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Salesperson Access Filter for Sales Accounts and Sales Orders

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Salesperson Access Filter for Sales Accounts and Sales Orders

This new feature, applying to options in Sales Ledger and Sales Order Processing and their respective Ledger Enquiry tools, allows you to restrict access to accounts and orders where a salesperson analysis item matches the code referenced against the operators user-id.

User ID Maintenance

When amending the user parameters within the MASTER sign on a new option has been added to link the user to a Salesperson analysis code.

Salesperson Code – enter reference from 1-9999 to restrict access to sales accounts and sales orders to those records with a matching reference. Leave as 0 for unrestricted access.

Sales Ledger

Within the Sales Ledger changes have been made to the primary maintenance and reporting tools to restrict access to the accounts and transactions to those with a matching reference subject to standard security settings. Where <F4-Select> is available to select an account then only those accounts with a matching reference are restricted, in addition changes have been made to:

§ Account Maintenance – all users can add an account and set salesperson reference. Users can only update, view, delete, etc., accounts where the salesperson reference on the user id matches that of the account.

§ Sales Transactions / Allocations – users can only enter transactions or perform allocation options were the salesperson reference matches that recorded on the account.

§ Credit Control Manager – the list of accounts displayed is restricted to those with matching reference.

§ Statements – user can only print statements for accounts with a matching salesperson reference.

§ Enquire Account Details – user can only enquire on accounts with matching salesperson reference.

§ Reports – user can run any report but system restricts the account reports (account listing, account status, etc.) to those accounts with matching salesperson reference and restricts transaction reports to those transactions with matching reference. Where a report details account and transaction detail (aged debtors, ledger control summary) then the system restricts based on the account reference matching the salesperson. Note that the Additional Reporting option lists Report Generator actions which do not apply the salesperson filter.

§ Account and Transaction Pick Lists – user can run any pick list but restricts the accounts and transactions listed to those with matching references.

§ Sales Account Ledger Enquiry – restricts access to accounts based on matching salesperson reference. Note that no further restriction is placed on access to transactions / sales orders etc. from that account – if have access to the account have full access to the enquiry tools off this (subject to other security settings).

Period End

Period End procedures need to process all accounts. Whilst the reporting options will restrict access based on matching references, the nominal update and period end tools will process all accounts. However, these options should really only be run by those users with unrestricted salesperson access.

Sales Order Processing

Changes have been made to the order entry and the general document and reporting tools to restrict access to orders with matching salesperson reference where set. As with the Sales Ledger the <F4-Select> process for selecting an account or order will only show and allow selection of those accounts/orders with matching reference. In addition changes have been made to:

§ Order Entry – when adding sales orders the system filters the accounts available on the matching reference. Once the order is added then the Update, View, Details options restrict access to those orders with a matching salesperson analysis.

§ Document Processing – when processing manual acknowledgement, delivery and invoice documents the system will only allow selection of orders with matching salesperson reference. Where automatic orders are concerned the system will also process only those orders with matching reference and report that some orders not processed as not ‘authorised’.

§ Reports – as with the Sales Ledger the system filters the reports based on the primary reporting database so order header reports (order status summary, list order headers etc.) are based on the salesperson analysis code on the order header, detail reports (outstanding orders etc.) are based on the salesperson analysis code on the order detail file. Where a report includes details from both the order header and order details (sales order specification) then it’s the order header salesperson filter that is applied. Again the Additional Reporting option which links to Report Generator does not filter

§ Order Enquiry - user can only enquire on orders with matching salesperson reference.

§ Order Pick Lists – user can run any pick list but restricts the orders listed to those with matching references.

§ Sales Order Ledger Enquiry – restricts access to orders based on matching salesperson reference. Note that no further restriction is placed on access to details / sales account etc. from that order – if have access to the order then have full access to the enquiry tools off this (subject to other security settings).


Other actions outside of these applications – including Invoicer, Invoice Costing, Invoice Generator, Profiler and Desktop Database Tools – do not support the salesperson filter and will allow access to all records.


Database Changes

New data items are required on the Sales Account, Sales Transaction, Sales Order Header and Sales Order Detail files to allow recording of the salesperson analysis code.

To add these new items select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Restructure A Database. Select the appropriate application, elect to update the Live Files and then select the required database. The existing data items are then displayed on screen, scroll-down to the next available blank entries and create the following items:

File Item Name Type Description

SLA Salesperson N, T Holds the salesperson analysis code associated with the account.

SLT Salesperson N, T Holds the salesperson analysis code associated with the transaction.

SOH Salesperson N, T Holds the salesperson analysis code associated with the sales order header.

SOD Salesperson N, T Holds the salesperson analysis code associated with the sales order detail.


If a sales account is tied to a salesperson and you do not wish to change the salesperson against the sales order then the simplest set-up would be to use a T-Table type against the account record and N-type items against the other three databases.

An alternative option, of particular use when changing salespersons on the sales order, would be to use an N-type item for the salesperson analysis on all four databases and create a lookup database for the salespersons.

To insert a new item press <Enter> against a blank entry, enter the title as required and press <Enter>, select the item type (using the drop-down list if required), and depending on item type select the size required.

Once the additional item has been recorded press the <ESC> key and select the UPDATE button to save the database changes.When prompted respond ‘Y’ to the prompts to ‘Extract Existing Data to New Database Structure’ and, if appropriate, ‘Copy Table Entries from Old Database to New Database. Final prompts ask to ‘Remove (.OLD) Database’ and to ‘Carry Out the Same Restructure on the BASE File as Well’ – respond as required.If you select to update the base file you need to manually insert the new items at the same data item positions as on the live file. Repeat for all required databases.

Table Maintenance

If Salesperson items configured as T-Table items then will need to define the analysis descriptions for the appropriate databases. To define select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Table Maintenance. Select the appropriate application, elect to update the Live Files and then select the required database before selecting to Update Table Descriptions

Scroll through entries setting descriptions as required before selecting SAVE. Repeat for each appropriate database.

Database Profiles

The new Salesperson analysis items need to be referenced within the Database Profiles for the Sales Ledger and Sales Order Processing applications. To define select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Set Database Profiles.

For the Sales Ledger the Salesperson analysis items are referenced on Account Optional 4 and Trans Optional 4. For Sales Order Processing the Salesperson analysis items are referenced on Header Mandatory and Detail Optional 6. Reference each new data as required.

In addition you will need to define copy items within the Database Profiles for Sales Order Processing to set copy item for the Salesperson code within the Acc to Hdr parameter screen and Hdr to Det parameters screens. If not allowing change of salesperson code on the sales order you can also define a copy item from Acc to Trans within the Database Profiles for the Sales Ledger.

Document Design

If allowing amendment of the sales analysis code on the Sales Order then you will need to set a copy item from the Order Header to the Sales Transactions within your invoice and credit documents.

To update the Document Design select Installation from the main menu followed by the Application Manager option and then Document Design Manager.Select the Sales Order Processing application and the Invoices document type as required before entering the parameter number of the document to update. When the document mask is displayed on screen select the Parameters option from the main toolbar to display the first screen of parameters. Copy Items are defined on parameter screen 16Copy Data Items from Order Files – use the ACTION button to move to this parameter screen.

Within the Order-Hdr to SL-Trans items reference the data item numbers for the salesperson analysis codes.

Application Screen Layouts

To record the Salesperson analysis code against the customer account and, optionally, allow amendment of the salesperson against the sales order the new salesperson analysis items need to be updated onto the customer and order maintenance screens.

To update the screen layout(s) users can sign on as the SYSTEM user-id (or if Premier any user with Installer rights) and right-click on the Customers menu option before selecting the Add New Accounts Screen.Alternatively users can select the Installation option from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Application User Facilities. Select the Sales Ledger application before selecting Maintain Accounts and then Add New Accounts.

To insert the salesperson link you’ll first need to add a text label of ‘Salesperson’ (or similar), to do this use the mouse to position the cursor where required and then type the required text. To insert the data items position the cursor where required and press the <F4-Select> key and choose the date item required. Set whether items are view-only, mandatory or require uppercase input as required.Once complete choose File and then Save & Exit.

If allowing amendment of the salesperson within Sales Order Processing you’ll also need to amend the order entry screen. To update the screen layout(s) users can again sign on as the SYSTEM user-id (or if Premier any user with Installer rights) and right-click on the Order Entry menu option before selecting the Enter New Order Header Screen. Alternatively users can select the Installation option from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Application User Facilities. Select the Sales Order Processing application before selecting Enter/Amend Orders and then Enter New Order Header Screen. Once complete choose File and then Save & Exit. Before exiting completely review the Update Order Header Screen option, if this is set to use the same screen as Add then changes are complete, if not then you will need to duplicate the above change(s) as required.


If using N-type items for salespersons and created a database for the salesperson codes then you can define the lookup database tools within the screen layouts via the Tools pull-down menu.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.6
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