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Employee-2 File Database Structure

Datafile Software

Employee-2 File Database Structure

This database is maintained and used by the system for year-end reporting, director and statutory payment calculations. This list allows you to see what the data items hold for use in reports and documents.

No Data Item Type Description

1 C-NI-1A K Holds the employee earnings for the period up to the LEL (Lower Earnings Limit)

2 C-NI-1B K Holds the employee earnings for the period between the LEL and the ET (Employee Threshold)

3 C-NI-1C K Holds the employee earnings for the period between the ET and the UAP (Upper Accrual Point)

4 C-NI-1D K Holds the employee earnings for the period between the UAP and the UEL (Upper Earnings Limit)

5 C-NI-1E K Holds the total NI contributions by the employee and the employer for the period

6 C-NI-1F K Holds the NI contributions for the period by the employee

7 C-NI-REB-EE K Holds the NI rebate for the employee calculated for selected NI categories

8 C-NI-REB-ER K Holds the NI rebate for the employer calculated for selected NI categories

10 Y-NI-SCON X (8) Holds the contracted out scheme number for the employee’s active NI category. No Longer Applicable.

11 Y-NI-1A K }

12 Y-NI-1B K }

13 Y-NI-1C K } As above but holds the year-to-date

14 Y-NI-1D K } values for the employee’s active NI

15 Y-NI-1E K } category

16 Y-NI-1F K }

17 Y-NI-REB-EE K }

18 Y-NI-REB-ER K }

21 DIR-START E If the employee became a director during the current tax year then this holds the date they became a director.

22 DIR-END E If the employee ceases to be a director during the current tax year this holds the date they ceased to be a director

23 DIR-RATA N If the employee becomes a director during the current tax year then this holds the number of pay weeks (even if monthly pay) over which the employee is paid as a director

24 DIR-NI-GROSS K This is the NI’able earnings for the director for the year-to-date

25 DIR-EARNINGS K This is the NI’able earnings for the director in the current period

26 DIR-NI-EE K This is the total NI contributions for the year-to-date as a director by the employee

27 DIR-NI-ER K This is the total NI contributions for the year-to-date as a director by the employer

28 DIR-NI-REB-EE K This is the total NI employee rebate for the year-to-date as a director

29 DIR-NI-REB-ER K This is the total NI employer rebate for the year-to-date as a director

31 STUDENT-LOAN ? Flag to identify the employee as paying student loan deductions

32 C-SLC-EARN K Earnings in the current period on which the student loan deduction is to be calculated. The deduction is a percentage (as of writing 9%) of the difference between this value and the period portion of the student loan threshold (as of writing £10,000 per annum). Earnings would normally be the taxable pay less any attachment of earnings.

33 Y-SLC-EARN K Earnings YTD on which the student loan deduction has been calculated.

34 C-SLC-DED K The amount of deduction from net pay this period for the student loan deduction. You would display this item on your payslip.

35 Y-SLC-DED K The total deductions for the year-to-date.

36 SLC-PROTECT K The level of protected earnings specified against attachment of earnings orders. If the net pay is below this then no student loan repayment is deducted.

37 SLC-SWITCHES X (20) String containing the switch category letters (i.e. ABC etc) which are used for attachment of earnings orders and are deducted prior to calculating the earnings attachable for student loan deductions.

38 SLC-SUSPEND ? Flag set when the employee has certain attachment of earnings orders against them which cause the student loan deduction to be suspended.

47 STAKE-REF X (10) Reference number of the employee stakeholder pension scheme

48 STAKE-TYPE-EE X (1) Flag to identify the contributions method for employee stakeholder pension contributions – B-Basic%, G-Gross%, F-Fixed Amount, I-Item%

49 STAKE-TYPE-ER X (1) Flag to identify the contributions method for employer stakeholder pension contributions

50 STAKE-VAL-EE K Rate or Fixed Amount contributed each period by the employee

51 STAKE-VAL-ER K Rate or Fixed Amount contributed each period by the employer

52 C-STAKE-EE K Actual amount contributed by the employee this period.You would show this value on your payslip.

53 C-STAKE-ER K Actual amount contributed by the employer this period.

54 Y-STAKE-EE K Actual amount contributed by the employee for the year-to-date

55 Y-STAKE-ER K Actual amount contributed by the employer for the year-to-date

56 STAKE-NET ? Flag set so that employee contributions are net of basic rate tax.

57 STAKE-OMIT ? Flag set so that employee contributions are omitted this period if the value is greater than net pay. (If blank then available pay is used for the deduction).

60 SMP-QUAL-WK N Payroll period in which the SMP (Statutory Maternity Pay) qualifying week takes place

61 SMP-STARTDATE E Date at which to begin paying SMP at

62 SMP-AVERAGE K Weekly earnings for the SMP qualifying week

63 SMP-WEEKS-H N } No of weeks remaining of SMP remaining

64 SMP-WEEKS-L N } to be paid at the high and low bands.

65 C-SMP-WEEKS N No of weeks SMP paid this period

66 C-SMP-AMNT K Amount of SMP paid this period. This is the value you would display on the payslip.

67 Y-SMP-WEEKS K No of weeks SMP paid year-to-date

68 Y-SMP-AMNT K Amount of SMP paid year-to-date

69 SMP-DUEDATE E Date the baby is due.

70 SAP-QUAL-WK N Payroll period in which the SAP (Statutory Adoption Pay) qualifying week takes place

71 SAP-STARTDATE E Date at which to being paying SAP at

72 SAP-AVERAGE K Weekly earnings for the SAP qualifying week.

73 SAP-WEEKS-L N No of Weeks SAP remaining to be paid

74 C-SAP-WEEKS N No of Weeks SAP paid this period

75 C-SAP-AMNT K Amount of SAP paid this period. This is the value you would include on your payslip.

76 Y-SAP-WEEKS N No of Weeks SAP paid for the year-to-date

77 Y-SAP-AMNT K Amount of SAP paid for the year-to-date

78 SPPB-QUAL-WK N Payroll Period No in which qualifying week for SPP (Statutory Paternity Pay) for Births occurs

79 SPPB-STARTDATE E Date at which to start paying SPP

80 SPPB-AVERAGE K Weekly earnings for the SPP qualifying week

81 SPPB-WEEKS-L N No of Weeks SPP remaining to be paid

82 C-SPPB-WEEKS N No of Weeks SPP paid this period

83 C-SPPB-AMNT K Amount of SPP paid this period. This is the value you would include on your payslip

84 Y-SPPB-WEEKS N No of weeks SPP paid for the year-to-date

85 Y-SPPB-AMNT K Amount of SPP paid for the year-to-date

86 SPPA-QUAL-WK N Payroll Period No in which qualifying week for SPP (Statutory Paternity Pay) for Adoptions occurs

87 SPPA-STARTDATE E Date at which to start paying SPP

88 SPPA-AVERAGE K Weekly earnings for the SPP qualifying week

89 SPPA-WEEKS-L N No of Weeks SPP remaining to be paid

90 C-SPPA-WEEKS N No of Weeks SPP paid this period

91 C-SPPA-AMNT K Amount of SPP paid this period. This is the value you would include on your payslip

92 Y-SPPA-WEEKS N No of weeks SPP paid for the year-to-date

93 Y-SPPA-AMNT K Amount of SPP paid for the year-to-date

100 C-AOE-ADMIN K Attachment of Earnings Orders allows the employer to set an administration charge against the employee. This contains the charge deducted for the current period.

101 Y-AOE-ADMIN K This contains the charge deducted for the year-to-date.

102 DECEASED X (1) Flag identifying employee as deceased for recording on P45

103 ASPPB-QUAL-WK N Payroll Period No in which qualifying week for ASPP (Additional Statutory Paternity Pay) for Births occurs

104 ASPPB-STARTDATE E Date at which to start paying ASPP

105 ASPPB-AVERAGE K Weekly earnings for the ASPP qualifying week

106 ASPPB-WKS-LFT K No of Weeks ASPP remaining to be paid

107 C-ASPPB-WEEKS K No of Weeks ASPP paid this period

108 C-ASPPB-AMNT K Amount of ASPP paid this period. This is the value you would include on your payslip

109 Y-ASPPB-WEEKS K No of weeks ASPP paid for the year-to-date

110 Y-ASPPB-AMNT K Amount of ASPP paid for the year-to-date

111 ASPPA-QUAL-WK N Payroll Period No in which qualifying week for ASPP (Additional Statutory Paternity Pay) for Adoptions occurs

112 ASPPA-STARTDATE E Date at which to start paying ASPP

113 ASPPA-AVERAGE K Weekly earnings for the ASPP qualifying week

114 ASPPA-WKS-LFT K No of Weeks ASPP remaining to be paid

115 C-ASPPA-WEEKS K No of Weeks ASPP paid this period

116 C-ASPPA-AMNT K Amount of ASPP paid this period. This is the value you would include on your payslip

117 Y-ASPPA-WEEKS K No of weeks ASPP paid for the year-to-date

118 Y-ASPPA-AMNT K Amount of ASPP paid for the year-to-date

121 P1-NI-LETT X (1) }

122 P1-NI-SCON X (8) }

123 P1-NI-1A K } When the employee changes NI category

124 P1-NI-1B K } the YTD values are transferred to the P1

125 P1-NI-1C K } values here. The P1 values to P2 set

126 P1-NI-1D K } below, and the P2 values to the P3 set.

127 P1-NI-1E K } You are allowed 3changes of NI category

128 P1-NI-1F K } during the tax year

129 P1-NI-REB-EE K }

130 P1-NI-REB-ER K }

131 P2-NI-LETT X (1) }

132 P2-NI-SCON X (8) }

133 P2-NI-1A K } When the employee changes NI category

134 P2-NI-1B K } the YTD values are transferred to the P1

135 P2-NI-1C K } values. The P1 values to P2 here, and the

136 P2-NI-1D K } P2 values to the P3 set. You are allowed

137 P2-NI-1E K } 3changes of NI category during the tax

138 P2-NI-1F K } year

139 P2-NI-REB-EE K }

140 P2-NI-REB-ER K }

141 P3-NI-LETT X (1) }

142 P3-NI-SCON X (8) }

143 P3-NI-1A K } When the employee changes NI category

144 P3-NI-1B K } the YTD values are transferred to the P1

145 P3-NI-1C K } values. The P1 values to P2 set, and the

146 P3-NI-1D K } P2 values to the P3 set here. You are

147 P3-NI-1E K } allowed 3changes of NI category during

148 P3-NI-1F K } the tax year

149 P3-NI-REB-EE K }

150 P3-NI-REB-ER K }

151 SAV-NI-1A K } When an employee becomes a director NI

152 SAV-NI-1B K } is charged on a year-to-date basis for the

153 SAV-NI-1C K } remainder of the year. This contains the

154 SAV-NI-1D K } earnings under which the employee paid

} NI as an employee. At the end of the year

} these values are added to the YTD 1A-1C

} values on end of year reports (or if change

} NI category added to the P1 set.

321 ASPPB-PR-SUR X (35) Surname of employee partner in receipt of ASPP for Births

322 ASPPB-PR-FORE X (35) Forename of employee partner in receipt of ASPP

323 ASPPB-PR-INIT X (5) Initials of employee partner in receipt of ASPP

324 ASPPB-PR-SEC X (35) Second forename of partner in receipt of ASPP

325 ASPPB-PR-NINO X (9) National Insurance number of partner in receipt of ASPP

326 ASPPA-PR-SUR X (35) Surname of employee partner in receipt of ASPP for Adoptions

327 ASPPA-PR-FORE X (35) Forename of employee partner in receipt of ASPP

328 ASPPA-PR-INIT X (5) Initials of employee partner in receipt of ASPP

329 ASPPA-PR-SEC X (35) Second forename of partner in receipt of ASPP

330 ASPPA-PR-NINO X (9) National Insurance number of partner in receipt of ASPP

331 START-DECL X (1) Flag identifying the starting declaration for new starter

332 SECONDED-1 ? }

333 SECONDED-2 ? } Flags detailing responses to declarations for

334 SECONDED-3 ? } employees seconded to work in the UK

335 SECONDED-4 ? }

336 SECONDED-5 ? }

337 OLD-EMP-NO X (35) Hold the old employee number updated when compact employee files using Controls & Audit Manager options (or if using Restart options in Payroll Plus when resets to /01 at start of new year)

338 IRREGULAR-PAY ? Flag identifying that employee is not paid regularly each period (for HMRC purposes)

339 NORMAL-HOURS X (1) Holds A-D depending on response to Normal Number of Hours the employee works.

340 C-BEN-TAXED K Holds the value of benefits in kind taxed in the current period.

341 Y-BEN-TAXED K Holds the value of benefits in kind taxed in the year-to-date.

342 C-PEN-EE-NET K Holds the value of pension contributions by the employee before tax in the current period

343 Y-PEN-EE-NET K Holds the value of pension contributions by the employee before tax in the year-to-date

344 C-PEN-EE-XNET K Holds the value of pension contributions by the employee after tax in the current period.

345 Y-PEN-EE-XNET K Holds the value of pension contributions by the employee after tax in the current period.

346 C-GR-NI-ADDS K Holds the value of switch payments made to the employee which are included in NI’able pay but not included in Taxable pay

347 Y-GR-NI-ADDS K Holds the value of switch payments for the year-to-date

348 BACS-HASHCODE X (64) Holds the seed data used for generation of the BACS reference used in the FPS submission to the HMRC. The first four characters of this item should be set within field 7 of any BACS output file

349 EX-PAT ? Flag identifying employee as having been seconded to work in the UK

350 ON-STRIKE ? Flag identifying that employees pay has been reduced this period due to strike action

351 UNPD-ABSENCE ? Flag identifying that employees pay has been reduced this period due to an unpaid absence

352 PASSPORT-NO X (35) Holds the employees passport number

353 NEW-STARTER ? Flag set when add a new employee and hasn’t yet been included on FPS submission


355 SENT-DIR-WKNO N } Selected details should only be sent to the HMRC

356 SENT-PARTNER N } on a FPS once. These items are updated with the

357 SENT-STARTER N } year/period in which the set detail was uploaded

358 SENT-LEAVER N } to the HMRC so are not resent.



361 C-PAY-XTAXNI K Holds value of any payments to the employee after tax and NICs for the current period

362 Y-PAY-XTAXNI K Holds value of any payments to the employee after tax and NICs for the year to date

363 C-DED-NETSLC K Holds value of any deductions from employee pay after tax or NIC’s for the current period (not including student loans)

364 Y-DED-NETSLC K Holds value of any deductions from employee pay after tax or NIC’s for the year-to-date

365 C-NI-1y K Holds the value of earnings up to the LEL when earnings do not exceed the LEL

366 C-NI-1z K Holds the value of earnings over the UEL for the current period

367 Y-NI-1y K Holds the year-to-date value of earnings up to the LEL when earnings do not exceed the LEL

368 Y-NI-1z K Holds the year-to-date value of earnings over the UEL

369 S-NI-1y K }

370 S-NI-1z K }

371 P1-NI-1y K } Holds value of earnings under LEL and over UEL for

372 P1-NI-1z K } previous NI categories used throughout the year

373 P2-NI-1y K } (P1-P3) and the value of earnings before/after

374 P2-NI-1z K } employee became a director (S)

375 P3-NI-1y K }

376 P3-NI-1z K }

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