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Article Number: 2095 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 4:28 PM
Datafile Software No Data Item Description 161 Payroll Name as set in system profiles "Company / Bank Details” 162 Company Name } 163 Company Address 1 } 164 Company Address 2 } as set in system profiles "Company / Bank Details” 165 Company Address 3 } 166 Company Address 4 } 167 Tax District (Title) } as set in system profiles "Company / Bank Details” 168 Tax District (Code) } 169 Company Bank Name } 170 Company Bank Address 1 } 171 Company Bank Address 2 } as set in system profiles "Company / Bank Details” 172 Company Bank Address 3 } 173 Company Bank Address 4 } 174 Company Bank Sort Code } 175 Company Bank Account No } 176 Payroll Period Number Current Payroll Period Number 177 NI Number (AA nn nn nn a) } 178 NI Number (aa NN nn nn a) } 179 NI Number (aa nn NN nn a) } Print Items to break the employee NI code into its 180 NI Number (aa nn nn NN a) } component parts 181 NI Number (aa nn nn nn A) } 182 Department Name Prints the department name of the employee 183 No of Weeks in Year (if 53/54/56) Prints the week no 53 if in weekly payroll and using extra week this year. Prints 54 for 2-weekly, and 56 for 4-weekly. If no extra week or monthly payroll then this is left blank 184 Employee Number Prints the employee record number or the unique code if this is in use 185 Report Date } Prints the date the report was run "as at” and prints 186 Year from Report Date (YY) } the last two digits of the report year respectively. 187 Week-1/Month-1 Flag Prints W1 or M1 if employee set to be taxed on a week-1 basis. 188 Date Left (DD mm yyyy) } 189 Date Left (dd MM yyyy) } Splits the date left into its component parts. 190 Date Left (dd mm YYYY) } 191 Date of Birth (DD mm yyyy) } 192 Date of Birth (dd MM yyyy) } Splits the date of birth into its component parts 193 Date of Birth (dd mm YYYY) } 194 Company Post Code Prints the post code from the Payroll System Profiles 195 Spare Not used any more 196 Employee’s Total NI-able Pay Prints the employees total NI’able pay for the year. 197 Report Year (YYYY) Prints the report year as four digits 198 Tax District Code - 1 } Breaks the tax district code entered in the system 199 Tax District Code - 2 } profiles into two parts based on the ‘/’ delimiter. 200 Starting Date (DD mm yyyy) } 201 Starting Date (dd MM yyyy) } Prints the date the employee started provided it is in 202 Starting Date (dd mm YYYY) } the current tax year 203 "R” if Tax Refund If YTD tax is negative prints an "R” else blank 204 Sex (M or F) Prints M or F accordingly 205 Surname } Prints the employees surname and forename 206 Forename } respectively 207 Employee Address 1 } 208 Employee Address 2 } Prints the employee address details 209 Employee Address 3 } 210 Employee Address 4 } 211 NI Category } Used for the P14/P60 document this details the 212 Y-NI-LEL-1A } earnings used on the active NI letter 213 Y-NI-ET-1B } 214 Statutory Pay Total (YTD) Total of SMP, SAP, and SPP for the year. 215 Y-NI-UEL-1D } 216 Y-NI-TOT-1e } Remainder of the details of year-to-date earnings and 217 Y-NI-EMP-1F } contributions on the active NI letter. 218 P1-NI-Letter } Earnings breakdown of NI category used this tax year 219 P1-NI-LEL-1A } prior to change 220 P1-NI-ET-1B } 221 Employee Post Code Prints the post code from the employee’s address 222 P1-NI-UEL-1D } Remainder of details of NIC 223 P1-NI-UEL-1E } 224 P1-NI-TOT-1F } 225 Previous Employment Pay } If the employee has worked elsewhere in the tax year 226 Previous Employment Tax } then this is the pay and tax from the P45 227 This Employment Pay } This is the total taxable pay and tax paid for the year 228 This Employment Tax } in this employment. 229 Total Employment Pay } This is the total of the pay in this employment and 230 Total Employment Tax } the previous employment. Is 0 if no previous } employment 231 Final Tax Code Prints the employee tax code 232 "R” if Negative Y-1D Prints ‘R’ if the value held in Y-NI-TOT-1D is negative 233 Y-SSP-AMT-1G Year-to-date Statutory Sick Pay 234 Y-SMP-AMT-1h Year-to-date Statutory Maternity Pay 235 Y-STUD-LOAN Year-to-date Student Loan deductions 236 Y-TAX-CRED Year-to-date Tax Credit additions 237 Y-OSPP-1i Year-to-date Statutory Paternity Pay 238 Y-SAP-1K Year-to-date Statutory Adoption Pay 239 "R” if negative P1-1D Prints ‘R’ if the value held in P1-NI-TOT-1D is negative 240 Last Pay Period (Weekly) } For print on the P45. Prints the last pay period the 241 Last Pay Period (Monthly) } employee was paid. 242 P45 Total Pay to Date } For print on the P45. Prints the total pay and tax to 243 P45 Total Tax to Date } date. If previous employment pay/tax is 0 then } omitted 244 P45 This Employment Pay to Date } For print on the P45. Prints the pay and tax for this 245 P45 This Employment Tax to Date } employment. 246 Statutory Payment Total (Current) Prints the total of SPP/SAP/SMP for the current period. 247 P2-NI-Letter } 248 P2-NI-LEL-1A } 249 P2-NI-ET-1B } For use on the P14/P60. Earnings breakdown for the 250 P2-NI-UEL-1D } NI category prior to last two changes. 251 P2-NI-TOT-1E } 252 P2-NI-EMP-1F } 253 "R” if P2-1D Negative } 254 P3-NI-LETTER } 255 P3-NI-LEL-1A } 256 P3-NI-ET-1B } For use on the P14/P60. Earnings breakdown for 257 P3-NI-UEL-1D } the NI category prior to last 3 changes. 258 P3-NI-TOT-1E } 259 P3-NI-EMP-1F } 260 "R” if P3-1D Negative } 261 Y-NI-1A+1B } 262 P1-NI-1A+1B } Holds value of earnings upto ET for current 263 P2-NI-1A+1B } and previous three NI categories 264 P3-NI-1A+1B } 265 Y-NI-UAP-1C } 266 P1-NI-UAP-1C } Holds value of earnings between ET and UAP 267 P2-NI-UAP-1C } for current and previous three NI categories 268 P3-NI-UAP-1C } 269 "X” if Week-1/Month-1 } 270 "X” if Female } Prints X if condition is met 271 "X” if Male } 272 Report Date (DD mm yyyy) } 273 Report Date (dd MM yyyy) } Prints Report Date in three component parts 274 Report Date (dd mm YYYY) } 275 Y-ASPP-1J Value of Additional SPP for the year-to-date |
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