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S Screen Actions |
Article Number: 1229 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 5:24 PM
Datafile Software S – Screen Actions This option allows you to design screens for adding, updating, deleting and viewing records.Parameter 1 prompts for the data file number (1 to 8) the screen is to be based upon. Parameter 2 asks for the filename for the screen definition layout. After confirming the menu details you will be prompted to
update the screen definition or, if doesn’t already exist, to create the
definition. If updating an existing
screen definition then you are taken directly to the screen design, if creating
a new layout you are asked to set the General Parameters first. NB: If updating an existing layout the General Parameters are available from the Parameters pull-down menu on the main toolbar. Title – The title is displayed at the top of the screen when the option is in use and should therefore provide sufficient information so that the person operating the system is aware of the sort of screen they are currently using. The title defaults to that of the menu description added on first creation. Select Master Record– only applicable if the screen design is for a detail database. If set then on selection of the screen the operator is asked for the prime-index of the master record (for example the account code) and then all the records for that account are displayed and you can add, update, view or delete records for the master code as configured. If not set then you select the action you wish to use and are then prompted for the record, usually via the record number on detail files, you wish to use and all records are available regardless of master code. Number of Screens– the screen definition can be configured over 9 screens of information. Set the number of screens required. Conditional Screens– if using more than one screen then the second+ screens can be set so they only display on a set condition. If set then a pop-up asks for the data item to check which, if true, means the screen is displayed. If using a Y/N item then a ‘Y’ means the screen will display, other items would be based around whether the field is blank/zero or not (if blank/zero then screen is not displayed) Lines to Reserve for Master – if the screen design is based on a detail file, regardless of whether selecting by master, the top nlines can be configured to display details from the associated master record. Typically you use 3-5 lines for the master but can be set from 0-10. Allow Which Access Features to Records – the next section asks which actions you wish to be available on this screen. Options available include Add – allows adding of records via this screen Update – allows updating of records via this screen Delete – allows deleting of records via this screen View – allows viewing of records via this screen List – allows listing of records via this screen Replicate– allow the option to copy an existing record as the basis of a new record Search – allows the use of selection criteria to find required records Change Ref – only applicable if screen based on a prime-indexed database this option allows operator to change the ‘unique key’ reference associated with the record – i.e. the account code. Pick – similar to ‘List’ in that displays a list of records on screen subject to selection criteria but then allows use of other actions against that list – i.e. you can update or view the record and are then returned to the list. Hard Copy– allows print of a report against the selected record. Allow Which Items to Access Records – records may be accessed via the record number or, if defined for the database, the prime-index.You generally set one or the other, and the system will default to the ‘correct’ setting when the screen is created – basically if the file is prime-indexed use this otherwise record number. Ignore Sel – this
option allows you to hide records from selection (either via entry of the
record number / index code or via <F4-Select>). When selected a pop-up asks you to enter the
condition for which records are hidden/ignored (if record matches the condition
it is hidden). The pop-up asks for the
data item to test, the condition (equal / not equal) and the value. As a similar option exists within the Data
File Profiles – which applies to all access to the database within the
application – this option asks whether this condition is to be applied in
conjunction with the ‘standard’ ignore feature.If not set then this condition replaces the general condition. If the screen design is against file 1 which is configured as a ‘Master’ file for the application then a second screen of parameters is available to allow link to screens based on the detail files. Allow Zoom From Master Record to Detail Records – You may want the ability to go from the screen of a main file to look through the records on a linked detail file which belong to a given main record. If more than one detail file exists you can define zoom links to each as required. Set this option if required. Link To – shows the names of the other application files within the application. Pathname – only applicable for actual detail files this option asks for the definition filename for the screen design to be based on the detail file. If using the sub-file items (see next input) then the pathname should include last two characters as ‘??’ Sub-File Item – only applicable if using ProFiler Plus Features this option allows selection of a T-Table or N-type analysis item on the detail database. The system will then offer to filter the detail records based on the content of this field and then load a specific screen definition relating to this value (1-99). Max – if not set the maximum analysis code is 99 otherwise set as required. Only Lock ‘U’ Status When In Zoom – when updating a record the record itself is exclusively locked to prevent other operators changing values on this record. This option, applying to the Zoom action to the associated details, omits the exclusive lock on the master record when updating details and instead uses a ‘U-Use’ lock. This means that one operator can access the detail records of a master record at the same time as another operator is accessing them. Alternative Key for Zoom Action Alternative Prompt for Zoom Data If the zoom option is active then the menu offers ZOOM as
the action to update the detail records together with the shortcut key of
Z. These options, used in conjunction,
allow entry of an alternative shortcut key code and description – i.e. D –
Details (although if use this Delete should not be enabled on this screen as
the shortcut keys would clash). Note If
‘Zoom to Detail’ options are configured then on exit from this screen design
the system will offer to create/update the detail screen(s). If more than one detail screen linked then
each is offered in turn. After setting the general parameters (for new definitions) the screen mask is then displayed for you to design your entry screen. If updating an existing screen this is displayed for you immediately on entry to the definition. The screen is based around a grid 16 lines down and 80 columns across and you can add data items, text labels, column lines and borders as you require. If the definition is set for more than one screen then <Page-Down> allows you to move to the second and subsequent screens, <Page-Up> moves back up through the screens. Text Labels – to add a text label you position the cursor where you wish the text to begin – either by using the arrow keys or the mouse – and then type the text required. If text entry is in OVERTYPE mode then entered text would overwrite any existing text, if in INSERT mode then any existing text would be moved to the right (and deleted if moves past column 80). You can switch between modes using the INSERT key and the current text input mode is displayed on the status line. To clear text then make sure you’re in OVERTYPE mode and use the space bar, or alternatively <F2> clears all text to the right of the cursor, <F3> clears all text on the current line. Text labels currently display in the designer in a fixed pitch font, at run-time the system will use the set ‘text items font’ defined within the Font Settings facility on the Window pull-down menu on the main toolbar. Screen Border – to add a border around the screen select the BORDER option off the Tools pull-down menu on the main toolbar. To remove the border you need to select the LINE MODE option off the Tools menu, highlight a border line with the mouse and then hit the <DELETE> key before repeating for the other three lines in the border.To move back in to text entry mode select the TEXT MODE option off the Tools menu. Lines – to draw lines on screen you need to select LINE MODE off the Tools pull-down menu and then, using the mouse click the mouse button (LEFT) where you wish the line to start and then, keeping the button pressed, drag the mouse to the left/right or up/down to draw the line. Note that lines must be either horizontal or vertical.To extend / reduce the length of a line highlight the line with the mouse and move the cursor to the end of the line so that the cursor changes to a left/right arrow (for horizontal lines, up/down for vertical) and then click with mouse and drag to increase or reduce size as required. To delete a line, highlight and then hit the <DELETE> key. To move back to text entry, select TEXT MODE from the Tools pull-down menu. Insert/Delete Screen Lines – to insert a new line on screen (any items on last line deleted) press <F5> or use the option on the Edit pull-down menu. To delete the current line (adding a blank line to the end) press <F6> or use the option on the Edit pull-down menu. Data Items – to update a data item on screen you position the cursor where you wish the item to begin and then press either <F4-Select> or right-click with the mouse. If the database the screen is based upon is a detail file or allows lookup to other files then you will be presented with a list of the databases available to select from – press <Enter> to select the database and display the list of items (note that if place an item from master/lookup database then this is view-only in nature). If the database the screen is based upon does not have any lookup databases or master file then the system displays the list of data items available immediately. Once the list is displayed you scroll up/down and then press <Enter> against the item you wish to display. Depending on the item updated on to the screen you may be asked some additional parameters. If the item is a text input (or date etc.) then you will be asked to select if the item is view-only (no user input allowed), upper case input (any letters are forced to uppercase) or is a mandatory input (text must be entered). If the item is a numeric input then you will be asked the view-only, upper case input, and mandatory parameters but also a prompt numeric adjust where you will be asked for a + or – character. It would be usual to leave this blank so that the value entered is the value stored within the data item. If set to ‘+’ then any entered value is addedto the existing content of the field – i.e. if value is 10 and you enter 5 then the value stored is 15. If set to ‘-‘ then any entered value is subtracted from the existing content of the field. Also note that 0 is not a valid input if the field is mandatory. If the item is view-only by nature – it’s from a lookup database, or is a calculated field type, or is a ‘pointer’ field – then no additional parameters are prompted for. After setting the parameters you will be asked if you wish to apply any ‘Special Actions’ to the item.These functions allow additional features to the input item and are discussed in the next section. Once the parameter settings and any special features are set
then the data item is updated on to the screen layout as a white box. You can move this item by selecting it with
the mouse and dragging to the required position. You can delete the item (off the screen only!)
by selecting it with the mouse and then pressing the <DELETE> key. If you wish to change the parameters or
special actions associated with a data item select with the mouse and either
press <F4-Select> or right-click with the mouse. Data Item Sequence When
using the screen at run-time the cursor moves through each item in a set
sequence. By default this sequence is
set for you when you insert items on the screen using the guideline that the
system assumes items are entered down the screen and then left to right – i.e.
column 1 / line 5, column 1 / line 10, column 2 line 7, etc. If
you wish to reset the sequence to the default sequence at any point select the
‘Auto Sequence’ option on the Tools pull-down menu. As mentioned above when adding/updating settings for a data item on screen various special actions are available that relate to this item. These allow control of whether values are greater/equal than a set value, default the item to a set value on add, etc. Up to three special actions can be set against an item (although some actions cannot be used more than once on an item or may clash with others), for each you select the action, the value and whether it is mandatory or not. Actions available include: = - Default. If set the action to ‘=’ then the data entered in the ‘value’ input will be offered as the default value when adding records. E – Equal. If set the action to ‘E’ then at run-time the value entered in the item must equal that set in the special action ‘value’ otherwise you cannot move past this field. G – Greater. If set the action to ‘G’ then at run-time the value entered must be equal or greater than that set in the special action value. L – Less.If set the action to ‘L’ then at run-time the value entered must be equal or less than that set in the special action value. N – Not Equal. If set the action to ‘N’ then at run-time the value entered must not match that set in the special action value. T – Tax Code. If set to ‘T’ then at run-time this field offers <F4-Select> to select a VAT code from the company VAT table.The value option is left blank usually but can be set with a data item number, if set then the tax rate is updated automatically into this item. V – Validate. This allows the link of this item to a condition set for the item (within the Application Profile / File Conditions). These offer the same options a Greater-Than / Less-Than / Equal / Not Equal but also allow the system to display a message if the operator inputs in error rather than just beep. For the value input you set the condition to be applied (<F7> to view). C – Conditional. This option also allows link of this item to a condition set against this database (but not necessarily the same item). In this case the item is only input if the condition is met. If not met the input is skipped. If set for conditional input a pop-up asks for the condition number to be applied (<F7> to view), whether the data item is to be input if the condition is matched (TRUE) or not matched (FALSE), whether any existing value is to be blanked/zeroed if the input is skipped, and what any default is to be if the input is to allow entry. F –
Format. This option, applicable for
text fields, allows you to specify a format that the text must be entered
in. This uses the standard formatting
codes used throughout the system – A-Upper case Letter, 9 – Number, X – any
character or U – any character but if letter forced to uppercase. Maximum format size is 12 characters or field
size whichever is smaller.
When using this option a pop-up asks a series of parameters: File No for Stock File – set the file no within the profiler application of the stock/product file (mandatory) File No for Matrix File – set the file no for the matrix file (optional if only wish to use price lookup) This File: Account Code – set the item number on the current file that contains the sales ledger account code. This File: Account Group – optional unless using discount matrix and account groups, set the item number on the current file that contains the account group This File: Stock Code – set the item number on the current file that contains the stock / product code. This File: Stock Group – again optional unless using discount matrix and stock groups, set the item number on the current file that contains the stock group This File: Quantity – optional unless using discount matrix and qty breaks, set the item number on the current file that contains the order quantity. This File: Which Price – set the item number on the current file that holds the which price (1-9, or M-Matrix) This File: Discount % - optional unless using discount matrix, set the item number on the current file that holds the discount percentage rate. This File: Price – set the item number on the current file that is to be updated with the item price. This File: Date – optional unless using the discount matrix and expiry dates, set the item number on the current file that holds the order date to be compared with any matrix expiry date. Stock File: First Price – set the data item number for the first price field on the stock / product file. Stock File: Last Price – set the data item number for the last price field on the stock / product file. Price items must be a consecutive range of a maximum 9 items. Q – Quick Forms. If recall the F-Forms option discussed earlier in this manual this allowed entry of a ‘stock order list’ which could be updated against a flat file record (all the items on the order updated into one record). This option controls the update of these items and allows selection of the quick form to be used.
When using this action a series of additional parameters are available: Form Code – Set the form code to be used for this feature.<F4-Select> is available to view the defined forms. Form Action (L/C) – Set whether the input is to only lookup the form code (L) or whether it’s to lookup the form and copy the details of the form into the record (C) Save Form Title in Item Number – set the item number on the current file that is to be updated with the form title. From Code Item – set the data item number on the current file that is to be updated with the ‘stock code’ from the first entry on the quick form. To Code Item – set the data item number on the current file that is to be updated with the ‘stock code’ from the last entry on the quick form. Code items must be consecutive within the current database. From Qty Item – set the data item number on the current file that is to be updated with the ‘order qty’ from the first entry on the quick form. To Qty Item – set the data item number on the current file that is to be updated with the ‘order qty’ from the last entry on the quick form. Qty items must be consecutive within the current database. From Desc Item – set the data item number on the current file that is to be updated with the ‘stock description’ from the first entry on the quick form. To Desc Item – set the data item number on the current file that is to be updated with the ‘stock description’ from the last entry on the quick form.Description items must be consecutive within the current database. U – Lookup. This option allows you to define a lookup to a Datafile database that is not within the applications list of files. Primarily intended for status code lookups where only the lookup code is verified it does allow up to ten copy items from the lookup file to the main record. On entry of this option you are prompted for:
Look Up Pathname – enter the name of the database you wish to use. You can enter a new filename here by entering the filename and then selecting the CREATE option (this would allow for the creation of a ‘status’ code type database). Format – enter the prime-index format for the lookup database (i.e. AAAA, AA999, 9999, or UUUU, etc.) Auth to Create New – set the authority level required to create new lookup records when this option is in use at run-time. Leave blank to not allow creation of new records. F4-Select Items – specify up to five items from the lookup database that will be listed when records are displayed via F4. Copy Items from look up to main file – here you can specify up to ten copy items from the look up file to the main record. Usual rules apply with regards to copying between identical / compatible item types. NB: The MAINTAIN button available at the bottom of the screen allows creation of new records within the lookup database (prime-index and data item 2 only) Z – Zoom. Where the data item is a (Data File Profile set) lookup item then this option allows the <F7-Option> key to view a screen from the lookup file based on the currently entered lookup value. Note that this is a view-only screen and no data can be edited. X – Special Action. This action allows additional specialised items as follows.Note that references to FFF and TTT are asking for data item numbers. 101 FFF TTT – makes TTT an n-type date (YYMM) from text in FFF. For example a date of 26th January 2007 becomes 0701 in an N-type field. 101 action should be referenced against the FFF data item or an item shown/processed on screen prior to the TTT input (if shown). 102 FFF TTT – applies current value as a percentage of FFF to make TTT.For example if FFF was 50, and you enter 5 as the current value (i.e. the item the 102 action is specified against) then the TTT item is updated as 2.5. 103 FFF TTT – makes TTT as D-type Date (DDMMYY) from text in FFF. For example a date of 26th January 2007 becomes 260107 in a D-type date field. 103 action should be referenced against the FFF item itself or another item shown/processed on screen prior to the TTT input (if it is shown). 104 FFF TTT – copies FFF to TTT. Copies value entered in FFF to TTT. 104 action should be referenced against the FFF item itself or another item shown/processed on screen prior to the TTT input. If you specify A after the TTT item (so 104 FFF TTT A) then the copy item is only actioned when adding a record. If you specify B after the TTT item then the copy is only actioned when TTT is blank/zero. 105 FFF TTT – copies FFF to TTT and negates if KLMJ type. This copies the value entered in FFF to TTT but will, if data item type is the numeric K, L, M or J types negate the value so 5.00 would copy as 5.00- and 6.00- would become 6.00. As with the 104 item you can use the A / B modifiers so that only copies when adding a record or if TTT item is blank. 105 action should be referenced against the FFF item itself or another item shown/processed on screen prior to the TTT item. 106 FFF TTT – adds value in FFF to current TTT value. For example if enter ‘5’ in FFF this is added to whatever value is in TTT currently. Specify 106 special action against the FFF item itself or any other item prior to TTT item. 107 FFF TTT – adds value in FFF to current TTT value but if TTT results in a negative value updates as 0. Specify 107 special action against the FFF item itself or any other item prior to TTT item. 108 FFF TTT – subtracts value in FFF from current TTT value. Specify 108 special action against the FFF item itself or any other item prior to TTT item. 109 FFF TTT - subtracts value in FFF to current TTT value but if TTT results in a negative value updates as 0. Specify 109 special action against the FFF item itself or any other item prior to TTT item. 110 FFF – allows calculation of decimal value where FFF is an n-type factor.Primarily intended for use with time calculations so that FFF item contains 60 and, in the K/L type field the 110 action is set against, you can enter ‘10+30’ and the value will be updated as 10.50. 111 FFF ABCDE – on lookup action ignore records (i.e. prevent selection) if item FFF on lookup file is equal to the text string entered (ABCDE). This action has now been superseded by the ‘Ignore Lookup’ options available in the Data File Profiles lookup definition.Special action 111 should be specified against the lookup item itself. 112 FFF ABCDE – this is the reverse of the above and ignores the records where the value doesn’t match the text string entered. 113 FFF TTT – updates current item with content of FFF unless zero in which case updates from TTT instead. Action should be specified against the item being updated. 114 – stock price lookup. This is superseded by the ‘P-Price Matrix’ option discussed earlier. 115 FFF TTT. This option is superseded by the U-Lookup option in that it allows up to five status code characters (FFF – an X1 type field) to be used which then populates an associated description (TTT – an X15 type field). The special action should be specified against the FFF data item.The status codes and associated descriptions are specified within the ‘Special Custom Features’ section of the Application Profile as custom strings 11-15. Here you specify the code followed by the description i.e. A=Active, P=Print, etc. 121 FFF TTT. This is similar to action 111 in that it ‘hides’ records in a lookup database based on content of a field, but instead of a text string being used as the filter item the content of a data item (TTT) on the current file is used instead. 122 FFF TTT. This is similar to 121 except that ‘hides’ the records that don’t match the field instead. 123 FFF TTT. On a screen based on the master file (file 1) this allows the current value, if changed, to be copied to all detail records linked to the current master record. FFF asks for the file number (002, 003, etc) of the detail file in the ProFiler application list of files and TTT is the data item to be update. You specify the 123 action on the master screen against the item you wish to be copied. 124 – special action for custom use (no general application). 125 Lnn FFF TTT – this action allows you to define an additional lookup against a file which already has a lookup relationship defined. Lnn asks for the file number of the lookup file as set in the application list of files (L02, L03 etc). You can optionally set FFF and TTT to action a copy item from the lookup file (FFF) to the current file (TTT). Special action should be set against the lookup code. 126 – Acts as a duplication check and warns if the current value is used in any other records (add action only). It is recommended that the data item is set as a secondary index on large files. 127 FFF – In some ways superseded by the multiple file set option this action allows you to change a database used in the profiler application in relation to a value on the current record. Database pathname as specified must contain 00 as part of the filename.The content of FFF, set as a two-digit Y-type field, will be used to replace the 00 part of the filename and open up this database instead – performing any lookups etc against this file. 128 FFF TTT – Copy from lookup database and copy value into TTT, relative to date item FFF. This special action uses a lookup database and copies a value from that item to another.However the copy item is relative to a date table on the lookup record. The table can have multiple entries but each entry will be a pair of date and copy-value (table dates and values must be consecutive ranges).Based on a date on the current record the system will select the appropriate value from the lookup database records ‘date table’ and copy the value for the closest (current or earlier) date to the current record’s date. The 128 special action should be specified against the lookup item. 129 FFF TTT – Set current item (must be ?-type) to N if FFF is less/equal TTT, otherwise set to Y. Special action must be defined against the ‘?’ data item. 130 – No longer applicable. Previously this option forced the re-display
of a calculated field after any change to it’s components but this happens
automatically now. Various options are available on the Toolbar to assist with screen design. File Menu The File menu allows options to save and exit from the screen design – separate options allow you to ‘Save and Continue’ which saves the current definition but stays within the design, ‘Save and Exit’ which saves the screen definition and returns to the menu and ‘Abandon Changes’ which exits from the screen design without saving changes. Edit Menu The Edit menu allows options to insert / delete screen designs. Tools Menu The Tools menu allows various functions. DB-Restructure – allows changes to current and other databases. Often when designing a screen you may need to add a new field or change an existing field (maybe field length) and this option allows this without exiting the screen design process. Refresh – refreshes the current screen display Sequence – as discussed earlier this option allows you to change the sequence the data items are presented to the operator for confirm/amendment when using the screen at run-time. Border – draws a border around the current screen Line (Text) Mode – switches the current design mode from line drawing to text entry and vice versa. Hide (Show) Data – switches between displaying and hiding the data item labels on screen.Can be useful when designing the screen to temporarily remove the labels from display. Clear Lines – allows option to delete a range of lines on screen without moving the remaining lines up Auto Sequence – sets the data item sequence automatically based on the current design (using the same column / line sequence discussed earlier) Parameters Menu As well as the General Parameters option discussed earlier
this option allows additional parameters relating to the screen design which
are discussed in the following section(s). Three screens of parameters allow a series of configuration options for your screen design. Pick Display Order Latest First – the PICK option, if enabled in General Parameters, lists the records in the database for selection and review. Setting this option displays the list in LIFO order. Allow Delete if Any Details – applying to screens designed against a Master file this option enables the use of the delete action to remove any record which has associated details.Normally if set the following parameter should be set also (otherwise you will end up with ‘orphaned’ details) Delete Detail Records Too – if allowing the deletion of a Master record when there are details this option, if set, would allow the deletion and automatically delete the detail records also. Replicate Detail Records As Well – if the Replication option is enabled within the screen General Parameters against a Master file this option asks if you wish to replicate any associated detail records also (this option is not applicable if using prime-indexed detail databases). Increment Reference When Adding Use System Slot (0-System) Automatically Accept Next Ref These three options all interrelate and ask whether the prime-index of this file is to be maintained as a (primarily) numeric sequence of incremental references. Setting the first option enables the ability to maintain a numeric reference (note the prime index format must be wholly numeric or with numeric structure at the end – i.e. 99999 or AA99999). The second option asks for where the last reference is held and to confirm the reference. If set as zero the last reference is unique to the screen design, otherwise it can be set to a value from 1-16 which relate to the DFCONST.DEF entries for last references (accessed via the Configuration Options menu) and these references can be shared between multiple ProFiler screens and applications. The final parameter ‘Automatically Accept Next Ref’ asks whether the next reference is to be automatically accepted or, if left blank, whether it is to be offered to the operator for confirm and possible amendment. Pause Screens When Adding – if using multiple screens then when the final input item on a screen has been input/confirmed then the system moves to the next screen automatically. Setting this option allows the screen to focus on the NEXT button so that the operator selects when to move to the next screen. Show All Screens Before Delete – if using multiple screens this option forces the display of all screens to the operator before offering the delete action for selection. Disable Detail Lock (Del) – when deleting a Master record with associated details the system requires an exclusive lock on the application files. This option, if set, keeps a U-Use lock on the files and only exclusively locks the master record being deleted. This option should be set only where access to the detail file (for adding / updating records) is via this ProFiler screen definition. Auto Add Next Detail Record No – if using a non-prime indexed file then the system asks for the record number when adding a detail record.If set this option automatically selects the next free record number when adding records, pausing to confirm ‘Add the Next Record OK’ giving you the option to <ESC> and abandon if required. Prompt Before Tidying Index – if adding records to a prime index file then the system has an ‘overflow’ area in which new records are recorded before being tidied in to the index fully. This overflow is limited based on the prime index size. When the index becomes full the system must tidy it so that more records can be added but if a ‘exclusive’ lock on the file cannot be achieved this cannot happen. This option asks that even if an exclusive lock can be achieved the system should not tidy automatically but instead prompt the user to do so. There is however no real need to enable this option unless the extra overflow blocks are in use on a database. These allow a ‘reasonably’ unlimited number of records to be added without tidying the database index and, if the screen is based on a extremely large file such as (say) a batch codes file, then if the system does tidy the index on its own it can take some time in which that file is exclusively locked. Default Action e.g. A-Add – this option asks for the default action for this screen of the options enabled. Keys allowed include A-Add, U-Update, etc. Allow F7-Add When Zoom – the Zoom action allows you to add/update/enquire upon the detail records associated with a master record.This option allows you to, when prompting for the master prime-index, to press <F7> to switch to the add mode to add a new master record. If (say) you are adding call logs then you will primarily be adding to an existing customer (master) record but occasionally you may have to add a new customer. This allows a quick tool to switch between options when staying within the one action. Auto Zoom After Add into DB No – if screen is based against the master file and the General Parameters have one of more linked detail screens then this option asks if you wish to automatically move to one of these screens after adding a master record. Set the DB No (2-8) that corresponds to the detail file required. OR Enter Hard Copy Action – the hard copy action allows printout of various defined forms or letters related to the selected record.This option asks, as an alternative to accessing the detail database, if you wish to offer the print of the forms instead. Allow Add / Update Automatic Mode – this allows the add action, on entry of an existing prime-index code, to update the record rather than rejecting the code and requiring the operator to exit this action and select another. Auto Hard Copy After Update – similar to the parameter above this allows selection of the hard copy forms and reports after updating a record. Set User-Id in Item for Add/Update Set System Date in Item for Add/Update Set System Time in Item for Add/Update These six prompts allow you to reference data items on the current file that are automatically populated with the user-id of the operator who added/updated the record and the date/time at which is was added/updated. Any or all of the items can be set as required, plus you can dual reference the same field for the ‘add’ and ‘update’ action. Remember Any Items When Adding Remember Any Items When Updating If set then, at the end of this first parameter screen, a pop-up will allow you to nominate which of the items on the current record are to be remembered when adding/updating (separately configured) records in continuous session. Set All – mark all items to be remembered. Unlikely to use this to literally set all to be remembered (as shouldn’t remember prime-indexed or pointer fields) but could use this to set all and then switch off manually those that aren’t to be remembered. Set On – pop-up asks for field numbers to be remembered. Press <Esc> to exit pop-up Set Off – pop-up asks for field numbers to be switched off from being remembered.Again, press <ESC> to exit pop-up. Manual Setting – takes you on to the screen to switch on/off items as required. Up / Down – each screen displays 48 of the possible 160 items within the database.Use these options to switch the data items displayed. Exit – completes the remember settings. If Detail, Don’t Lock Out Master - If screen based on a detail file then this option can be set to omit the exclusive record lock on the master record when viewing the details. This should be used in conjunction with the next option. Use Transaction Lock on File No – When adding transactions to (say) the sales ledger within the applications then the system doesn’t exclusively lock the account but instead places a ‘U-Use’ lock and then, when adding transactions, the transaction file is placed in a ‘W-Wait’ lock temporarily whilst the account is updated. This allows other users to be adding transactions on the account at the same time. When using a detail file off an application file, such as the contact file off the sales ledger accounts file in the DEM application, then you can apply the same principle to prevent an exclusive lock of the account record when adding/updating contact details. The application would need to include the application transaction file (i.e. the sales transaction file) in its list of files and this file number would be referenced here. When adding, updating or deleting records in your ‘contact’ file the system will place a ‘W-Wait’ lock on the transaction file at that point. If Delete Detail, Reset Entry No’s – if screen based on a detail file and using entry numbers then if delete a detail that entry number is left ‘unused’. This option resets the entry numbers on subsequent detail lines to maintain a continuous sequence. Auto Generate Reference On Add Initial Value of Reference Increment Reference from Offset Size
This option, superficially, similar to the increment option on the first page but differs in that in allows options to restrict the range of the prime-index that is incremented and doesn’t rely on the trailing characters of the format being numeric thus it allows codes such a F/00001MP which the first feature does not. To increment set the first parameter on, and define the last reference. To set the range to increment set the offset to the first character position of the range and set the size as the number of characters from that point to be included. Allow Selective Pick Omit Sel Prompt Pre-Set Criteria Start from Slot No Allow Changes Save Changes
These options relate to the Pick option that lists records from the database and allow selection criteria to be used to filter the pick list. The first option enables the use of selection criteria at run-time when select the pick action. The second option omits the ‘Use Selection Criteria’ prompt and displays the criteria input screen automatically. The third option allows the ability to pre-define the criteria to be used. Start from Slot No allows you to use one of the database ‘counter’ fields to set the starting record point for the pick list, ignoring earlier records. You might do this to speed the listing procedure up when the database contains earlier irrelevant records. The final options, applicable if pre-set criteria, provide options that allow the operator to make changes to pre-set criteria at run-time and to save any such changes. Use Alternate Pick Items Pick Items 1-5 The pick list displays, by default, the items defined within the Data File Profiles for that database.This option allows you to set an alternative five items to be displayed instead. The system will display all items set, regardless of size, provided that the ‘Edit Pick’ option is not in use – in which case the limit is 80 characters less the edit pick item itself (plus 1 character for each item shown).The record number or prime-index is automatically included in the list (subject to the next parameter) so it does not need to be separately defined. Omit Rec-No/Prime Index in Pick – omits the display of the record number or prime index from the pick list display. Default Action After Pick – the Pick action lists the records but to process any specific action (update/view/delete) you need to select that action. This option asks for the default action to be highlighted on first display (system then remembers last selection in continuous entry) Sort Records before Pick Sort On Asc/Desc
The pick list is generally displayed in the order entered (or in LIFO sequence). These options allow you to set a user-defined sequence as the order the records are displayed in. Allow Edit Pick List Pick Edit Item This option allows you to nominate one item from the database that be edited from the pick list by scrolling up/down the record list and typing in the required value.Typically used for Y/N fields. Show Pick Items on Mast/Det Screen – when using the PICK action this option allows the system to display column headings of the data item name for the items shown. Allow Change of Pick/Edit Items – this option, when enabled, allows the operator to change the pick/edit items displayed at run-time. Selective Items for Replicate Selective Detail Replicate If the replication option is allowed then all details, except indexes and pointers, on the record (and detail records if appropriate) are copied. These options, if enabled, allow you to control which data items are copied when replicated. On completion of this screen a pop-up will allow control of the items to be copied. Set All – mark all items to be replicated. Unlikely to use this to literally set all to be replicated (as shouldn’t replicate prime-indexed or pointer fields) but could use this to set all and then switch off manually those that aren’t to be replicated. Set On – pop-up asks for field numbers to be replicated. Press <Esc> to exit pop-up Set Off – pop-up asks for field numbers to be switched off from being replicated.Again, press <ESC> to exit pop-up. Manual Setting – takes you on to the screen to switch on/off items as required. Up / Down – each screen displays 48 of the possible 160 items within the database. Use these options to switch the data items displayed. Exit – completes the replicated settings. Set Flag ‘New-Ref’ when Replicated – applicable when the database is prime-indexed this option flags the index of the newly replicated record back to the original record being copied. Allow Transfer to
Another Master – applicable for detail database screens this allows the
option to move a detail record from one master to another. Here you may specify one data item on which a particular condition must apply if a record is to be added, deleted or updated when using this screen definition. Four conditions can be defined and the screen actions that
can be used against each condition are shown (A-Add, U-Update, etc.) For each condition you select the data item
(<F4-Select> is available as usual) the operation or match type and the
value to be checked. This option amongst other actions allows extra copy items
from the Data File Profiles. Applicable only for screens based on the main file this
screen allows for the definition of up to 20 data items from the master file to
(a nominated) the detail file. Applicable for screens based on the detail file each option allows ten items (20 on the copy option) to be updated from the detail file to the header file. Whilst the Copy option is a straight copy of the item in a detail file to the master, the Add and Sub options will (in relation to numbered items) copy the value and add to or subtract from the nominated item on the master file. Each copy item can be controlled so that the copy can be only actioned on an ‘Add’, ‘Update’ or ‘Delete’ action. If a value field is added/subtracted on an update action then the change in value is used and not the original value. As an example if accumulating a value total from the detail
file to the master file then you would define the copy item in both the ‘Add’
and the ‘Sub’ screens. The ‘Add’ screen
would be set to copy the value on add and update actions, the ‘Sub’ screen on
the delete action This option allows you to define up to ten additional lookups from the database the screen is based on to other databases within the application provided a lookup relationship is already defined between the two databases in the Data File Profiles. For each lookup you specify the database being looked up to, the item number in the screen file being looked up from and whether the lookup is mandatory or not. You can also define up to ten copy items from the lookup file to the screen database plus each copy item can be set to be ‘forced’. A ‘forced’ copy is actioned if the lookup item is simply confirmed whereas ‘normal’ copy items would only be actioned on add or if the lookup record selected is changed. A further option allows the system to blank the ‘copy to’
items if the lookup item is blanked. The Extra Pointers option can be used where the screen database is a detail file of another database (within the ProFiler application file list) and allows the maintenance of pointers between this file and the ‘alternative’ master file. Here you are asked for the file number to be linked to
before being asked to nominate the pointer fields themselves. See the Data File Profiles section for more
details on these prompts. This option allows the definition of a series of copy items
from the main screen database back to one (nominated) of the lookup databases
defined from this file. Up to 10 copy
items can be defined. This option allows the definition of up to ten items to be listed from the database when using the LIST action at run-time. The LIST action displays this information but it cannot be edited or updated in any way but can be used as an enquiry tool. Additional options allow you to set whether the record
number is included within the list, and whether the records are listed in
record or prime-index sequence. The Hard Copy definition allows (up to) eight forms to be printed containing selected data from the current database record. If the report is based on a master record then any associated details can also be listed. It is more usual, on a Premier system, to use the option to
link to a user-defined report defined elsewhere on the menu as this allows
greater flexibility in design (and more items from the record being reported). For each hard copy definition you enter: Title– report title to be presented to operator (if more than one report) for selection. Definition– definition filename to be created for the hard copy definition. If Premier, you can enter a link to a user-defined report that will be offered for print instead. You link to a UDR by setting the definition name as AAA/M/O where AAA is the application id, M is the menu number and O is the option number on the menu. If link to a UDR the remaining options are not applicable. ASCII – asks which print style (lines / width definition as set in CONFIG) to use for this document Lines Down – asks for the lines down on this document (should be set as per print style) Allow Change – allow option to change the document structure at run-time. You may do this if the document is structured as a letter and you want to amend the text detail. Output to WP Format – allows the document to be printed to the Datafile internal Word Processor and edited here. If linked to a hard copy definition a pop-up parameter, prior to designing the document, will ask if you wish to list records from a detail database – set as required. If yes a follow-up question asks which detail database to use. After confirming these details the hard copy definition is shown. If linked to a user-defined report a pop-up parameter asks if you wish to use the reports pre-defined selection criteria (if any). Reply as required. If linked to a hard copy definition then you are prompted if you wish to change this definition. If yes the document definition screen is shown. You design the document in the same way as you designed the screen earlier – typing text on screen, <F4-Select> to pick up data items, and switching between line/text modes to draw lines. Note, if showing detail entries, you should leave a space for these but you do not position these items here. Instead on save of the document a pop-up is shown for configuration of the detail print items. Line to Start Listing Detail Records Line to Stop Listing Detail Records Set the line numbers on the document where detail records are to be listed. Detail records are printed as one line, one after another.If more details are available that room specified to print then second(+) pages are printed. Item Number/Name Column Print in Full Here you can select up to ten items from the detail database to be printed and set the column number it is printed at. Print in Full relates to number fields and controls whether leading ‘spaces’ are printed (usually Y so that the decimal point on columns of values align). Once these details are entered you are asked to save the details and returned to the hard copy definition list. |
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