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Stock Transfers - Stock Control

Datafile Software

Stock Transfers - Stock Control

Stock transfers occur when you move stock from one stock code to another. You may need to do this for a number of reasons, including:

You have several quality standards for a product, and have created stock codes to cover each level. A stock transfer allows you to transfer stock from one quality level code to another

You have scrapped or put stock aside to clear, to which you have given zero cost value, but want to record movements, particularly sales of such products. A stock transfer allows you to transfer products to the scrap or clearance codes

If you are running multi-location stock, then a stock code exists for each stock item stocked at each location. The stock transfer allows you to transfer stock between locations. NB: You can also use the Location Transfer option for this.

Stock Code

The first stock code should always be the code from which stock is being transferred. In multi-location systems this includes the location code in the normal way.


The quantity entered reduces the physical stock of the stock code and increases the physical stock of the ‘to-stock’ code. It should be entered as a positive value.


Optionally the cost can be confirmed on the transfer. This is useful where the transfer between stock items involves an additional charge – be it a process the stock has to go through or a delivery charge. The cost issue on the ‘from’ item remains as per the standard stock cost price (or the FIFO cost if this is in use), the cost entered here is used as the ‘received’ cost on the ‘to’ item.

To-Stock Code

This is the stock code to which the stock is being transferred. If using multi-location stock then after input of the location the stock code itself will default to that of the ‘from’ code – though you can overtype.

Batch/Serial Details

When transferring from an item that is serial/batch tracked to a non-batch tracked item then after inputting the qty transferred you are asked to enter the batch numbers and quantities to transfer. Similarly if transferring from a non-batch tracked item to a batch tracked item then after input of the ‘to-stock’ you are asked to enter the batch-codes/quantities to be created/update. If issuing on a set sequence or auto-generating new batch numbers then batch codes will default for you, of course you can change these by overtyping with another batch code or using <F4-Select>.

The rules for transferring serial and batch items between items that are both tracked are a little more complex.

When transferring between two serial stock items then if the batch set-up for both codes are identical (settings for type/format/pre-fix/auto-generation) then after enter the ‘to-stock’ you are asked:

If you respond ‘yes’ then the serial is moved to the ‘to-stock’ item together with it’s transaction history. If respond ‘no’ or the serial set-up is different between the two stock items then you are asked another question of:

If respond ‘yes’ then the system defaults the new serial number as per the original number and you can then amend as needed (perhaps the new serial has an additional suffix). If you respond ‘no’ then the serial numbers entered for the to-stock are auto-generated, if configured, or can be typed or scanned in.

When transferring between two batch items the rules are similar to the above except that you are only offered to ‘RETAIN’ the same batch number if you transfer the full quantity of the batch, and you can only transfer one batch at a time when not retaining the same batch number.


You can transfer from one stock item to multiple to-codes by leaving the ‘to-stock’ code blank initially. You then, on subsequent lines just enter the quantity transferred to the ‘to-stock’ item and the ‘to-stock’ code itself. This is useful if you were transferring the one stock item out of the main warehouse to multiple sub-warehouses. Note however that the system will not validate that the ‘to’ quantity equals the ‘from’ quantity and that only one stock transfer can be entered before update.

Additional options in the Stock Application User Facilities for Stock Transfer allow the option to make mandatory the input of the ‘to-stock’ code – disallowing the option above – and to stop the ‘to-stock’ code defaulting in multi-location stock.

Stock File Updating

When the stock files are updated the following actions occur for each item transferred:

The physical stock level on the transfer ‘from’ item is reduced

The physical stock level on the transfer ‘to’ item is increased

The last transaction date on both stock items is updated

The cost price, if configured, on the ‘to’ item is updated

The FIFO details, if configured, on the ‘to’ item are updated

A stock transfer transaction is written for the transfer ‘from’ stock item

A stock transfer transaction is written for the transfer ‘to’ stock item

When batch/serial stock items are updated the following actions occur

The physical stock level on the transfer ‘from’ item is reduced

The physical stock level on the transfer ‘to’ item is reduced

New batch/serial records are created as required for the ‘to’ items (if same batch/serial number kept then the details are updated to reflect the ‘to’ item)

A stock transfer transaction is written for the transfer ‘from’ batch item

A stock transfer transaction is written for the transfer ‘to’ batch item

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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