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XML Definition Process

Datafile Software

XML Definition Process

This has many similarities with the Report Generator, whereby by you can create new transactions by choosing an unused numbered option, or amend an existing transaction. Use the [F6] key to delete an existing transaction option.

First Definition Screen

When you choose an option from the XML Transaction Definition option, you are shown the outline details of the definition, and can either run or update it from there. Taking the update option offers you the following prompts:

Transaction name

This is the name of the transaction as it will appear in the XML menu.

Transaction type

The standard transaction types are either Database In or Database Out, so use the select key to choose the one you want. If you have purchased application transaction types, then these also show up under the choice of transaction type.

Link to Database

For Database In or Database Out transactions, you must give the name of the database concerned. You may use the usual company wildcard notation of "???” to be replaced by the open company code if the transaction can be used by more than one company.

XML Template

By default, the XML template is called XML.XML, and is located in the appropriate transaction folder — this is the default option when you first create an XML transaction. You can, however, point it to a template anywhere else if you prefer. Note that it may be dangerous to have two XML transactions use the same template, in case one transaction requires slight changes to the template that may prevent the other one from working.

Authority Level

Only for UserId
Link to Company

These are typical prompts to define the authority level allowed to run this option, or to restrict it to a single user, and whether or not to restrict it to a single company

You are now shown a second definition screen, whose parameters are listed below in sections according to the transaction type;

Second Definition Screen

An example is given below. Although the first few parameters are similar, they differ according to whether it is an input or output XML definition:

Input/Output XML Pathname

Enter here the pathname of the XML file(s) to be output or input. The "*” wildcard may be used to specify groups of files, such as XMLIN/*.XML to indicate all files in a folder with suffix XML. For output files you can include 9s in the name to indicate the position of a sequence number that is to be incremented automatically for each XML file created, and which replaces the 9s. If the sequence number should obtain the highest values (all 9s, of course) then it rolls over to zero on its next use. The number of 9s defines the size of sequence number that replaces it — 9999 would be replaced by a 4-digit sequence number, whereas 999999 would be replaced by a 6-digit number, all with leading zeroes.

To create or import files that have no suffix, enter the filename with a full-stop at the end, such as ORA*. — if you omit the full-stop, a suffix of .XML is assumed.

XML File Type for Log File

The XML facilities allow for a log† to be kept of each file exported or imported for audit purposes. If you decide to use this facility, then give each XML template a name that is to be written to an appropriate field in the log file, together with the pathname, date and time, plus any other data that it might be helpful to record in that log. The log file pathname itself must be given in the template.


It is possible to define output filename structures within the template, such that the
structure can be amended by parameters that relate to the individual trading partner —
see Datafile XML Template below. If so, then XML files are first created with the filename
given here, and then moved to the pathname and filename given within the template.

Last Filename Sequence No (output XML only)

If a sequence number is defined in an output filename, then the last number used for an output file is displayed here. You should not need to change this in an operational system, but may want to set a starting number for a new transaction.

Confirm Pathname at Runtime

Tick this question if you wish to confirm the pathname of the XML at run-time. Note that his option has no effect if the XML option is used within a ProFiler queued menu.
Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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