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Stock Record and Stock Transaction Pick Lists

Datafile Software

Stock Record and Stock Transaction Pick Lists

Release 6.2 introduced definable pick lists into Order Processing, Release 6.3 extended this to the Sales and Purchase Ledgers and now in Release 6.4 these options have been added into Stock Control.

The pick lists allow you to review a set of stock records or stock transactions, allowing enquiry options plus updating/editing records as required. Up to nine pick lists can be defined for the stock records file and a further nine pick lists for the stock transaction file. Each list has its own selection criteria and definition layout which can be configured as needed.

Selecting your pick list menu option will prompt, if configured, for you to confirm or enter any required selection criteria or filters and will then list the applicable stock records / transactions for review.

Available actions to perform against the highlighted entry include:

Enquiry – links to the Stock Enquiry option for the currently selected stock record.

Zoom – links to the Ledger Enquiry option for the currently selected stock record.

Update – links to the Stock maintenance screen for the current stock item (n/a for transaction review)

Edit – allows amendment of pre-set list of data items for the current stock/transaction record.

Excel – outputs the current pick list to Excel

Close– exits from the pick list


Application User Facilities

To configure the stock record and transaction pick lists you need to update parameters within the Application User Facilities. To set these options select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Application User Facilities. Select the Stock Control application and then select the Maintain Stock File option, the stock record and transaction pick lists can be configured from this menu by selecting either Definable Stock Pick Lists or Definable Transaction Pick Lists as required.

Selecting the Pick List menu option offers a list of up to nine definitions that can be updated / set as required.

Update Which Entry (1-9)– select the entry number of the pick list definition you wish to create / update.

Pick Title – enter title for the stock record / transaction pick list. This title is displayed as the form header when using the pick list at run-time.

Specify Default Selection Criteria – set any default criteria to be applied. If not set then criteria can still be entered manually at run-time.

Allow Changes to Selection Criteria – if any default criteria set then this option controls whether the operator can amend the default criteria or not.

Remember Changes to Selection Criteria – if default criteria set and allowing changes to the criteria then this option controls whether any changes to the default criteria are remembered for next use.

Start from Header Slot Number– each Datafile Database has ten slot or control numbers that contain ‘record numbers’ used as starting points for processing within the system. Some of these slots are used for internal processing and others can be maintained within your own ProFiler applications. This option asks if you wish to use one of the slot numbers as the starting point for the records to be updated – you can reference a system used slot number such as ‘first transaction this period’ on the stock transaction file if required (no updating of the slot numbers takes place within the stock record/transaction pick list)

Items to Display – select up to ten items to be displayed from the stock record / transaction file (as appropriate)

Sort on Items – select up to four items from the stock record / transaction file upon which the pick list is to be sorted. Also set whether these sort items are to be processed in ascending or descending sequence.

Allow View (Enquiry) Action – set whether the Stock Enquiry option is to be allowed against the account record (or the stock item referenced on the transaction record)

Allow Zoom Action – set whether the pick list can link to the Ledger Enquiry for the highlighted stock record (or the stock item referenced on the transaction record)

Allow Excel Action – set whether you allow output of the pick list to an Excel spreadsheet.

Allow Edit Action – set whether you wish to allow edit of nominated items on the stock record / transaction record.

Allow Update Action- applying to stock record pick lists only this option if set allows use of an UPDATE button to update the account record using the standard stock record maintenance screens.

Include / Exclude Items – this option allows you to set additional filter options against the stock record / transaction database. For each filter item you select the data item you wish to filter on, the heading displayed on screen (if left blank the data item name is used), whether you wish to default to including or excluding records based on this filter. The filter options work on a blank / non-blank status when including or excluding but, for X-type items, you can also set enable a ‘Check Equal’ function that would allow run-time entry of a value to match when including or excluding records.

Edit Action Items / Update – select up to sixteen items from the stock record or transaction record as appropriate to be displayed in the edit function and also set whether the operator is allowed to update this item.Care should be taken when selecting the items to update as system validation rules are not applied.

Menu Design

The pick list options need to be added as required to the Stock Control menu. To add a new menu option sign-on as the CONFIG user and select Application Menu Design, choose the menu to update (the main Stock Control menu is ST.D03 or you may wish to add a utility menu if creating a large number of pick lists) and then select to update either the left or right-hand menu. Move down to a blank menu entry and enter the title required then press <Enter> to enter the menu parameters.

Applic, Program or Notes P-Program

Menu Name or Program Path ST.EXE

Parameter 791x for Stock Record Pick Lists, 792x for Transaction Pick Lists (where X corresponds to the definition entry number required)

NB: Other options can be set as required.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.4
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