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Financial Summaries |
Article Number: 290 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 7:10 PM
Datafile Software Financial Summaries This new release brings a major improvement in the financial summary design process for ‘full mode’ reports in that you can now control font and size for both data and text items and insert bitmap images, such as a logo, at designated positions giving greatly improved presentation of summary reports. Converting a SummaryWhenever you open an existing summary, that was designed using the old designer, you will be asked to convert to the new layout. To convert to the new style select ‘Use New Designer’, if you want to continue with the old layouts then select ‘Use Old Designer’. To abandon select the ‘Close’ button. Notes The financial summaries are held in a file "ccc-FIN.DEF” with individual ‘full mode’ definitions held in a file "ccc-FIN.Onn” (where CCC is the company id and 0nn is the summary entry number). The new layout adds a file – a "ccc-FIN.Inn’ which contains the font settings, text labels, line and box drawing and image file(s) detail of the new design When you use the new designer for the first time a backup copy of the old layout is taken as ‘ccc-FIN.Xnn’ which you can copy back as"ccc-FIN.0nn” if needed (deleting theInn file). Creating a New Summary If create a new summary you will be prompted to create the definition and then whether it is an easy mode definition.If the summary is in ‘easy mode’ then the new options discussed here do not apply – instead the usual report ‘Options’ button will configure the formatting of the summary. If create as full-mode you are taken into the page set-up options for the design. Page Set-upWhen a summary is first converted (or created) you are asked to enter/confirm selected page set-up details. Paper Size – offers a drop-down list of paper sizes available on your PC. Select the paper size appropriate. Print in Landscape– set whether the summary is to be printed in landscape. Leave blank to print in portrait. No of Columns Across / No of Lines Down / Number of Pages – this defaults to values as previously defined on the summary.Typically you would leave these values as set for your summary. Previously a summary could be up to 255 columns across and 132 lines down and was designed as a ‘one-page’ layout (although in actuality if set for the max length the summary would print over two pages). The summary on conversion will keep the columns across as set but the lines down will be set according to the print style the report was against, usually 66, and the number of pages set to allow multiples of this number (so if original defined for 100 lines against a 66 line print style the number of pages will be set as 2). These values can be amended up to 255 columns across and 132 lines down for any one page. The number of pages is limited to a total of 330 lines so at 66 lines per page this gives a maximum number of pages of 5, if reduce the lines down to 45 (landscape print) then this would allow 7 pages. The columns and line values form a ‘design grid’ on the summary layout with the no of columns set controlling the number of grid start points across the page, the lines down controlling the grid points down the page (think graph paper). Text, Image and Lines do not have to start at a grid point but data items do – increasing the number of columns / grid points across the page gives you more flexibility with regards to data item positioning.Take care on increasing this value on existing layouts as items starting at a particular column/grid point may overlap if you increase the number of columns. With regards to the number of lines down, again take care increasing this value on existing layouts as line items may overlap. Margins – next you can set, in millimetres, the left, right, top and bottom margins. When you print a summary each printer has its own internal set margin and the grid (discussed above) is fitted within this. If printing a summary on multiple printers, especially when using pre-printed stationery, you should set the margins on the summary equal to or greater than the largest margin of the printer(s), to ensure identical print on all printers.The Install menu on the toolbar allows the option ‘View Printers’ which enables you to perform a test print which shows the print margins (as a border on the page). Notes The Install menu on the toolbar (desktop) is only available for the SYSTEM user-id and for Premier users set to use the ‘Installer’ desktop. Once you have set/confirmed the margins the summary mask is displayed. Initially the data items and text are assigned a default font as it would have printed previously – Courier New. This can be changed through the course of the summary design. Note Previously text was created on the summary by positioning the cursor and typing the required text. In converting this into the text labels of this new designer the assumption is made that text separated by a single space is part of the same label, more than one space and two (or more) separate labels are created. In this way the text heading on the summary shown above ‘T R A D I N G P R O F I TA N D L O S S’ is converted as four labels one for each word as the four words were separated by three spaces in the old designer. The Summary Design ToolbarBefore discussing the specifics of designing a summary, you should review the summary design toolbar which has some changes from the old designer. The toolbar has the options – File, Edit, Tools, Parameters and Format. Each of these (other than Parameters) offers a list of actions available. The File menu has options to save the summary layout, amend/view the page set-up, preview the design to the screen, perform a test print of the summary, and exit out of the summary design (you will be prompted to save if you haven’t already done so). The Edit menu has options that are only available when an item on the summary is selected. You can cut an object out of the design, copy an item (except data items), or delete an item. You can also insert a line above the selected item or delete a line with the selected item on. The Tools menu has options to restructure a database, refresh the display, and controls for whether you show the data items (you may want to switch this off to position text behind it), whether you show the grid, and whether new text/line/image items are to be positioned at the start of the grid. The Format option allows you to apply font defaults and to set printer, email and fax settings. The Parameters option loads the first of the parameter screens available for this summary definition Setting and Applying Font Defaults As discussed earlier when you first convert a summary a font of Courier New is assigned to existing items – which is similar to how the summary would have printed previously.You can amend the fonts for each item individually (except balance items) but initially you are likely to want to assign a default font for all items. To set and apply default fonts select the Format option from the toolbar, choose Font Defaults – a dialog box will be displayed enabling you to select the font, style and size. You can scroll up/down the list of fonts, use the mouse to select the required option (once selected the chosen value will be updated at the top of the list). After selecting the font, select the style and then the size. You can also amend the colour of the text if required.Once you have selected the required details press OK. After selecting the font you can control whether it applies to the text items or the data items in the summary (or both or indeed neither – you might set a default because the next x items you are going to insert all use a specific font). Tick the options required and click the APPLY button. Once you have set and applied the default fonts you can then adjust the font and size of individual items as required. If you have need to reset all items to the set default fonts then choosing the Apply Fonts option available from the Format pull-down allows this. Inserting New Items To insert a new item position the mouse where you wish to insert the item and press the right-button on the mouse (hereafter described as right-click). A menu appears for you to select the type of item you wish to add. You can select to insert a text prompt, a data item, lines, boxes, or insert a bmp image. You can also elect to insert a line on the summary at the current position or to delete a line. The ‘Paste Object’ option (greyed out in the picture on the right) is active if you have used the ‘Cut’ or ‘Copy’ option from the edit menu previously. If you select to insert a Text Prompt a pop-up form allows you enter the text label to be displayed. You type the text you require (up to 128 characters). If you click the APPLY button the text is updated onto the summary design in the default font/size. If you wish to change the font select the FONT button and the font dialog is shown as discussed earlier (you are setting the font for this item alone). To change the colour of the background to the text select the COLOUR button and a dialog will be displayed allowing you to select from a pre-defined colour set or allow you to create up to 16 custom colours of your choosing. To define a custom colour click with the mouse on the colour panel display and then move the scroll panel on the right to control the luminescence. Once your happy with the colour select the ‘Add to Custom Colours’ button and the colour will be added to the custom colours on the left for selection. The ‘SNAP’ button is used to position the text item at the centre of a row and at the start of a column – snapping the text to the grid. The ‘DELETE’ button removes the text and returns you to the summary mask. Once you are happy with the changes select the CLOSE option to update the text label and return to the summary mask. If you wish to abandon click the X button in the corner of the Text Properties window. This isn’t all the options available though – if you select the ACTION pull-down menu, in addition to the button prompts (with a bit more description) are further options to reset the font and colour to default settings, save the font and colour to and set from the palette – this is useful if making the same changes to several items. You also have the option to add a border around the text label, and to right align the text within the label. Finally you can choose to abandon changes or accept and update the changes. If you select to insert a new Data Item then a pop-up form allows you to select the data item to be displayed. To select an item you need to select the category of item
and then the print item itself. Drop
down lists are available for each – use the mouse to activate first the
category list. Items with a V after them are already used within the summary so you cannot select these again (see Balance Items below though). Some categories allow you to choose direct from the database the items to print.For these items the ‘–‘ character as the print item represents a free item available for you to define. If you select this then the appropriate database is displayed for you to select a data item from. If you select the Balance Items category some additional parameters are displayed. Here the print items relate to the twenty balance ‘columns’ that can be defined. When adding a data item to print on a line you select the ‘Balance Items’ category and either one of the defined ‘columns’ that have been configured, or select a ‘-‘ entry if a new ‘column’ is required. After selecting a balance item a pop-up then allows you to define the line parameters for that entry – i.e. what is to print on that line using the selected balance item. Balance Item – if you selected an undefined entry (‘-‘) then you will be prompted for the balance item. This is the basis on which the data item is to be calculated. Available balance items are: 1 Current Balance – The balance of the account as it would appear on the trial balance 2 Start of Year Balance – The opening balance at the start of the year 3 Start of Period Balance – The opening balance at the start of the current period 4 Comparative Year Balance – The balance of the account as at the end of last year 5 Comparative Period Balance – The movement on the a/c for the same period last year 6 Budget for Year Balance – The total budget set for the year 7 Budget for Period Balance – The budget set for this period 8 Movement for Year – This is the difference between the start of year balance on the account (item 2) and the current balance (item 1) 9 Movement for Period – This is the difference between the start of period balance (item 3) and the current balance (item 1) 10 Comparative Year Variance – This is the difference between the balance at the end of last year (item 4) and the movement for the year (item 8) 11 Comparative Period Variance – This is the difference between the movement on the account for this period last year (item 5) and this year (item 9) 12 Budget Year Variance – This is the difference between the budget total for the year (item 6) and the movement for the year so far (item 8) 13 Budget Period Variance – This is the difference between the budget for the period (item 7) and the movement for the period (item 9) 14 Budget for Year Accum – This is the budget year-to-date (i.e. up to the period you run the enquiry for) as opposed to item 6 for the full-year’s budget. 15 Budget for Year Accum Variance – This is the difference between the year-to-date budget (item 14) and the movement for the year (item 8) 16 Comparative Year Accum – This is the year-to-date balance for this period last year as opposed to the full year balance that is item 4. 17 Comparative Year Accum Variance – This is the difference between the balance at this point last year (item 16) with this year (item 8) 99 Accounts Data Item - This allows you to choose a specific data item from the file.Its data item number is then requested.For example, you could define a calculated field in the accounts file to accumulate one quarter’s results. 100 Percentage Value - This allows you to show the percentage of a total which the line represents. When set you are asked for which column you want a percentage of – this refers to the entries defined on the report – and whether you wish to round the resulting value.NB: When you set to print a line item for this column you are prompted for the line entry in where the total value (i.e. the 100%) is contained. Offset – many of the balance items printed refer to the movement for a particular period – that being the period you run the summary for.This option allows you to print a balance item for a previous period (from up to 13 periods ago). When printing the value for the balance column the system, instead of using the current period uses the nth previous period. Note that the offset, as with the balance item itself, applies for the ‘column’ as a whole. Line Type – the Line Type determines how the values are to be calculated. Selection options include: qL–LIST.This allows you to specify up to 10 account codes to add together. You define the account codes in a subsidiary window at the bottom of the screen. You can use "Wildcards” here (see below) which can greatly expand the number of codes which are accumulated in this one line. qR–RANGE.This allows you to specify an inclusive range of accounts. Key in the account codes of the first and last accounts to be included pressing <Enter> after each. You can use the wildcard facility here too. Note that an R range is fully inclusive. For example, if you are using a 99.999 account code format and you specify the range 01.100 to 05.200, then accounts like 02.500 and 04.010 are included within this range. See also S–Selective Rangebelow qS–SELECTIVE RANGE. This is a very powerful facility and makes use of the account code structure to break the code into separate parts. The program considers each part of the account code range separately, and all conditions must be fulfilled for the account to be included. For instance, with an account code structure of 99.999, the selective range of 01.100 to 05.200 only includes accounts if the first part of the code is in the range 01 to 05, and if the second part of their code is in the range 100 to 200.Unlike the R–Range option, it would not include codes 02.500 or 04.010 q*–CALCULATION.The asterisk indicates a calculation based on line values, and can only use values accumulated on previous lines.You may include up to ten lines in the calculation, which can be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided against each other. The line numbers are prompted at the bottom of the screen, and each must be prefixed with a calculation sign. q%–PERCENTAGE.This indicates a ratio and allows the value of one line to be expressed as the percentage of another, both of which must precede this line. The result is always given with two decimal places. Key the line numbers at the bottom of the screen qI–ITEM VALUE.This allows you to pick a specific value from a specific nominal account — you just fill in the account code and the item number on the record which you want. For example, you could pull out vehicle registration numbers for a report which analyses individual vehicle costs. You can use wildcards in the code where you plan to use the selective code feature at run time Tip — "Wildcards” A powerful feature of the Datafile financial summary definition is the ability to add together a number of accounts which have a common partition code. For example, suppose a nominal account code is specified in the format 999.99 where the last two numbers at the end of the code identify the branch. If the numeric account for motor expenses is 410, then the branch accounts for motor expenses would be: 410.01 Motor expenses — branch 01 410.02 Motor expenses — branch 02 410.03 Motor expenses — branch 03 410.04 Motor expenses — branch 04 etc. For a consolidated financial summary you would require a single value for all motor expenses. Whilst this could be defined by specifying each of the account codes in a sum, the "wildcard” facility allows you to specify (in "R” or "L” type lines only, as described above): 410.** Use of the asterisk causes the program to sum all the accounts numbered 410, regardless of their suffix. If employee expenses were all in the range 410 to 419, then you could widen the use of the wildcard to group all employee expenses for all branches with the single entry — 41*.** Tip — Include All Accounts! Most people design charts of accounts with codes in ranges and with gaps to allow for future codes should they be needed. However, if you add an account code in the future, you may also need to add this account to your financial summaries — nothing is more aggravating than a balance sheet which apparently does not balance! We strongly recommend that you plan your financial summaries to include every code which might possibly be defined. This is simple if you use combinations of the wildcard facility and account ranges in the design. It can save you much time later. CR Balance - Credit values in the nominal ledger are stored as negative values. If the values on a line are expected to be a credit, but you do not wish to print the minus sign (or with brackets), select this option, otherwise leave blank. The effect of this is to reverse the sign, so that if the value in the file turned out to be a debit, then it would print as a negative (with a minus sign or brackets). For example, sales are credits and held as negative values in the file. These would print as negative values unless you specify CR here to switch their signs to positive. Note A value is printed and stored in the accumulator with whatever sign results from your entry here. If you use this line later in a calculation, then it is this stored value which is used. For example, sales are credits, but you would specify CR on that line to make them positive.A net margin line later which takes the costs (a positive value) from the sales (stored as a positive value) would be expressed as "plus sales line, minus costs line”. Columns to Print- Each column here relates to the balance item columns you have already defined. If you want to print the accumulated value for a particular column, you must answer set that column. If you don’t want the value for a column to print then leave it blank on this line in that column position. The current balance item / column is pre-selected for you, other columns can be set for print as needed. Once the columns are set click OK to return to main Data Item properties and then Apply and then Close to update the data item. Once you have selected the item then the options are available, as with text, to change the font, background colour or delete. ‘Snap to Grid’ is not available on data items as data items are automatically ‘snapped to the grid’. Balance Item Font Settings Font settings for balance items are applied on a whole column basis, so that every value for a balance column uses the same font settings – i.e. Arial 10 Regular etc. You can however set an individual line/row on a report to override the font setting – i.e. make a totals line bold – but every balance item on that line overrides it’s column font setting with the line setting. When you amend the font for a balance item a pop-up will ask whether you wish to amend the font for the line or the column.Select as required and the other items on the line / column will be updated automatically. Once ‘line formatting’ is set for a row you can clear line formatting by selecting the option on the properties of the data item. If you select to insert a new horizontal or vertical Line then a short line is drawn on screen and then moving the cursor to the end of
the line (so the cursor changes to an arrow) will allow you to change the
height or width of the line by holding down the left mouse button and dragging
the mouse in the direction you want to go.You can also amend the depth of the line, and the width/length, by
right-clicking and selecting the properties option. Once you have drawn the line then the options are available are to set the colour, delete the line or ‘Snap to Grid’ – if snap to grid then the line is centred within the row/column. If you select to insert a new Box Drawing then a small box is drawn on screen and then moving the cursor to a corner (so the cursor changes to an arrow) will allow you to change the height or width of the box by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse in the direction you wish to go. You can also amend the box by right-clicking and selecting the properties option. You are asked to set the width of the box and the height of the box in pixels, you can increase the width by clicking the up arrow key next to the value, the down arrow decreases the width according to the set unit of increment (or you can also overtype the size if required). To increase the height of the box again you can click the up-arrow next to the height, down-arrow decreases the height, or you can overtype the value. Once you have drawn the box then the options are available to select the fill colour of the box (selected as per text colour above), to set rounded corners on the box, to snap the box to the grid and to delete the box. If you set a fill colour then any data items or text items within the box should be set to have the same background colour. If select to snap the box to the grid then the box border is centred within the row/column. NB: If you want to draw lines within a box then draw the box first and add the lines later. If you select to insert a new Image then a pop-up form allows you to select the image to be
displayed. Once you select the image file its filename is returned to the summary to be applied. Note that the image is sized as per the file and cannot be resized within Datafile – you must use an external package if you need to do this. Moving, Deleting and Amending ItemsYou can move an items position by selecting it with the mouse and dragging it to where it’s required.If the ‘Tools’ option ‘Snap to Grid’ is enabled then all items start in a specified grid point, if switch this off then all bar data items can be set anywhere within the grid cell. Note that if move a balance item that the entire column moves. You can delete an item by selecting it with the mouse and pressing the <DELETE> key. If you delete a balance item then you will be prompted if you also wish to delete all balance items on this line or column – select as required (if delete just that item in effect you are changing the print column flag to ‘N’ for that line). If you right-click with the mouse on any item then a menu is available allowing you to change the properties. Right-clicking against aText item allows you to access the properties in full and allows individual options to amend the font, set the background colour, add (or remove) a border, right-align the text, or snap to the grid. You can also reset the font/colour to default values or save the font and colour to the palette for application to another item using the Set option. You can also delete the text item from here. Right-clicking against a Data item allows you to access the properties box in full and allow individual options to amend the font, amend the background colour, add (or remove) a border, or to right-align the data item. Remember that font settings for balance data items apply on a column / whole line basis (see above). If line formatting is set then an option is available to clear this, reverting the fonts for the balance items on this line to their standard column font. As with text you can reset the font/colour to default values, save/set the font and colour from the palette or delete the item. Balance Options allows direct access to the item properties for the balance data items. Right-clicking against a Line item allows you to access the properties in full, snap the line to the grid and to delete the line. In addition however once you have selected the line with the mouse moving the cursor to the end of the line (so the cursor changes to an arrow) will allow you to change the height or width of the line by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse in the direction you want to go. Right-clicking against aBox item allows you to access the properties in full, amend the background (fill) colour of the box, set/clear round corners, snap the box to the grid and to delete the box. As with line drawing once you have selected the box with the mouse moving the cursor to the corners of the box (so the cursor change to an arrow) will allow you to change the height or width of the box by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse in the direction you want to go. You can position items within a box by right-clicking and choose the new option required – if you click on/near the box border you are assumed to be amending the box though, so if want an item up against the border insert it elsewhere and move it to the position you want. If you wish to include lines within a box, perhaps for a column border, then draw the box first and add the lines afterwards. Right-clicking against an Image item allows you to access the properties of the image or to delete it. ParametersThe parameters option access the General Reporting
parameters plus the Line Specification as available on the earlier
definition. For more details on these
options refer to the Nominal and Cashbook manual (available in PDF off the Help
pull-down menu – outside of the designer option). This option allows you to set a default printer and tray for the summary report. Clicking the drop-down list shows the printers available
from the pc for you to select, after selecting the printer the list of trays
can also be selected from a drop-down list.Note that this option assumes that the same printer is available, on the
same device path, from all terminals that will process the particular
document. If the printer is not
available the usual default will apply. The E-Mail Settings option allows you to configure default message details if the summary is printed to E-Mail. Data item containing e-mail address – not applicable for financial summaries. Send Automatically– controls whether the message is to be displayed for confirmation/amendment before sending. See notes on Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express below. Filename to Save As– the document is saved as an attachment to the email with a filename of the document title. You may want to save with a more relevant name. You only enter the filename not the path or suffix Address – this option asks for a ‘hard-coded’ email address to which to send the email. Subject – enter the subject of the email. You can use !nnn to pick up special items such as: q 161 – Document Date q 162 – User Name Message – enter the message detail as required. Again you can use !nnn to pick up items from the extra 161+ items above. Wordwrap – when you send a message the text is output as entered above but the use of !nnn items may cause one line entered in the message to overflow into two lines on the email. Setting the option to word wrap outputs the message text as paragraphs, a new paragraph starting after a blank line. You can also force a new paragraph by entering ‘%%’ at the start of the line. Automatic Emails and Outlook Express / Microsoft Outlook Security developments in later versions of Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook mean that, by default, you cannot send emails automatically – a message is displayed warning that a program (i.e. Datafile) is trying to send an email message and asks whether you wish to proceed with the send (and you can’t respond Yes for a number of seconds). This feature was introduced to prevent viruses spreading themselves to everyone in your address book. This feature cannot be disabled by Datafile. Outlook Express can be set to disable this warning via the Tools / Options menu and the Security tab. Disabling ‘Warn me when other applications try to send mail as me’ will prevent the warning message. If you do this you must ensure that your virus checker and firewalls are currently up-to-date and are kept up-to-date. Microsoft Outlook does not have an equivalent option to this. Microsoft Support does notify that if using Outlook on top of Exchange Server then you can set via ‘Administer Outlook Security’ tools trusted programs that are allowed to send emails automatically. Finally, Outlook Express can be set to send mail immediately on creation. When this is set the email message is sent after each, for example, statement is produced in Datafile and Datafile cannot continue to the next statement until Outlook Express has sent the message. As you might imagine even on a broadband connection this can take some time.Within Outlook Express selecting Tools / Options and the ‘Send’ tab allows you to disable the option to send mail immediately. Automatic Email and Anti-Virus Software As with the security checking introduced by Microsoft, anti-virus checkers can also look for several e-mail messages being sent in a short period of time. Anti-virus checkers generally warn when more than one message is sent with the same subject (which could be avoided by using the !nnn function to pick up a value from the main data item record), and also warn if a number of messages are sent within a number of seconds (these details depend on the virus software). Generally the Anti-virus software will pause the sending of the email message(s) and ask you to confirm it is OK to send. Fax PrintingSelected fax software, such as Tobit David and Zetafax, allow programs to pass information to them with regards to fax and contact details. This option allows you to enter those commands and pick up fax and contact details from the customer / supplier account record. You have the ability to enter up to ten lines of control text that will be passed to the fax printer (note if you print this to a standard printer directly – i.e. not print to the fax printer – these commands will appear on the printout) which will allow you to pass detail such as fax numbers and contacts. Include commands when sending to the spooler – If left blank then the commands will not be included if you send the document to the print spooler, nor will they be saved to the Ledger Enquiry reprint options. Note that if sending statement runs to the spooler containing multiple commands for different contact then Tobit for one cannot interpret the print job correctly. Print Preview and Test PrintYou can preview the summary to the screen or the printer from the File pull-down menu. Selecting the Print Preview option shows the summary on screen. You can use the scroll bars to move up/down/across the summary. <ESC> or clicking the X-close button returns you to the summary design. The preview also includes a report definition showing the detail of the line (balance item) specification. Selecting the Test Print option loads the printer dialog allowing you to send the summary to the printer, spooler or a PDF file. Save and ExitThe File pull-down allows you to save the summary and exit
the summary design. If you exit without
saving you will be prompted to save the changes – if you respond ‘Yes’ then you
save the summary before exiting, if you respond ‘No’ then any changes you have
made since the last save are abandoned. Notes The new designer options are available immediately on update to 5.8 provided you are using parameter number 4100 to load the Financial Summaries (not the older 4000 parameter). If do not wish to convert any summaries for a while you can add R58SUMM=FALSE to the DATAFILE.INI which will not offer the conversion options when open the nominal definition at design stage. |
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