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Definable Order Pick Lists

Datafile Software

Definable Order Pick Lists

When working with sales or purchase orders you often wish to review a group of orders at any one time – you might for example wish to look at sales orders entered today or this week, review quotes entered to chase up your customer for an order or to find out why they have elected not to proceed, review your outstanding purchase orders to see if any deliveries need chasing, etc.

This new feature, similar to the Credit Control Manager in Sales Ledger or the Purchase Order Authorisation process introduced last release, generates a pick list of sales or purchase orders subject to your criteria and allows you to view or update the order as required. Up to nine separate pick lists can be defined for each order processing application.

Selecting your pick list menu option will prompt, if configured, for you to confirm or enter any required selection criteria and will then list the applicable order header records for review.

Available actions to perform against the highlighted order include:

View – links to the Order Enquiry option for the currently selected order.

Zoom – links to the Ledger Enquiry option for the currently selected order.

Update – links to the Update Order Header screen for the current order.

Details – links to the Detail Order Entry options for the current order

Edit – allows amendment of preset list of data items for the current order header.

Document – links to a nominated order processing document for the current order

Excel – outputs the current order pick list to Excel

Close – exits from the pick list


Application User Facilities

The Order Pick Lists are defined within the Application User Facilities. To update select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Managerand Application User Facilities. Select the Order Processing application required followed by Enter/Amend Orders and then Definable Picklists.

Selecting this option prompts to ‘Update Which Entry (1-9)’; up to nine separate pick lists can be configured, enter the required definition number to set / amend the pick list.

The pick list option is configured over two screens of parameters – the first screen controlling the orders included, the order they are displayed and the items displayed from them, the second screen controls the action options available.

Pick Title – set the main title for the pick list.

Specify Any Selection Criteria – set to apply selection criteria for the orders to be listed. Once set the standard criteria options are allowed.

Allow Changes to Select Criteria – set to allow the operator to make changes to the criteria.

Remember Changes to Selection Criteria – set to remember any run-time changes to the criteria and offer as the default criteria next time.

Start from Header Slot No – over time the Order Processing databases can become quite large and the Order Pick list would search all of these records to find orders to include which could take some time on these larger systems. A Datafile Database contains ten ‘slot’ or control numbers that can hold record numbers and these can act as a starting point for various procedures throughout the system – for example the sales ledger transaction file holds a slot for the ‘highest updated to nominal’ and this acts as a starting point for the next nominal update. This option asks for any slot number which holds a starting record number for this order pick list. Note though that this slot number is not maintained through the pick list process, a separate ProFiler application would be needed for this.

Items to Display – select from the order header database up to ten items to be listed within the order pick list. If the items selected are sized greater than the screen width then a horizontal scroll bar is activated, if the items are smaller than screen width then the largest left-aligned display item is expanded to fit the screen.

Sort On Items – select up to four items from the order header database to sort on.

Ascending or Descending– set whether to process the sort items in ascending.

Allow... – set to allow the nominated action. Options allow you to view the order enquiry, link to the Ledger Enquiry, Update the Order Header or Details, Edit nominated order header items, print a nominated document or output the list to Microsoft Excel.

Link Document Type – if the document action is enabled this option allows you to select the document item to be printed. Select A-Acknowledgement, D-Delivery Note or I-Invoice.

Which Document Entry Number– select which document (1-6 on Diamond, 1-24 on Premier) is to be processed.

Automatic Mode – set whether the document is to be processed automatically or not.

EDIT Action Items / Upd – select up to fifteen items from the order header database that can be viewed via the Edit action, tick the update input against each item as required to allow the item to be changed. Note that you should not select any ‘processing’ items on the edit action – i.e. the likes or the reserved, credit or status flag fields – nor are any ‘select’ options available against the nominated items.

Application Menu Design

The Pick Lists need to be individually added to the application menu’s as required; this is achieved via the CONFIG user-id. Sign on as the CONFIG user and select the Application Menu Design – the main Sales Order Processing menu is usually SP.D03 (PP.D03 for Purchase Order Processing) – select this or an alternate menu as required. An application menu offers two columns of nine actions, select the left or right option and move down to the required blank entry. Enter a menu title and press <Enter> to set the parameters.

Applic, Program or Notes A for Application

Menu Name or Program Path SP.EXE / PP.EXE

Parameter No 791n (where n is 1-9)

Other options can be set as necessary.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.2
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