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Timesheet Authorisation

Datafile Software

Timesheet Authorisation

The Timesheet entry process can, depending on the number of employees entering timesheets for, be a intensive process with a small number of authorised staff entering timesheets for a large organisation.

This new feature opens up the timesheet entry process so that the employees can enter their own timesheets and they sit on the job costing system ‘unauthorised’. The authorised staff can then review the entered timesheets, edit where necessary and then authorise the timesheet so it becomes a ‘real’ transaction.

Timesheet Entry

When configured for Timesheet Authorisation the basic entry processes are unchanged – selecting the employee cost code and then entering the timesheet details (the jobs and operations the employee was working on).

If the employee cost code has previously entered timesheets that are currently unauthorised then selecting the employee cost code brings in the unauthorised transactions which can be edited or deleted as required and new entries added.

On completion of the timesheet entry you will be prompted with the total values and asked ‘OK to Save Timesheet for Authorisation’. If you respond ‘No’ you’re taken back to the timesheet entry screen, if you respond ‘Yes’ the unauthorised transactions are written.

The system creates a type ‘5-TUNA’ transaction (Timesheet Unauthorised) on the Job Transaction file for each of the timesheet entries, on update of the job file instead of updating the standard actual values / hours / costs the system updates holding ‘unauthorised’ value / hours / cost items.

If the operator entering the timesheet isallowed to authorise timesheets then on update of the timesheets the operator will be prompted ‘Do You Want to Authorise This Timesheet Now?’ and, if yes, the timesheets are updated as standard.


 If, when entering timesheets for an employee cost code, and the system brings in previously unauthorised transactions then, on re-update of the transactions the system marks the original set of transactions as ‘in active’ and writes the transactions anew.

Unauthorised timesheet transactions will not be updated to Payroll.

It is recommended that you enable the option to record timesheet dates per entry line rather than applying the one date for all details. If do not prompt for dates on a line-by-line basis then if the system brings in earlier timesheets that are still unauthorised they keep their original entry date when written back (even if amended), similarly on authorisation they keep their original date.

Timesheet Authorisation

The Authorisation procedure operates on a similar entry screen basis to the timesheet transaction entry. On selection of the employee cost code and entry of the timesheet ‘up to’ date the system lists the applicable unauthorised timesheets (if more than one screen then they are listed a screen at a time) and then the system asks whether you wish to edit the entries or authorise.

Editing the entries takes you into the timesheet details and from then operates in the same way as the standard timesheet entry. If you edit an entry but then abandon any edited details are not remembered, and if you begin to authorise again the system reverts to the earlier entered timesheets.

Authorising the timesheets marks then ‘unauthorised’ transactions as ‘in active’ and creates the standard timesheet transaction records. On update of the job file the system reduces the value of the unauthorised transaction totals by the originally selected entries, and increases the standard value, hours and cost items by the authorised values.

After authorising the details for one employee the system will ask if you wish to authorise for any more– if ‘no’ you are returned to the menu.


 If period control in use for Job Costing (see later in this supplement) then you must have no unauthorised transactions for the current period before you can proceed with the period end.


Database Changes

Extra items are required on both the Job File and the Job Transaction file for this facility. To restructure a database select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Restructure a Database. Select the Job Costing application and choose to update the live files and then select the Job File (JOB) or the Job Transaction file (JCT) respectively. Once selected moved down to a range of blank items within the database and enter the appropriate items below.

File Item Name Type Description

JOB UNAUTH-VALUE K, L Holds the total value of unauthorised timesheet transactions.

JOB UNAUTH-HOURS K, L Holds the total number of unauthorised hours

JOB UNAUTH-COSTS K, L Holds the total value of unauthorised costs

JCT INACTIVE-TX ? Flag to identify transaction as inactive.

JCT ORIG-VALUE K, L Holds the pre-mark-up value of the timesheet transaction (if a timesheet is marked up the standard value item on the JCT is increased on entry but reverts to this value on authorisation before the mark-up is re-applied on authorisation)

JCT AUTH-BY X (6) Holds the user-id of the operator who authorised the timesheet

JCT AUTH-DATE D, E Holds the date the timesheet was authorised

JCT AUTH-TIME N Holds the time the timesheet was authorised

Once the required data items have been entered press <ESC> and select to update the database changes. When prompted confirm to extract existing data and table values (if necessary). Once the update is complete you may be prompted to update the base files, if required update the same changes (at the same item positions) to the base job / job transaction file.

Database Profiles

The new data items need to be referenced within the Datafile Database Profiles. From the main menu select Installation followed by Application Manager, then Set Database Profiles and then the Job Costing application. The Job ‘Unauthorised’ Values are referenced within the Job Actuals, Job Accum Hours and Job Accum Costs parameter screens for each of the unauthorised totals respectively. The Job Transaction item for ‘InActive-Tx’ is referenced within the Cost Trans Items 1 screen (NonActive) and the Authorised flag items and Original Value in Cost Trans Items 2.

Profiles are set against the input items on the left of the screen and you need to enter the data item numbers for the new items created against the appropriate prompts.

Application User Facilities

To enable the Job Timesheet Authorisation options additional parameters have been added to the Application User Facilities for Job Costing. To update the parameters select Installation from the main menu, followed by Application Manager and then Application User Facilities. Select the Job Costing application, followed by Job Cost Details and move to the second screen of parameters.

Prompt for Date on Timesheet Lines – whilst not necessary for timesheet authorisation it is recommended this option is set so that individual entries can have a date set rather than a ‘batch’ date.

Authorise Timesheets – set to allow the facility for timesheets to be authorised.

Authority Level Required to Authorise – set a general authority level at which operators can authorise entered timesheets. Operators below this level can enter timesheets (subject to Security & User Manager settings) but cannot authorise them. Authority level can be set from 0-9 where 0 is the highest authority level and 9 is the lowest, if left blank then only the named operators below can authorise timesheets.

Allow to Authorise from User Id – allows up to five operator id’s to be entered who can authorise timesheets (these id’s override the authority level set above, i.e. if nominated user has an authority level of 4 but general authority to authorise is 2 then this user is allowed but no other level 4 users would be)

Menu Design

The standard timesheet entry option is used to enter the unauthorised timesheets but a new menu option is required to authorise the timesheets entered.Sign on as the CONFIG user and select the option Application Menu Design and choose the menu to update (the default job costing menu is JC.D03) and then confirm to update either the left or right-hand side of the menu. Once opened moved down to a blank entry and enter a menu title of ‘Authorise Timesheets’ or an alternate title of your own and press <Enter>

Applic, Program or Notes P-Program

Menu Name or Program Path JC.EXE

Parameter 3101

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.2
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