier. Allow Accounts ‘On-Stop’ to be ProcessedUsually you cannot print a document for an account that is flagged ‘on-stop’. You may want to print an acknowledgement which selecting this option will allow. Minimum ValueThis option prevents the production of this document unless it reaches a set value. You may use this for customers who request you only ship goods when it exceeds a value to save them delivery charges. Do Not Remember Doc Date as System DateThe date you process the document as is remembered as the system date and offered as the next date within continuous session. Set to not update the document date as the system date. Update Cost of Sales using Stock Cost (SOP only)Setting this option re-updates the cost price on the order detail from the stock file so that the latest cost is used. Confirm Invoice Status before updating (POP only)If set then the system asks whether you want to mark the generated invoice as authorised for payment. Only Allow Quantity if Physically Available (SOP only)Set on delivery notes, or invoice documents that update stock, so that the action quantity is only accepted if there is physical stock for the item. Allow Override (SOP only)Set if applying physical check to allow operator the option to override this check. Pick Quantity (SOP only)This provides an option to maintain a pick or ‘allocated’ quantity on the stock file. When set on the order acknowledgement the quantity processed is updated as picked, and then reduced on delivery note (when this is set). If Physical Check, Omit Part Quantities (SOP only)If set then if there is insufficient physical stock to complete the order then none of the line is shipped, rather than part-delivering what is available. OR Detail Minimum Ship QuantityAs an alternative to shipping none of an order line you may decide that you can ship if (say) you would ship over 50% of the order. This option asks you to nominate an item on the order detail database which holds a minimum ship quantity. (You would, if use this, nominate a calculated field of say order quantity x 0.5) Do Not Show Any Values / Terms on ScreenAs a security feature you may prefer that the operator producing the document doesn’t see credit and settlement terms when confirming the account details or see the value of the order accumulated. Set to suppress these displays. (Obviously if they are printed on the document they may still see them!) Default Bank-acc (if blank) for PaymentIf you take or send payment with orders, then you can enter payment details in the order header. To avoid the possibility that the nominal ledger bank account is left out, then you may specify the default bank account here.(It may be easier to rely on a default value than to expect telephone personnel, say, working under pressure to remember to enter a value for this.) Payment amount always Invoice amountIf you are taking credit card payments, or making payments by cheque with supplier orders, it may be easier to omit the payment value in the order header (you may not know the value until the invoice is printed) and update the ledger with the actual payment required as the invoice is printed. Set as appropriate. Highlight Character for Stock Level Check (SOP only)You might set this on acknowledgements where the action quantities are processed in full but you want an indicator to show on the document there may be a problem. Enter the character to print and a pop-up will be displayed asking for the column number to print the flag, whether to print the flag if the line is OK or if there is a problem, and optionally nominating an item on the stock file, other than physical to check. Automatically Link to another DocumentLink Next Even if ErrorLink to Document TypeLink to Document NumberAuto ModeThese options allow you to link from one document to another – say to produce an invoice immediately after a delivery note. You can only use these options if not using multiple orders per document or auto batch-run documents. Set parameter to link to another document and then select the document type (A-Acknowledgement, D-Delivery Note, and I-Invoice) and whether it is to proceed automatically. The ‘Link Next if Error’ asks if the process should continue to the next document if fail on one of them. Always Default Date to System DateSet to default the date of the document back to the system date. Authority Level to Change DateSet the authority level, 9 is the lowest, at which the operator is allowed to amend the document date. Link to Sales Ledger Statement (SOP Invoices only)If Trans Older ThanSetting these options allows you to print a statement for the customer immediately after an invoice is produced. Enter the statement number to print (1-6) and then, optionally, any aged check (i.e. only want to print the statement if outstanding transactions over 25 days etc.) Continuation / Currency OptionsContinued Over MessageMessage on Line / ColumnCarried Forward Amount ColumnOmit Footer PrintingThese parameters relate to situations were the number of details processed exceeds the amount of details that can be printed on a page so a second page is printed. You are asked for the message to print and where to print the message and carried-forward value. The omit footer parameter controls whether text, data items and boxes/lines below the last detail are omitted for all bar the last page of the document. Continued From MessageMessage on Line / ColumnCarried Forward Amount ColumnOmit Header PrintingThese parameters relate to the second and subsequent pages of a multi-page document. You are asked for the message to print, and were to print the message and value. The omit header parameter controls whether text, data items and boxes/lines above the first detail are omitted for all bar the first page of the document. Which Amount for C/F and B/F printingThis question determines the value which is printed as the carried forward and brought forward amounts, as hinted on the screen. The choices are: 1.Print the total accumulated so far of quantity times price. 2.Print the total accumulated so far of quantity times price less discount 3.Print the total of everything so far, including tax. Print Page Number on Line / ColumnPrint Page Total on Line / ColumnSet the line and column to print the page numbers as required. Allow Confirm of Currency RateSet to confirm the exchange used during document production. If not set then the current (for the confirmed date) exchange rate is used unless the order was entered with a ‘fixed’ exchange rate. Write Back and Fix Currency RateAllow Confirm of Write Back and FixIf confirming the exchange rate then the first option writes back to the order header the rate used and ‘fixes’ the rate so that subsequent documents continue to use this rate. The second option asks the operator whether to write back and fix the used rate. The next 16 prompts ask for the line/column to print various currency details. Each parameter can be printed twice and options are available to print: Currency Exchange Rate Currency Code Currency Full Name Currency Short Name Print Home Values When FC VATIn a foreign currency system it is unusual if a non-base currency customer or supplier incurs VAT.This can happen, on sales for example, were the sales was for goods consumed within the UK. When VAT is charged the Customs & Excise insist on totals being included on the document in UK Sterling. Setting this option gives a pop-up which asks for text labels to print for these items and the line/columns to print these labels and the values themselves. These details are only printed where VAT is calculated and the currency code used is not the base currency. Batch Tracking PrintingAuto Accept (SOP only)Set to accept, without prompting, any pre-allocated batches and serials. Skip not Issued (SOP only)If not pre-allocated then the action quantity defaults to 0. Primarily used for auto-run documents to prevent the procedure pausing to ask for batch/serial details. Print BatchesSet to print batch details on the document that updates stock. You can also print batches on acknowledgement documents if pre-allocated.You cannot print batch details on an invoice where that invoice does not update stock. Space a Line BeforeOR Start on LineSet the first of these options to leave a blank line between the end of the stock detail and the start of the batch detail. Set the second of these items if the batch detail is to start on the main detail.If neither set then the batch details starts immediately after the end of the stock detail. QuantitySet the print position, start column for significant values / decimal values and whether to print the decimal point, for the batch quantity. Print Batch Item / ColumnSelect up to five items from the batch file to be printed on the document. Note this would normally include the batch code item itself. Max across PageRepeat Column OffsetBatch and serial details are usually printed one per line. Setting the max across page option allows you to print more than one per line.If more than one you need to set the column offset for the second (plus) prints, this is added to the first column positions above for the second print positions (and so on). Omit Stock PrefixBatches and serials are often set to include the stock code as the first part of the batch code.Setting this option omits the stock code (and any delimiter) from the print of the batch code above. Accept Batch QuantityWhen processing the document you are asked to confirm the line (action) quantity and then asked to confirm the batch / serial details. If the confirmed details differ then you have to <ESC>, re-enter the line quantity and then re-confirm the batches. Setting this option would allow the ability to press <F7> to override the ‘mismatch’ warning and set the line quantity equal to the confirmed batch/serial quantity. If allowed you can optionally set a password that is to be entered at run-time if use the override. Order Call Off Printing (Frequency) (Acknowledgements only)If configured to the order call-off accessory then the acknowledgement documents can include the schedule breakdown against template lines. Print Call-OffSet to print the call-off schedule against a template. Only to Doc DateSet to only print the schedule up to the run date of the document. Space a Line BeforeCall-off schedule is printed immediately below the end of the stock detail. Set to leave a blank line between the detail and the schedule print. QuantitySet the print position, start column for significant values / decimal values and whether to print the decimal point, for the call-off quantity. Print Data ItemSelect up to five items from the order detail file to be printed on the document. Note this would normally include the next due date. Max Across PageRepeat Column OffsetThe schedule is normally printed one entry per line. Setting the max across page option allows you to print more than one per line. If more than one you need to set the column offset for the second (plus) prints, this is added to the first column positions above for the second print positions (and so on). Order Call Off Printing (Schedule) (Acknowledgements only)If configured to the order call-off accessory then the acknowledgement documents can include the schedule breakdown against template lines. Print Call-OffSet to print the call-off schedule against a template. Only to Doc DateSet to only print the schedule up to the run date of the document. Space a Line BeforeCall-off schedule is printed immediately below the end of the stock detail. Set to leave a blank line between the detail and the schedule print. QuantitySet the print position, start column for significant values / decimal values and whether to print the decimal point, for the call-off quantity. Column for Call Off DateColumn for Extra Items (1-5)Set the print position for the call-off schedule date and the (up to) five extra items configured for input in the Application User Facilities against the schedule. Max Across PageRepeat Column OffsetThe schedule is normally printed one entry per line. Setting the max across page option allows you to print more than one per line. If more than one you need to set the column offset for the second (plus) prints, this is added to the first column positions above for the second print positions (and so on). Update to Job CostingNB: That this option is only application for Sales Order Processing where the SOP/Job link accessory is in use. Update Job CostingSet to update job costing from this document. If set on a POP Goods Received Note or
Invoice then the costs are updated, note though that stock is not issued to the
job you would have to do this manually in stock control (if use job
costing stock issues the cost will be updated twice). Prompt for Update Description (SOP Only)Update Description from header item (SOP Only)Select the first option to prompt for the job costing transaction description on update of job costing (if not automatically updating files). The second option allows you to select an item on the order header to default this description. If linked at the detail level then the update description can be taken from the detail file. Always Write as Updated (POP only)If updating job costing on the GRN then when the invoice is updating the purchase ledger you will want to set the transactions as having been updated to the job. Set as required. Copy Items Header to Job Transactions (SOP only)Copy Items Detail to Job Transactions (POP only)Allows ten copy items from the order header (SOP if header
link in use) or the order detail (POP and SOP if the detail link is in use) to
the job costing transaction file. Datafile Software Limited will quote for new features to meet special customer needs. Any extra user-definable parameters are grouped into a further set of screen questions, and the customer is given the necessary documentation to use these special features. If you feel that there is a feature required by your company that is not already available within the program, contact your dealer. Datafile Software Limited is happy to discuss your particular requirements through them, and to provide a written quotation for programming any extra facilities. |
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