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Omit Statement Print for Flagged Accounts

Datafile Software

Omit Statement Print for Flagged Accounts

The statement and remittance print process all accounts subject to eligibility and activity criteria (i.e. account balance etc.). To omit statements for accounts such as cash sales or other ‘internal’ accounts you had to enter selection criteria. This option allows you to flag an account so that no statement is printed.


Database Changes

A new data item is required on the sales/purchase accounts file. To add the item select Installation off the main menu and then select Application Manager followed by Restructure a Database. Select the sales or purchase ledger as appropriate, respond Y to change the live files, and then select the accounts file. Scroll down until you find a blank entry and press <Insert> to add the new item.

Data Item Type Description

OMIT-STM ?-type Flag to identify accounts that are to be omitted from the statement print.

Once the new data item has been entered and you have returned to the list, press <ESC> and choose UPDATE to update the database with changes. When prompted respond ‘Yes’ to extracting the data and copying the table values.

Set Database Profiles

You need to reference the new data item within the Database Profiles. Select Installation off the main menu, followed by Application Manager and then Set Database Profiles. Choose the appropriate ledger and select the parameter screen Account Optional 4.

Against the prompt ‘Omit Statements’ reference the new data item.

Application Screen Layouts

To allow the operator to mark an account as being omitted from a statement run you need to amend either the main accounts screen or one of the extra maintenance screens.

Select Installation off the main menu, followed by Application Manager and Application Screen Layouts. Select the appropriate ledger and then select the screen to update.

To insert the text label, i.e. ‘Omit Statement Print’ or words to that effect, use the mouse to click where you want the text to start and type the text required. To insert the data item, ‘right-click’ with the mouse where you want it to display and choose the item from list. You will then be prompted whether the item requires mandatory input, upper case input or is view-only, reply as appropriate (suggestion would be that upper-case input is set but none of the others).

Once the item has been added to the screen choose ‘Save & Exit’ off the File pull-down menu.

Document Design Manager

To omit flagged accounts from the statement print you need to set an option within the statement parameters.

To update the document layout select Installation off the main menu, followed by Application Manager and then Document Design Manager. Select to update either the sales or purchase documents as appropriate and then enter the number of the statement you wish to update.Once the statement layout is displayed on screen choose Parameters from the tool bar, parameter screen 1 - ‘General Document Parameters 1’ - is displayed.

Check Account Statement Flag=Y omit

Set this option to omit flagged accounts from statements/remittances printed with this document layout.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 5.6
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