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Additional Options on Supplier Payment Report

Datafile Software

Additional Options on Supplier Payment Report

This new feature allows you to print sub-totals on the supplier payment report and to include extra items from the accounts file. In addition if set to sub-total on a new ‘priority’ payment flag on the account record the final page of the report includes a summary of payment totals.

The system includes the sub-total item in the report header and performs a page break after each sub-total. The extra account items are printed along the line for the account name but will cut off on print of any subtotal (so you may want to move any values to the ‘end’ of the line).

If sub-totalling on the priority flag then a payment summary is printed on the final page.


 The Pay-Priority flag allows values from 0-9 and A-Z and when used is sorted on the standard alpha-numeric sequencing.


Database Changes

If wish to use the new PAY-PRIORITY data item then you need to restructure the purchase ledger accounts database to include this new item. To restructure the database select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and Restructure A Database. Select to update a Purchase Ledger database, update the live files and select the accounts file, move down to a blank entry and add the item below.

Item Name Type Description

PAY-PRIORITY X (1) Holds the payment priority for the account.

Enter the item name in the first input and then press <Enter> to set the item type (F4 is available), enter the size required and press <Enter> to complete the entry.

Once the database changes have been made press <ESC> to complete and then choose UPDATE to update the changes. Press <Enter> to confirm prompts to ‘Extract Existing Data to the new Database Structure’ and (if appropriate) ‘Copy Table entries from Old Database to New Database’ - the new database structure is then updated. When prompted to ‘Remove .OLD Database’ you generally respond ‘No’ for backup purposes.

If prompted to ‘Carry Out the Same Restructure on the "BASE” File as well?’ respond as required.The BASE file is used if/when you create a new company based on the existing structure, if this is likely to happen respond ‘Yes’ and repeat the entry of new items above taking care to ensure you create at the same item positions and with the same type.

Database Profiles

If adding the PAY-PRIORITY item to the Purchase Accounts file it needs to be referenced within the Datafile Database Profiles for the Purchase Ledger. Select, from the main menu, the Installation option followed by Application Manager and Set Database Profiles. Choose the Purchase Ledger application followed by the parameter screen Account Optional 4.

The new item should be referenced against the ‘Pay Priority’ label.

Application Screen Layouts

If using the new PAY-PRIORITY flag then this option needs to be added to the supplier accounts maintenance screen. From the main menu select Installation followed by Application Manager, Application Screen Layouts, Purchase Ledger and then the Add New Accounts screen.

To add the text label to the screen use the mouse to click where the start of the text is to appear and then type the required text. To add the data item position the cursor where the item is to be input and then press <F4-Select>, highlight the pay priority item on the database and press <Enter>. Within the item parameters set for ‘Upper Case Input’ and set ‘Mandatory Input’ if required. Once complete choose ‘File’ on the main toolbar and then ‘Save and Exit’

Application User Facilities

To set the report to sub-total on the PAY-PRIORITY flag or any other item, and to set the extra account display items, you need to amend the report configuration within the Application User Facilities. From the main menu select Installation followed by Application Manager and then Application User Facilities. Select the Purchase Ledger application followed by Account Reports and Payment Report.

New parameters allow:

Sub-total on item – set the item you require sub-totals based on change of value. This item would also usually also be set as the first sort item

Acc Info – select up to three items from the accounts file for display. Items display after the account name on the total line for each account.Note that any extra items will ‘cut-off’ if needs to total a value so you may wish to ensure any total values are at the end of the list of items.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.2
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