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EDI Order Processing Interface |
Article Number: 1747 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 10:54 PM
Datafile Software EDI Order Processing Interface The following files are used internally by this application: ¨EDI orders file — this file holds the details of all EDI messages that have been deconstructed but that have not yet been updated into the Datafile Software order processing system. The archive file (see below) lacks those data items marked †. ¨EDI archive file — holds details of all EDI messages deconstructed and passed to the Datafile Software order processing system, whether automatically or manually.Only EDI messages that had no errors after a validation process are archived. A report option allows you to print archived orders. ¨EDI order header file. A record in this file is created for each EDI message file deconstructed, and it links all the orders file messages for that EDI message. The unique EDI reference number generated internally by the process is the prime index for this file. ¨EDI message log file — every time an EDI file is deconstructed or created, details about the file are written here, as a log of the EDI files processed. ¨General lookup file — all tables used within message deconstruction or creation, such as the EAN location and EAN product codes are held in this file. The contents are maintained via options on the System Maintenance menu. ¨Constants file — this single-record file holds
certain constants and parameters used by the EDI order processing interface
application. This is the file into which all the order details from EDI message files are deconstructed. The data item names used are the same as, or close to, those used within the Tradacoms documentation. Data items that are probably not needed by the Datafile Software order processing applications are described within brackets. Your reseller will use this list to determine those data items that do need to be transferred to the order processing system. Note that those data items marked with † are omitted from the archive file definition.If you want to archive these items, then a change must be made to the overall system. Note also restrictions on data item sizes (see Constraints and Exceptions above). In particular data items 68, 71 and 73 cannot take values greater than a certain size, due to Tradacoms use of an implied decimal point. Item Name Type Size Description 1 MSRF X 12 (Customer EDI message envelope reference.) 2 TYPE X 6 ORDHDR, ORDERS, ORDTLR or RSGRSG. Only ORDERS to be transferred to Datafile. 3 TYPE:VER X 1 (Tradacoms version number, should always be 9 for latest.) 4 ––>ORDHDR = 1 (Separator. Items below come from ORDHDR message.) 5 TCDE X 4 (Tradacoms order code: code values list 2. Used to determine whether orders can be dealt with automatically, or manually.) 6 TCDE:DESC † X 35 (Text of order code.) 7 SIDN X 13 (Supplier EAN code. Tested to check it is for your company.) 8 SIDN:SCODE X 17 Can use as code for stock prefix (see SPRO:SCODE below.) 9 SNAM † X 40 (Supplier name from EDI message, or from lookup if not sent.) 10 CIDN X 13 (Customer EAN code, tested to check it exists in your system.) 11 CIDN:CODE X 17 Your code for customer, derived from EAN code by lookup. See also CLOC:SICL, the customer location on whose behalf order is placed, which may differ from this. Need to determine how used — whether account or delivery address. Delivery address can be present too (see below). 12 CNAM-H † X 40 (Customer name; from EDI message or lookup if not present.) 13 FLGN N 4 (EDI file generation number. Would expect it to be 1.) 14 FLVN N 4 (EDI file version number, Would expect it to be 1.) 17 --->ORDERS = 1 (Separator. Items below come from ORDERS message.) 18 CLOC X 13 (Customer EAN location code. If absent, CLOC:COLN used.) 19 CLOC:COLN X 17 (Customer internal location code.) 20 CLOC:SICL X 17 Your internal ledger code for this customer.Need to determine how used — customer or location. 21 CNAM X 40 (Customer location name if supplied in message.) 22 CADD-1 X 35 ) 23 CADD-2 X 35 ) (Customer name and address if supplied in the message file. 24 CADD-3 X 35 ) You would only use this to check against your records for 25 CADD-4 X 35 ) customer.) 26 CADD-PC X 8 ) 27 ORNO:CREF X 17 Customer order number 28 ORNO:SREF X 17 (Supplier order number, unlikely to be used unless confirms a previous order. ) 29 ORNO:ODATE E 10 Date of order. If absent, uses date EDI message processed. 30 ORNO:RDATE E 10 Date order received, always the date EDI message processed. 31 CLAS X 4 Order classification under Tradacoms code values list 6; always prefixed with "L06” so "S” for stock becomes "L06S”. The codes allowed are given in the general lookup file. 32 ORCD X 4 Order code under Tradacoms code values list 7 prefixed "L07” so "N” for new order becomes "L07N”. Codes should only be used when TCDE above is "0470” for mixed order. Process code is carried into PROC-FLAG unless already has value. 33 SCRF X 17 Specification/contract reference if it applies 34 SCRF:CNO X 17 Contract number for above 35 EDAT E 10 Delivery date required, or earliest delivery date if next present. 36 LDAT E 10 Latest delivery date; often blank 37 RATM:E N 4 ) Required delivery times, earliest and latest 38 RATM:L N 4 ) Format is HHMM 39 DINS-1 X 40 ) 40 DINS-2 X 40 ) Narrative covering special delivery instructions 41 DINS-3 X 40 ) 42 DINS-4 X 40 ) 43 DINN X 17 ) 44 SEQA-O † N 4 (If not zero, then one or more of following 14 data narrative segments present. Use of these is probably exceptional, and are special to each customer. Details printed on order, but not expecting transfer to Datafile. Systems constants flag marks whether these details printed on order.) 45 DNAC† N 4 ) 46 DNAC:VAL† X 3 ) 47 RTEX:1† X 3 ) 48 RTEX:1A† X 12 ) (The use of these fields is determined by the customer. No 49 RTEX:2† X 3 ) general rules can apply. See customer documentation.) 50 RTEX:2A† X 12 ) 51 RTEX:3† X 3 ) 52 RTEX:3A† X 12 ) 53 RTEX:4† X 3 ) 54 RTEX:4A † X 12 ) 55 GNAR-1† X 40 ) 56 GNAR-2† X 40 ) (General narrative from customer. Purpose of these fields is 57 GNAR-3† X 40 ) determined by customer — see customer documentation.) 58 GNAR-4 † X 40 ) 59 ------------- = (Separator.) 60 SEQA N 4 Order line within order 61 SPRO X 13 Customer EAN code number. 62 SPRO:SCODE X 16 Supplier’s product code. You may need to prefix a location code if multi-location system (see SIDN:SCODE above). 63 SPRO:DUN14 X 14 (A 14-digit product code not really bing used in the UK yet. If present without SPRO, then field used as lookup, see above. Also holds sender’s reference from RSGRSG message.) 64 SACU X 13 (EAN code for retail unit, when order for packs of goods.) 65 CPRO X 15 (Used for customer’s "own-label” EAN-code.Also holds receiver’s identification from RSGRSG message.) 66 CPRO:ITEM X 12 Customer’s own product code. If customer wants these printed on their invoices, then they should supply them in the order. 67 UNOR K 10 Supplier pack quantity for products, if ordered in packs. 68 UNOR:MULT M 14 (Unit of measure when item purchased (e.g. metres) if applies. NOTE: Change to J-type item if the value of this item could possibly exceed 99,999.999) 69 UNOR:UNIT X 6 (Mnemonic for ordering measure; uses Tradacomscode list 4.) 70 OQTY L 14 Total number of traded units required (i.e. no of packs if supplied in packs, not the number of units all told). 71 OQTY:MULT M 14 Ordering measure (e.g. fabrics of width 2.5 metres) if applies. NOTE:Change to J-type item if the value of this item could possibly exceed 99,999.999. 72 OQTY:UNIT X 6 (Mnemonic for ordering measure; uses Tradacomscode list 4.) 73 OUCT M 14 Unit cost agreed or expected (optional). NOTE:Change to J-type item if the value of this item could possibly exceed 9,999.9999) 74 OUCT:UNIT X 6 (Mnemonic for unit measure, uses Tradacoms code list 4.) 75 PIND X 4 Special price indicator; uses Tradacoms code values list 5; always prefixed "L05” so "P” for promotion becomes "L05P”. 76 TFIN X 4 "To follow” indicator code; uses Tradacomscode values list 8. Always prefixed "L08” so "T” "to follow” becomes "L08T”. 77 TDES-1 † X 40 )Full description of item being traded. 78 TDES-2 † X 10 ) 79 SCRF-D X 10 Specification no. to which line relates 80 SCRF-DCNO X 10 Contract no. to which line relates 81 SEQB † N 4 (If not zero, then one or more of following fourteen data narrative segments present.Details printed on order, but not expecting transfer to Datafile. Systems constants flag determines whether these details printed on order.) 82 DNAC-D† X 4 ) 83 DNAC-CT† X 3 ) 84 RTEX:D1† X 3 ) 85 RTEX:D1A† X 12 ) (The use of these fields is determined by the customer. No 86 RTEX:D2† X 3 ) general rules can apply. See customer documentation.) 87 RTEX:D2A† X 12 ) 88 RTEX:D3† X 3 ) 89 RTEX:D3A X 12 ) 90 RTEX:D4† X 3 ) 91 RTEX:D4A † X 12 ) 92 GNAR:D1† X 40 ) 93 GNAR:D2† X 40 ) (General narrative from customer. Purpose of these fields is 94 GNAR:D3† X 40 ) determined by customer — see customer documentation.) 95 GNAR:D4 † X 30 ) 96 LORD N 4 (Total number of lines for this order.) 97 ------------- = 1 (Separator.) 98 SENDER-EAN X 13 (The EAN code from the message header, which might differ to the EAN of the ordering body, and of the delivery location. An EDI order file can contain more than one order, but the EDI procedures treat an the EDI file as a whole — e.g. if an errors, then no order lines within that file released. 99 SEND-DATE E 10 (Date EDI order file sent, from order file header.) 100 SEND-TIME Y 6 (Time order file sent, from order file header.) 101 SEND-REF X 14 (The EDI file reference, from order header.) 102 SEND-PRTY X 1 (The priority code, from the order header.) 103 INT-SEQ N 4 (Not presently used.) 104 WARN? ? 1 (Copied from the product code lookup, used to print a warning message on the order print.) 105 BREAK-1 & 28 (Used internally.) 106 BREAK-2 & 26 (Used internally.) 107 BREAK-3 & 31 (Used internally) 108 APRF † X 6 (Six-character application reference contained in the initial file segment.If last three characters TES, then it is a test message, and will be marked for manual processing.) 143 ERRORS1 † N 4 (Errors detected in order header.) 144 ERRORS2 † N 4 (Errors detected in order detail record.) 145 ERRORS † * 16 Total errors detected. Don’t pass to Datafile until zero. 146 CV1 † X 2 (Used internally.) 147 CV2 † X 1 (Used internally.) 148 CV3 † X 4 (Used internally.) 149 CV-LIST † & 7 (Used internally.) 150 PRINTED? ? 1 (Set to Y when order first printed. Can reprint orders manually.) 151 PROC-FLAG X 1 Process flag. Value of "O” means pass to Datafile. 153 EDI-REFNO X 6 Internal EDI reference number, one per EDI file.Same could apply to more than one order, if all in same file). Suggest pass to Datafile so reference can be made back if needed. 154 HDR-RECNO † Y 6 (Used internally.) 155 NEXT-LINE † Y 6 (Used internally.) 156 ONE † N 4 (Used internally.) 157 PROGRESSED ? 1 Set this to Y when order line passed to Datafile. 158 DATE E 10 Date order record added to file. 159 TIME N 4 Time order record added to file. 160 USER X 6 User who processed EDI file. |
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