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Stock Assemblies - Flag as Obsolete

Datafile Software Solutions

Stock Assemblies – Flag as Obsolete

Where you stock not only complete units, but also the components to make the complete unit, then Stock Assemblies allow you to build a parts list for the finished item. Over time the make-up of a complete unit may change and one part is substituted for another; some users will keep the same assembly and amend the parts list, others replicate the assembly and amend the new layout. This new feature allows you to flag an assembly as obsolete and prevent use of this assembly within the build processes – this may be because the component list has changed or indeed if the complete unit is no longer supplied.

Once configured then Assembly Maintenance offers an ‘Obsolete’ flag which, if set, will omit the assembly from selection.


Database Changes

One new item is required on the Stock Assembly file for this new feature. To add this new item select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and then Restructure A Database. Select the Stock Control application. Elect to update the Live Files and then select the Assemblies File. The existing data items are then displayed on screen, scroll-down to the next available blank entry and create the following item:

Item Type Description

OBSOLETE ? Flag item to identify whether the Assembly is obsolete and no longer to be used.

To insert a new item press <Enter> against a blank entry, enter the title as required and press <Enter>, select the item type (using the drop-down list if required), and depending on item type select the size required.

Once the additional items have been recorded press the <ESC> key and select the UPDATE button to save the database changes. When prompted respond ‘Y’ to the prompts to ‘Extract Existing Data to New Database Structure’ and, if appropriate, ‘Copy Table Entries from Old Database to New Database. Final prompts ask to ‘Remove (.OLD) Database’ and to ‘Carry Out the Same Restructure on the BASE File as well’ – respond as required. If you select to update the base file you need to manually insert the new items at the same data item positions as on the live file.

Database Profiles

The new data item needs to be referenced within the Database Profiles. To update these settings select Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and Set Database Profiles. Choose the Stock Control application before selecting the Assembly Items parameter screen.

On the left of the screen is the prompt Obsolete Flag – against this item reference the data item number of the equivalent item created above, <F4-Select> is available if required.

Sub Assembly Components

Where a component item is also an assembly then the system will, depending on configuration, explode the component parts of the assembly. 

Within Stock Control the system uses the default assembly code recorded against the component stock record and, if this not set, prompts the user to select the assembly code to process. If the default assembly code is flagged as obsolete then the system will ask to select the assembly (and will not offer obsolete assemblies in the list) 

Within Bill of Materials the system uses the first assembly for the component stock item. If this first assembly is flagged as obsolete it will offer the assembly list for selection.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.7
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