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Generate Stock Transactions (9909)

Datafile Software

Generate Stock Transactions (9909)

This feature allows the update of stock values and the generation of transactions from Profiler screens. This could be used, for example, in a Sales Order Processing front-end allowing the update of stock reserved values.

Within the screen design select ‘Parameters’ and the option ‘Extra File / Record Lookup and Updating’ followed by ‘Custom Points’.

Set the option number ‘9909’ as the custom point number, leave the suffix blank and you will be prompted to change the ‘Link to Stock Control’ definition – respond ‘Yes’ to this.

Database (1-8) for Stock File – set the database number, as listed within the Profiler applications location for files, for the Stock file.

Database (1-8) for Stock Trans – set the database number for the Stock Transaction file.

Transaction Type to be Written – set the transaction type (1-7) for the transaction to be generated. Transaction types allowed are:

  1. Sales Issue
  2. Purchase Order
  3. Purchase Order Received
  4. Goods Received
  5. Stock Adjustment
  6. Stock Reservation
  7. Stock Transfer

STA First TX – set the data item number on the Stock file that holds the first transaction pointer.

STA Last TX – set the data item number on the Stock file that holds the last transaction pointer.

STA First Active – set the data item number on the Stock file that holds the first active transaction pointer (i.e. first transaction this period)

STA On-Order – set the data item number on the Stock file that holds the on-order quantity

STA Physical – set the data item number on the Stock file that holds the physical quantity

STA Reserved – set the data item on the Stock file that holds the reserved quantity.

STT TX Type – set the data item on the Transaction file that holds the transaction type

STT Stock Code – set the data item on the Transaction file that holds the stock code

STT Stock Record No – set the data item on the Transaction file that holds the record number of the main stock code

STT Next TX – set the data item on the Transaction file that holds the next transaction pointer

STT Quantity – set the data item on the Transaction file that holds the transaction quantity

DFD Stock Code – set the data item on the main file (the database the screen is based on) that holds the Stock Code

DFD On-Order Quantity – set the data item on the main file (if any) that the on-order quantity is to be updated by. In addition you must set whether changes in this item are to be added or subtracted from the Stock On-Order quantity.

DFD Physical Quantity – set the data item on the main file (if any) that the physical quantity is to be updated by. In addition you must set whether changes in this item are to be added or subtracted from the Stock Physical quantity.

DFD Reserved Quantity – set the data item on the main file (if any) that the reserved quantity is to be updated by. In addition you must set whether changes in this item are to be added or subtracted from the Stock Reserved quantity.

DFD Transfer Stock-To – only applicable if screen to transfer stock, set the data item on the main file that holds the stock code being transferred to.

DFD STT Quantity – set the data item on the main file to be used as the stock transaction quantity.

DFD TX Type – if screen doesn’t generate a set transaction type (as set in header of this screen) the type can be selected from the main file.

After confirming the stock link details you are then given a further parameter screen allowing a series of copy items from the main file, the profiler constant file or the stock file to the Stock Transactions.Typically you would need to copy the transaction date and any references to the STT from the main file.


When adding/updating the main file the Stock record is exclusively locked.

Only one transaction is generated – i.e. if screen set to update physical and reserved then can only generate either the sales issue or reserved transaction not both.

Forward period values are not supported – all transactions are current.

If Sales Issue then Demand, Costs and Sales Values for period are not updated.Similarly if goods received FIFO details are not updated.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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