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Sales / Purchase Transactions - Application User Facilities

Datafile Software

Sales / Purchase Transactions - Application User Facilities

This part of the Application User Facilities allows you to select the optional transaction features that you wish to use.

Screen 1 - Transaction Features

Reference Always Numeric

This feature allows you to specify whether the transaction references are to be strictly numeric.You can control the reference for each transaction type separately.

Add One to Ref if Numeric

If you have set the transaction reference to be numeric you may set this subsequent option to automatically increment the reference number during transaction processes.

Omit Overtype of Value

If the reference is always numeric and is automatically incremented in value then this option allows you to prevent the operator overtyping the reference number.

Credit Notes in Same Invoice Reference Sequence

If you wish the reference number on credit notes to be part of the same sequence as that used for invoices then set this option. If left blank then credit notes use their own sequence.

Calculate Tax Amounts for Confirming

If you set this option then the system automatically calculates the VAT as part of the transaction input procedures (although you can overtype). If left blank then the VAT amount must be manually entered.

Calculate Tax Backwards from Gross

For business where prices include VAT it may be convenient to key the goods amount inclusive of VAT and the system calculate the VAT element. Set to apply this option.

Enter a Document Total before Details

Document totals are the sum of all the line entries. An invoice for £100 may consist of five individual line entries for £10, £15, £20, £25 and £30. If you set this option you are prompted to enter the document total, including VAT, prior to inputting the document detail lines. If left blank then the program does not prompt at the start. This item must be set on a currency ledger.

Automatically Accept Document Totals

If omitting the prompt of document totals at the start of the invoice, then this option controls whether the line values are automatically totalled for acceptance as the document total or if you manually enter the total for validation at the end of detail input. Set this option if you wish to automatically accept totals.

Allow Create New Account from Transactions

Set to allow creation of a new customer/supplier account when entering transactions (via F7-options key on account code input).

Give Help Messages for Cheque Printing (Purchase Ledger)

The cheque printing procedure relies on payment records with a blank reference to print a cheque.Setting this option gives a help message when a reference is prompted for on payment input, to suggest you leave the reference blank.

Omit Allocation if Invoice Flagged

If set then the allocation processes only allow you to allocate transactions with a blank status code – i.e. on the Purchase Ledger you would be prevented from allocating an unauthorised invoice.

Take Available Discounts on Auto Pay (Purchase Ledger)

If set then any available settlement discounts are automatically included when running the automatic generation of payments procedure.

Include Credits on P-to-Pay (Purchase Ledger)

If set then any unallocated credit transactions are automatically included when running the proposed-to-pay routine.

Default anal/nom on first entry only

The default analysis and nominal codes are defaulted for each detail line on an invoice. As you complete the detail entry by pressing <Enter> on a blank input then defaulting the analysis code means you have to blank out the default value before pressing <Enter>. Where most transactions only contain one detail setting this option can speed processing.

Extra Header Items
Extra Detail Items

These options allow you to enter extra detail when inputting invoices, credits and invoice adjustments.Up to seven items can be input at the header level and a further seven at the detail level. The header level items are updated to the main and analysis transactions, whereas the detail level items are prompted for each analysis line.

Screen 2 – Transaction Features

Transfer of Outstanding Balances

This facility defines the defaults to be used in the ‘Transfer Invoices’ allocation action.The account code is used as the default code (a different code can be input at run-time). The nominal, general and analysis codes defined here are used automatically (these are usually set to be identical so the invoice adjustment and the new invoice will cancel each other out from an analysis point-of-view).

Alternative Titles in Transactions

This facility allows you to define alternative titles for the reference, description, analysis and stock inputs on the main transaction screens.

Perform Lookup to external file for validating / updating? (P/L only)

This option allows lookup to another Datafile Database when entering purchase invoice (and credit) transactions. This could be used to lookup to the customer accounts or orders file so you can analyse purchase costs against sales. When set a pop-up allows further configuration.

Lookup Database

Enter the pathname of the database to be looked up to.

Lookup If Account

This option allows you to restrict the ability to select a lookup record based on a flag set on the supplier account record – for example if entering service charge invoices such as electricity or gas you would be unlikely to analysis them against a specific customer or sales order. Select the data item from the purchase accounts file – if set then the lookup is only prompted if flag set to ‘Y’, if not set then prompts for all transactions.

Lookup Format

Enter the lookup format to be applied – i.e. AAA999, 999999, etc.

Select Items

Select up to five items from the lookup database to be listed when using <F4-Select>.Note this affects the items listed, the items you can select against are the prime and secondary indexes of the database concerned.

Display Item CONF (for Confirmation)

Select the item from the lookup database to be displayed to the operator for them to confirm they have selected the correct lookup record.

Copy Item for DESC (Description)
Copy Item for USER1
Copy Item for USER2
Copy Item for USER3

Select items from the lookup database to be updated to these items on the transaction file. Note unlike other lookups if you wish to record the lookup code itself against the transaction you would need to copy this into one of the items above.

Validate User 1/2/3

If using this for the example of tying a purchase invoice to a customer / sales order then all details will be assumed to relate to that customer / order. If details primarily relate to the one customer / order but occasionally they can relate to a mixture then setting this option allows you to lookup from the user 1/2/3 fields to the same database.

For this option you would copy the lookup code from the lookup database to (likely) the user 2 or 3 fields leaving the other copy-to-user fields blank. Setting this option will then also allow <F4-Select> from the active user fields (active being those which have a copy item to them).

Mandatory Lookup

Set if operator is to be forced to enter a lookup code, both at initial ‘header’ level and on the detail level if the ‘validate’ prompt above set.

Update Back to Lookup

Set to allow update of transaction date, reference, account and amount back to the lookup record.

PLT Item to Check

You can restrict the copy back to lookup based on a value on the generated PLT record, you might want to copy back to different fields based on whether it’s an invoice or a credit.The check item can only be a ‘flag’ style item – a Y/N field or a 1-character X/Y type field. Note that if set to ‘Validate User 1/2/3 ’ then the PLT item to check is read from the type 9 ‘analysis’ record, if not set the PLT item to check is read from the type 1/3/4 ‘header’ record. Leave blank to copy back for all transactions.

If PLT item equals

If checking an item to restrict the lookup you can enter the value to be matched for the lookup to take place here. You have two sets of copy back items that can be configured – i.e. the first set is copied back if invoice (Type = 1), the second set if credit (Type = 3). If not applying an item check then leave this blank.


These prompts ask for the data items on the lookup database that are to be updated with the PLT date, reference, account or amount – set the items required to be updated. There are two sets of items to reference if using the PLT item check, if not using the check feature then the first set of items are copied back as configured. Note: the amount copied excludes VAT.

Copy TX Header Item into TX Detail – Refer. to User Item 2 or 3 (P/L Only)
Copy TX Header Item into TX Detail – Desc. to User Item 2 or 3 (P/L Only)

These options allow you to copy the reference/description inputs entered on to the transaction header to act as defaults for the user 2/3 inputs on the analysis lines. You enter here the user item number you wish to update.

Check for Duplicate Reference on INV/CRD for Ref/Desc/User-1 (P/L Only)

To prevent duplication of invoice entry, enter here one of the stated items to be checked for duplication.Item selected must be a secondary index on the purchase transaction file.

Screen 3 – Transaction Features (Screen 4 for Purchase Ledger)

Sort Allocations on Items
Sort Descending Sequence

The transactions displayed in the allocation process are by default displayed in FIFO order. Here you can nominate up to four items to sort the display on together whether these sort items are to be processed in descending sequence.

Mark Type 9’s with Allocation Date on Final Allocation

When a transaction is fully allocated the allocation date is recorded against it. When running commission reports it is often useful to run them against the analysis transactions rather than the ‘header’ transactions but if you only pay commission on ‘paid’ invoices the analysis transaction didn’t contain this information. Setting this option means the allocation date is updated onto the analysis transaction and thus can be identified as ‘paid’.

Pick up Cost Price from Stock File (Purchase Ledger)

If the purchase ledger is linked to Stock Control then you can enter the quantity and cost to be updated.This option, if set, defaults the cost price to the current cost on the stock file.

Screen 3 – Transaction Features (Purchase Ledger)

Pre-set Selection Criteria for Proposed Payments
Allow Change

This option allows you to set default selection criteria on the supplier accounts that are to be processed when running the proposed payments procedure. You could, for example, default the run to only processing accounts flagged for BACS payment. The ‘Allow Change’ option controls whether you are allowed to amend the criteria at run-time.

Alternative Full Definition Pathname

The ‘Manually Generate Payments’ procedure allows production of a remittance advice. This advice is ‘hard-coded’ except for the configuration options below. This option allows you to nominate a statement design configured as a remittance to be used instead.

Print Only Transactions Selected

If set then on the printed remittance, only transactions included in the payment are shown.

Omit Print of Payment Transaction

If set then on the printed remittance, the actual payment generated from the ‘Manually Generate Payments’ process is not included, in the transaction detail.

Which Printer Control Set

Applying to the ‘hard-coded’ remittance advice this prompt asks for the print style to apply.

Remittance Advice Headings

Applying to the ‘hard-coded’ remittance advice these four prompts allow you enter your company details for print on the remittance.

Account / Transaction Items Printed

Applying to the ‘hard-coded’ remittance advice these prompts allow you to select up to six items for print from the accounts file (used for the suppliers name and address) and one from the transactions file (used for the reference or description). Select the data items required.

Screen 4 – Transaction Features (Sales Ledger)

Pick Debts: Run-Time Selection Items

These prompts allow you to select up to five items from the customer record to be used as criteria for including / excluding accounts from the credit control pick list. Whilst you would usually use ‘?’ items, you can select X, D or E types. The criteria works on a null / not-null process for the non ‘?’ item types so, for example, you could include one of the statement date fields so that only accounts which have had a warning statement are picked up.

Up to five items can be selected and for each item you enter the data item to check and the prompt to be shown on screen to the operator for it.

Linked to Statements

The credit control options can be linked to up to five statements which are processed in increasing order of severity of the debt. For each statement option you select the document to print (1-6 corresponding to the entry in the statement document design) and a prompt to be shown for that statement.

Exclude if Omit Stm?

Set to exclude accounts which are flagged not to receive a statement from the credit control procedure.

Omit Column for: Stop Status
Omit Column for: Comment
Omit Column for: Memo
Omit Column for: Last Pay

Set to omit these items from the column pick list. This will increase the detail of the account name shown.

Show Comments before Print

Set to display the comments recorded on the account in a pop-up on print of a statement from the credit control procedure.

Warn if Save Aged Not Run for X days

Set number of days since last run before the system offers to run the save aged analysis on selection of the ‘Credit Control Manager’. Typically you would set this to ‘1’.

Item to View A/C

Up to fifteen data items from the accounts file can be set for display on the MORE/ZOOM option.These will typically include the contact details for the customer – telephone, fax, etc. If no items are set a pre-defined list of items will be displayed.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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