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Time Sheet Details

Datafile Software

Time Sheet Details

Job code

Either enter a valid job code here, or leave it blank. If you do not know the job code, use the <F4-Select> key facility to show a list of the codes on the screen. Choose the job you want, which must be one which has not yet been marked as complete.The title of the job is displayed for you at the bottom of the screen.

You may leave the job code blank (subject to configuration options). This allows you to input the complete time sheet details, even those which are not to be charged to particular jobs. For example, a site foreman needs to spend time in the office catching up on paperwork. He must be paid for the time, but it is not directly attributable to any particular job.

Cost code

You must now enter a valid cost code, and its title too is shown at the bottom of the screen, together with its category description. Use the <F4-Select> key feature to display a list of cost codes on the screen.

In some cases you will use employee cost codes again here to cover the type of work they normally do and the rates to charge for their hours. In such cases the cost code you enter here is the same cost code you have already entered in the header for the employee code. In other cases, however, you may have a number of cost codes to represent the different tasks your employees undertake, and you would enter the appropriate cost code here.


You may configure your job costing system to enter time either in minutes, or in hours and minutes (see Configuring Job Costing later). For the latter you can choose the separator between the two — typically a colon. The column heading on the screen shows which method is in use. If you choose to enter time in minutes only, the program converts it to hours and minutes for storage purposes.

If input is in minutes, simply key the number of minutes <Enter>. If input is in hours and minutes, key the number of hours, the separator, followed by the number of minutes, and press <Enter>. For a whole number of hours you may key just the number of hours, omitting the separator and minutes figure.


You may leave hours at zero where you are entering information which is covered by one or more of the payroll switches (extra payments/deductions). You are going to enter an exact value, so hours and rates are not material in such a case.

Payment No.

A payment number is now needed so that the correct charging rate can be entered, and also so that the link to the payroll accumulates time to the correct payroll categories. The payment types you can use are displayed at the foot of the screen and depend on how job costing timesheets link to payroll.

If not set to link to payroll then type 1 is always the standard pay rate; types 2–6 are reserved for the overtime rates 1–5 respectively, and types 7–25 refer to the "switches” configured in the job costing system (via the Application User Facilities). When not linked to payroll then the payment number is used only for selecting the correct rate from the cost code (standard / overtime) and for analysis purposes on the Labour Costs Summary report – where you could analyse separately bonus payments etc for update to an external payroll system.

If linked to payroll then type 1 is again the standard rate, types 2-20 relate to the configured overtime rates and types 21-100 relate to the configured payroll switches. Note that the product level determines the actual number of overtime rates and switches allowed. <F4-Select> is available to select the payment number.


The code entered on the first line here is taken as the default on subsequent lines of time sheet entry.


The rate of pay to be charged is usually determined from the cost code record for the employee entered in the header. However, depending on configuration of system profile parameters, it can alternatively be updated from the payroll employee record itself, the cost code entered on the timesheet detail line, or from a default ‘Employee Cost Code’.

Default Employee Cost Code

Each employee for whom timesheets are to be entered requires a cost code to be configured. However, several employees may be paid on the same rates and, when these rates change you would only want to change the rate once.

The option can be configured, therefore, to specify against the employee cost code record a default cost code to take the rates from and when time sheets are entered for an employee cost code with a ‘default’ set then the rates are taken from the default code.

This appropriate rate is displayed for you automatically, and you can <Enter> to accept it, or amend it as appropriate.


If you are using one of the switches as described above, it may be pointless to enter a rate as such, since you are going to enter an exact value. You can leave the rate zero in such cases, therefore.


The value is a calculation of time multiplied by the rate to obtain the cost to be posted against this activity. Again, you may <Enter> to accept it, or overtype it with the value you need on this occasion.

The "Bonus” example quoted earlier is a good example of when you would enter a value rather than reduce it to hours times a rate.


If configured to do so, the employee name will already display in the comment field. You may accept this by keying <Enter> or enter your own comment here.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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