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Datafile SQL Monitor

Datafile Software

Datafile SQL Monitor

The Datafile SQL Monitor oversees the SQLMgr program checking for memory usage and time responses. The monitor checks on a set time period (configurable) and if a condition is triggered such as high memory usage or a considerable delay in updating a SQL table forces a reset of the SQLMGR and restarts the program and emails a restart warning to a nominated address.

Running the SQL Monitor program minimises the monitor to the tray. On initial set-up you will wish to set parameters so right-click on the tray icon and choose Options.

Parameter Settings allowed include:

Monitory Frequency - checks every X minutes for failure, can reduce this but don’t go below about 5 minutes.

SQLMgr Busy Allowance – when a SQL Update entry begins it starts a clock and resets on beginning of next entry. When the monitor checks the operation of the MGR if the clock has been going for more than this number of minutes a reset is forced. Leave this a reasonable amount of time as some database refreshes can take a while. 20-30 minutes would be usual.

SQLMgr Memory Allowance – number of megabytes system can use, if using more than this when monitor checks forces a restart. Set this reasonably high (500Mb recommended) as large database refreshes can use quite a bit of memory.

Restart SQLMgr – set to allow restart of the SQL Manager on error

Force Restart – set to force the close of the current session SQL Manager program on restart.

Auto Start SQL Mgr – set to allow SQL Monitor to auto start the SQL Manager

SMTP Host – enter the host address of your email client

User Name – enter the user id for the email client

Password – enter the password for the mail client

Email – enter email address of mail client and set to use SMTP protocol (otherwise uses default mail client options)

Run Params – if the Datafile system doesn’t use a DFWIN.INI but instead uses a shortcut with a path to the DATAFILE.INI enter the same path here.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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