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Document Parameters - Document Design Manager

Datafile Software

Document Parameters - Document Design Manager

In addition to the design features accessible from the document mask there are various parameter screens which can be used to configure the printed output and the processing of the document. When you select Parameters we automatically display the first of these parameter screens.You can navigate between the parameter screens by using the options available at the bottom of the parameter screen.

The PREVIOUS button, available on all bar the first parameter screen, takes you to the previous parameter screen. The NEXT button, available on all bar the last parameter screen, takes you to the next parameter screen. The OK and CLOSE buttons both return you to the document mask.

The ACTION pull-down lists the parameter screens available allowing you to go directly to the required screen if desired.

In addition to the buttons you can navigate between pages by use of the <Page-Up> and <Page-Down> keys. The <End> key will also take you to the next page and the <ESC> key will return you to the document mask. Note that once you have changed the value of an item then the value is updated to the definition – if you want to reset it you must either change it back or exit from the document design without saving.

General Document Parameters – 1

Number of Lines down on document

Reports take the ‘page size’ settings from the print profile; however these settings are defined separately for the document. Note that although you can size the document to a maximum of 132 lines to match the page length of the stationery you are using you can only configure the print of details up to 66 lines.

Width of Each Line

Key in the number of characters of the document width – maximum is 128 characters.

Line where Invoice details start / end

These questions refer to the where the first and last lines on the document between which the invoice details are printed.

Free-format document (no Product/Stock)

The answer to this question defines whether or not you can use stock or product files with this document.Select for a free-format document, and leave blank if you want to use stock or product files.

Use stock file (rather than product)

Select to use stock files.If you are using product files, or if this is to be a free-format document leave blank.

Update stock & stock transactions

Here you can decide whether or not the use of this document is to allow stock files to be updated.Select to allow the stock files to be updated. (You will later be asked whether this updating is to be mandatory or whether you will be given the chance to make this decision at the time the document is used). Leave blank if you do not wish this document to be used to update the stock files.

Updating take places after you have been given the opportunity to print the document. If chosen, the physical stock levels of all stock items used in the document are reduced / increased by the document quantities; the period and year demand figures are increased / decreased by the document quantities; the last transaction date is updated; and the necessary stock transactions are written to the file.

Update demand figures only on stock file

As an alternative to the full updating of the stock file with quantities and the writing of transactions you may select this option to only update the period and year-to-date demand values on the stock file record.

Update Sales/Purchase accounts & transactions

Again, you may choose whether or not this document is to allow the sales/purchase files to be updated.This feature enables you to design a "pro-forma” document layout — a layout which is used for printing but is not updated to the files.

Select to allow the sales/purchase files to be updated. (You will later be asked whether this updating is to be mandatory or whether you will be given the chance to make this decision at the time the document is used). Leave blank if you do not wish this document to be used to update the sales/purchase data files.

Updating takes place after the document has been printed (if chosen). It causes the balance on the sales/purchase account to be increased/ decreased by the gross document total; the turnover items to be increased / decreased by the net document total; the last transaction date to be updated; the ledger debtor / creditor total to be updated; and the necessary transactions (including analysis lines) to be written.

If not updating ledger, save for F10 as Doc Type

If not updating the ledger then the document is not saved to the ‘invoice’ history. Setting this option allows you to save such a document, say a pro-forma invoice, as an acknowledgement. (This option is not applicable on Compact or Professional systems). For Purchase documents this question is rephrased slightly as ‘Save Document for F10 as Document Type’.

Use Nominal codes (rather than General)

If the sales/purchase ledger used with this document is linked to the nominal ledger you must select this option, otherwise leave blank.

Allow create new account

Select to allow a new customer/supplier record to be created in the user program while processing an invoice. This saves a lot of time if a new account needs to be inserted while you are in the middle of an invoice run.

Allow create new stock/product record

Select to allow a new stock/product (whichever the document is linked to) record to be created while processing an invoice. This saves a lot of time if a new product needs to be inserted while you are in the middle of an invoice run.

Single sheet stationery (pause each time)

Selecting this option causes the printer to stop at the end of each page to give the operator time to insert another sheet of paper. Leaving blank assumes automatic feeding.

Space a line between invoice entries

To improve the presentation of the printed result you may wish to leave a blank line after each entry.If you wish to do so select this option.

Maximum size of values printed - e.g.5=99999.99, 7=9999999.99

The maximum size of money and quantity data items it is possible to print is 99,999,999.99. If you know that you are never going to have such large numbers, then this question allows you to specify the maximum size to print. The size relates to the number of characters before the decimal point, so a reply of 5 would mean no value ever exceeded 99,999.99, and a value of 8 would mean 99,999,999.99. Type in the maximum number of digits to print.

Values to include ",” in thousands

For ease of reading it is better to include commas to separate digits in large numbers, as in the example "12,345,678.90” — it is not so easy to appreciate the size of this number if it is written "12345678.90”. Numbers do not usually print with commas in this way, and so you may request that they do by replying Y <Enter> to this. If set then you need to manually increase the ‘after decimal’ value of each numeric print item (on parameter screens Column Entries for Values and Final Document Totals) by 1 for each ‘thousand’ that can be printed according to the maximum size of values.

General Document Parameters – 2

The initial items on this screen allow you to set co-ordinates, expressed as the line and column number, where you wish to print some general invoice print items. You would normally position these items from the document mask (using F4-Select to position the item).

Date – invoice date

Due Date – date on which payment is due

Number of Days Credit– the number of days after invoice date before payment is due

Invoice Number – the document reference

Account Code – the customer/supplier the invoice entered for

Update which number sequence (1-28)

You may define up to 24 document layouts (excluding Compact) for each company: six each of sales invoices sales credits, purchase invoices and purchase credits. You can give each layout its own range of numbers, which are updated automatically by the program when a document is printed. The invoicing system keeps 24 counters to use for this purpose; counters 1–6 generally being used for sales invoices, counters 7-12 for sales credit notes, counters 13-18 for purchase invoices, and 19-24 for purchase credit notes.

You may use a single range of numbers (counter) for several document definitions. For example, you may have different layouts for printing sales invoices but wish to use the next reference number regardless of which layout is used. In this case, all the layouts would use the same number sequence. (There is nothing to prevent you using the same counter for more than one document type if that is what you need for your operations)

If you use order processing as well as the invoicing system, you may want to use a common sequence of numbers regardless of which application prepares invoices. In this case you can use one of the ledger sequence numbers which are accessible to the order processing, invoicer and appropriate ledger applications. These are numbered from 25–28 as shown in the definition screen.

The current setting of sequence numbers 1–24 may be viewed from the System Status Display option of the invoicer program, whilst the ledger sequence numbers can be viewed from the ledger programs themselves. The values of sequence numbers can be reset through the Controls and Audit Manager option of the Application Manager program (see System User Guide).

Account Code to write missing numbers

Tax and VAT inspectors, as well as your auditor, expect to see unbroken sequences of invoice numbers.In a multi-user environment with users abandoning invoice before updating the ledger this can cause a missing number. Creating a ‘missing numbers’ account within the sales/purchase ledger and referencing this account here will generate a zero value transaction to this account when an operator abandons an invoice and will cause a missing number.

Description to be written for missing invoices

If writing a ‘missing invoice number’ transaction then the description entered here is recorded for it.You can include text ‘AAAAAAAAAA’ which will be replaced with the original account the invoice was entered for, or include ‘UUUUUU’ which will be replaced with the user-id of the operator who abandoned the invoice.

Calculate settlement discount terms

Select if you wish to calculate settlement discount amounts for this document. A further option regarding the calculation of tax on the after-discount value can be specified on parameter screen Optional Features during Invoicing.

Calc on Totals

Settlement discount is normally calculated on a line-by-line basis and accumulated; setting this option allows the discount to be calculated on the document total.

Quantity to 3/4 decimal places (otherwise 2)

Quantities are normally entered with two decimal places. Select if you want to enter up to four decimal places for quantities.Note: that if document is linked to stock you must configure the quantity data items to support four-decimal places.

Prices to 4 decimal places (otherwise 2)

You can specify M-type fields for prices in the stock or product files to allow four-decimal place pricing. If so configured select this option to print the price to 4dp.

User Defined Column Entries

This screen is mainly for setting of co-ordinates for ‘text’ invoice detail items. In the case of detail print items you only set the horizontal column position. As with the initial items on the previous screen you would normally not set these items from this screen but instead position the item using <F4-Select> on the document mask.

Column 1 – Title

If wish to prompt for a text input prior to the stock code input, maybe to allow input of a customer stock code, then enter the title for prompting here.

Column 2 – Title

Allows input of second text item

Column 1 – Size of Input

Set the size of input (max 15) allowed for column-1 item input

Column 1 - Printing in Which Column

Set the column number on the document at which to print the column-1 input

Column 2 – Size of Input

Set the size of input (max 15) allowed for column-2 item input

Column 2 – Printing in Which Column

Set the column number on the document at which to print the column-2 input

Description Column

Set the column number at which to start printing the description.

Description Maximum Width

Set the maximum width of the stock description (max 48). If stock/product linked this should be set to the description size.

Description Number of Lines (max 20)

Up to twenty lines of description may be printed for each line entry on the document. If you are linking this document to stock/product file then the first two lines are defaulted to from the stock/product record.

The following items on this screen allow you to set co-ordinates, expressed as a column number, where you wish to print some invoice detail line items. You would normally position these items from the document mask (using F4-Select to position the item).

Stock / Product code - Printing position of the stock/product code

Analysis code - Printing position of the analysis code

Nominal / General code - Printing position of the nominal code

Price Per Factor - Printing position of the price per factor

Tax Code - Printing position of the VAT code applied to the invoice line

Tax Rate - Printing position of the VAT rate applied to the invoice line

Discount Rate - Printing position of any discount rate applied to the invoice line. This is followed by the prompt ‘Blank if Zero’ which if set this option to omit print of discount rate value when 0.

Unit of Issue - Printing position of the stock/product unit of issue.

Column Entries for Values

You can use this screen to specify the columns at which to start printing the various quantitative values for each document entry line. Again in practice you would position these items from the document mask and these values will be set for you.

A common feature of pre-printed stationery is that value columns may have a line printed to indicate the position of the decimal place in a column of numbers. If you wanted to print the value "1654.28” for example, then you might want this to print as "165428” so that the vertical line lay between the "4” and the "2”.

For each value on this screen, therefore, you give the answer to three questions. The first (BEFORE-DEC) is the usual question to fix the column where the value is to start printing. The next (AFTER-DEC) fixes the column where the decimal places is to print (if you want to omit decimal places, then reply zero to this question).

The third (PRINT-DEC) is set according to whether or not to print the decimal point itself.

For each value you wish to print key in the two column numbers, and set whether the decimal point is to be printed, pressing <Enter> after each. Leave zero if the item is not to be printed. Print items are:



Quantity x Price

Line Discount Amount

Quantity x Price – Discount

Tax Amount

Total including Tax

Zero Quantity treated literally as zero value trans

If set then instead of an input quantity of zero assumed to be 1 on invoice entry it is taken as zero, the line is printed with a zero value.

Omit Line Discount rate/value input

Discounts can be calculated either on line basis or total basis (if used at all). If want to use overall discount (or neither) then set this option to omit input of line discount.

Accept Calculated Tax Amount (no overtyping)

Set to prevent amendment of tax amount, leave blank to allow. Typically on sales documents you would prevent overtype but allow on purchase documents.

Default Quantity to 1

Set to default quantity within invoice entry to ‘1’ rather than ‘0’.

Additional Charge / Overall Discount

Additional Charge Prompt Title

As well as the invoice line entries, you may specify one extra item to print on the document.Typically this is used, for example, to charge postage and packing. It may also be used (by keying a minus sign when the amount is entered) to allow a fixed overall discount on the whole document, in addition to any line-by-line discounts offered). First type the text which is to be offered as the prompt to the user at run-time; for example, "Postage” <Enter>. You may enter up to 15 characters, including spaces.

Apply which tax code / Alt EC Code

Give the tax codes to use in working out the tax on this additional charge/discount. The "alt code if EC account” may be needed for EC accounts, where the account tax code is defined as exempt in the tax table and so it is the customer tax code which would normally be used. In that circumstance any tax code given here over-rides the account tax code.

Default Sales/Purchase Analysis Code

Enter the analysis code to be used for the additional charge.

Default General Analysis Code

If not nominal linked then enter the general analysis code to be used for the additional charge.

Default Nominal Analysis Code

If nominal linked then enter the nominal analysis code to be used for the additional charge.

Allow Overall Discount

Set to allow entry of overall discount. Note that if enabled you must set the option omit input line discount on Column Entries for Values.

Exclude Additional Charge from Overall Discount

Set to base the discount on goods value, leave blank to base on goods plus additional charge.

Discount Message printed if discount

Whilst you could enter a discount text label directly on the mask this will then print on the invoice even if no discount is given potentially causing problems with customers who don’t get a discount! If you enter the text label for discount here then this will only be printed if discount is actually given.

Discount Message printed on line/column

Set the line/column position of where the discount message is to be printed.

Print Overall Discount % on line/column

Set the line/column position of where the discount rate is to be printed.

Final Document Totals

This screen allows you to specify the co-ordinates on the document to print the final totals for goods, discount, post discount amount, additional charge/discount amount, net amount, tax, gross invoice total, and settlement discount amount and terms.

Again, as for the items in screen 4, you must specify the column numbers for the whole numbers and the decimal places separately, and whether to print the decimal point. In addition, you must give the line number for every item.

Key in the requested values for each item, and leave as zero any items not required on this document.Items allowed are:

Total Quantity x Price

Total Discount

Quantity x Price - Line Discount

Additional Charge (Discount)

Net Total before Tax – can print twice

Tax Amount – can print twice

Invoice Totals inc. Tax – can print twice

Settlement Discount Allowed

Settlement Discount Rate

Settlement Discount Net Amount

Settlement Discount Disc Days

Settlement Discount Date

Invoice Total (2nd Print)

Account Balance (including this document) – total amount owed after this invoice.

Message if over credit limit

Enter message to be printed when the invoice takes the customer over their credit limit but you allow the invoice to be accepted.

Message printed on line/column

Set the line/column position of where the message is to be printed.

Clear Area in no Settlement Discount (line / column / size)

If giving settlement discount to selected customers you may not want to indicate that discount is available to customers that don’t get it. The settlement value items will not print if zero and you can use this option to blank out any text labels entered on the mask – set the line/column at which to start clearing and then enter number of characters for which to clear from.

Account Items Displayed / Printed

You can specify up to 15 items from the ledger accounts database to print on the document.Typically you use this to print the account name and address.

The accounts file data items are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. Alternatively you can use <F4-Select> to choose the item.Specify the data items by keying the data item number, line number and column number, pressing <Enter> after each.

The first eight items specified on this screen are displayed during the header process when a valid account code is entered at run-time, and can be changed. The last seven are printed (provided you supply valid co-ordinates) but are not displayed.

If, for example, you wanted to specify that the credit limit and balance should be displayed when the document is used, even though these items are not to be printed, then you could reference them within the first eight entries, but leave their co-ordinates zero.

Compress Address lines

Applicable for Premier systems only this option allows you to suppress any blank lines within the name and address. This option relies on the accounts database having set within its advanced features the name and address data item range.

Prompts: Request Information from Keyboard

This allows you to define up to 12 free-format items for input and to print as part of the header or the footer of the document. The first six you specify are prompted at the start of the document prior to the line entries, and the last six are prompted at the end of the document after the line entries. These items can also be stored in any ledger and stock transaction records if you update these files. For example, you might wish to print a shipping date or a special message for certain documents.

For each prompt you wish to use, key in the title such as "Deliver to” <Enter>. You can use up to 15 characters including spaces for these prompts.

The size of the information keyed at run-time may be up to maximum of 40 characters. Key a number from 1 to 40 for each prompt used <Enter>, then key the line number and column number of the printing position, pressing <Enter> after each. Finally give the data item numbers within the ledger and stock transactions in which to store the date entered at run-time — you may use the <F4–Select> function to choose a data item from the file structure. Leave at zero any co-ordinate or data item number you don’t wish to use.

Optional Features during Invoicing

Calculate tax with settlement discount

If you are allowing settlement discount then it is usual to calculate the tax on the after-discount invoice amount. Set to use this feature

Omit option to change any document details

If not using the automatic update options (set on Invoiced & Paid parameter screens) then after printing the document you have an option to go back and change the details.Setting this parameter omits this option.

Write only one analysis record to SL/PL trans
Recalculate tax on whole document totals

These prompts must be set the same, either both set or not. If you only ever use a single tax code within a document, then instead of writing an analysis record for every line entry you can cause the program to just write one analysis per document, by setting the first of these questions.

This saves space in the file but precludes the ability to undertake detailed analyses of document information, or of assigning different document line entries to different nominal sales and general codes.

Should you write only one analysis record per document, then you may also specify that tax should be re-calculated on the basis of the document total, instead of on a line-by-line basis. These two methods can give marginally differing results.

Omit saving of invoice document (if set)

Sales Invoice and credit note documents can be saved to a special file and be made available for future enquiry via the Datafile DeskTop ledger enquiry facility. The document will be automatically saved provided that the document is printed and the sales ledger file updated. Set if you do not wish to save the document for a future enquiry. This could apply to a special document layout configured to cater for cash sales.

Force updating of files

If this is set then after producing a document, even though you are asked whether to update the sales ledger files (and the stock control files if used) at run-time, only a response of Y is acceptable to the program. If the updating of the files is to be optional at run-time, then leave this blank.

Always accept next document number (no overtyping)

Leave blank to allow overtyping of the document number. Setting this prompt ensures that the next reference in the chosen sequence is automatically used by the program for the document.

Force printing of document

Leaving blank allows printing of the document to be optional, selecting this option forces printing of the document when all details have been entered.

Normal number of copies to be printed

This question allows you to pre-define how many copies are usually to be printed (up to 9). Useful if this invoice is for export and your stationery does not have enough copies.

Normal number of copies for cash account

If you have specified a cash sales account in your sales ledger, then provided you have told the invoicer what it is (in parameter screen Invoiced and Paid / Fast Invoice Features) then a different normal number of copies may be defined here for that account only.

Use document number as SL/PL reference

This question allows you to use the document number as the reference number for each sales/purchase ledger transaction. Usually set so that uses the document number as the transaction reference, leave blank to allow a reference to be typed in each time. The reference is displayed after producing the document but before updating the files if not set for automatic updating

Remember previous description on SL/PL update

The description written to the sales/purchase ledger transaction is prompted after producing a document but before the files are updated. It is usually a very general description to appear later on the account statement, and may therefore be similar for each document. Select if you want the program to remember the description from one document to the next — you can still overtype the description displayed.Leave blank if the description is to be typed in afresh each time.

Use document number as stock reference
Remember previous description on stock update

These two prompts are similar to those for the sales/purchase ledgers above, but this time refers to the updating of the stock transaction file. Reply in the same way as above.

Default description for SL/PL/Stock

A description (up to 30 characters long) may be pre-defined for updating to the sales ledger, purchase ledger or stock transaction files. Unless you are using the fast input feature you may alter this description before the files are updated. If you are using the fast input feature, note that the ‘remember previous description’ questions must be set if this description is to go through to the transaction records.

Allow Reserved/On-order stock value to be updated

When this document linked to the stock control this option allows the updating of the sales reserved value (or purchase on-order value) to be updated. For each stock item entered you will be asked if the reserved quantity is to be updated or not. If using this feature then it is taken as read that if you update reserved / on-order for a line that you did reserve the stock earlier in Stock Control.

Show Accumulated Quantity During Input

When set as you enter your invoice details the on-screen header (where shows the accumulated total amounts) will also include the quantity.

Default Print to Disk Spooling

If send documents to the spooler initially rather than printer then setting this option sets the default printer as the spooler at run-time.

Tax Analysis Table

You may print a tax analysis on any document, to show the goods amount and tax codes used within the document. By printing these as a separate block, for example in the footer part of the document rather than as columns within the document, you can release more space to print other line entry information.

Select to print a tax analysis block, and then complete the questions for the starting line number, and columns for printing the other tax details, keying <Enter> after each answer. Leave the first question blank if you do not wish to print the tax analysis, and then the other prompts may be left at zero.

Special Print Options

Print Dates in DD/MM/YYYY Format

Set to print dates such as due date or invoice date with a four-digit year, leaving blank prints with two-digit year. Any dates printed direct from the account or stock/product file are printed according to their field type.

Force Page Out on Each Page

Selected printers will not release a print job until either the job times out or you exit from the Datafile program. Setting this option forces the close of the print job.

Copy Data Items between Files

This facility, only applicable for Professional users and above, allows you to copy up to 10 data items from the sales/ purchase accounts file into every sales/purchase transaction record generated by the invoicing program. This could be used to copy automatically the salesman’s initials or an area code, for example, from the account record to the transaction record, to allow later analysis of sales by salesman and region.

Similarly, up to 10 data items from the stock file can be copied to the stock transaction file, and up to 10 data items from the stock / product file can be copied to the analysis lines on the sales / purchase transaction file.

For each item to be copied, key the data item number from which to copy and press <Enter>, then key the data item to which to copy and press <Enter>. The ‘from’ data item and the ‘to’ data item must be of the same item type and size. Use the <F4-Select> key to list the items on a file.

Save Full Description to Transaction File – From / To

You can save up to ten lines of the entered description for an analysis file to the sales transaction file (this option is only applicable for Sales Invoices/Credits). These items need to be consecutive text data items (X-type) within the sales/purchase transactions and you reference the first and last here.

Purchase goods in: Update stock cost price?
Purchase goods in: Average stock cost?
Purchase goods in: OR replace with new cost?

For purchase invoicing, in which case you have the choice of whether or not to update the cost price in the stock file at the time the document is processed.

If you do not wish to update the cost price at all, leave all three prompts blank. If you wish to update the cost price, set the first prompt.You can then decide whether the cost price is to be updated as a "weighted average” or whether it is to be over-written by the latest cost price. Set whichever prompt is applicable.

SL/PL Transaction Items: Quantity

Here you can reference a data item on the sales/purchase transaction file to save the document invoice quantity to. This item should be K-type if 2dp quantities, M-type if 4dp quantities.

SL/PL Transaction Items: Cost Value

Here you can reference a data item on the sales/purchase transaction file to save the cost value to.This item should be K-type if 2dp prices, M-type if 4dp prices.

Stock / Product Item Special Features

Firstly you can specify up to five items from the stock / product file to be printed on each invoice detail line. Specify the item number (<F4–Select> key to list data items) and the column where the item is to be printed.

Stk/Product Mandatory

Set to force selection of a stock/product code on the invoice line, leave blank to allow entry of free-format details.

Display which Stk/Product item no on entry screens

This item will be displayed above the quantity prompt when invoice entry lines are being completed.This only applies to full screen input and not to the fast input by line method. The item specified is view only and cannot be updated. Use the <F4–Select> key to help you select the correct item.

Prompt for Price per unit on each entry

Set if you require to need a "price/per” feature whereby the goods value calculation takes account of any price/per value for the stock or product record being processed. For example, if you want to enter prices in the form "£108 per gross”, then you need to select this feature. At run time you would enter a price of 108, and a value of 144 against the "per” prompt.

Col: SL/PL User 2
Col: SL/PL User 3
Col: Stock User 2

These three options allow the printing of the any of these user definable items on the invoice line entry.Specify the starting column number if they are to be printed. These options are only available to Professional users and above.

Invoiced and Paid / Fast Input Feature

This Screen fulfils two functions. The "Invoiced & Paid” section allows payments to be posted at time of invoice production — convenient for over-the-counter invoicing. The Fast Input Features are designed to speed up invoice production.

Allow payment to be recorded

Set to allow for generation of payment during invoice production.

Default Bank Account

Enter the default nominal bank account to be used.

Bank Account Range From / To

Enter the range of nominal bank accounts allowed for selection.

Cash Inv & Paid Account ID

If the sales account entered here is used during invoice production then the payment flag is automatically set to yes.

Default Account Code

Allows an account code to be referenced which is defaulted to at run-time. You may set up a skeleton default such as "***00”, on the basis that it is quicker to overtype this than to enter a sales ledger account code from scratch.

Automatic Updating of Files

If set then updating of the sales/purchase, stock and job ledgers follows immediately after printing has been approved with one confirmation prompt, without asking for descriptions for sales and stock transactions (see Screen 9 for defining default descriptions).

If Auto, Prompt Description

If set for ‘automatic’ update then setting this prompt allows entry of the transaction description to be used for sales/purchase, stock and job transactions generated rather than applying the default description.

Fast Input by Line Features

This feature allows an invoice to build up on the screen line-by-line, without the need for a whole new screen for each item invoiced. The screen width maximum is only 78 characters so you must plan carefully what to include on each line. Any items that cannot fit on the line will not appear when the screen is presented to you for input.

Although the invoice entry will appear on a single line, this facility will still support multiple description lines — these will be entered in a pop-up box and only the first line left visible on the screen.

Cross Reference Account Items Printed

The sales and purchase ledgers may include accounts which are delivery (or source) accounts only, and the cross-reference account is the one to which all financial details are posted.So invoices may be prepared for a delivery account address with minimal extra work.

This screen permits items to be selected to print on the document from the cross-reference account record — such as the head office address, for instance. Use <F4-Select> to help select the items you wish to print.

Print from account if not cross-ref

Set if you want to print these details from the selected account record even if this does not refer to a delivery address. If this feature is being used to print the invoice address as well as the delivery address, then for accounts that are not cross referenced the same address will appear in both places.

Continuation / Currency Options

This screen allows printing options where an invoice document is spread over more than one page and, for Diamond and Premier systems where foreign currency is in use, parameters for currency control.

Allow Continuation Pages

Set to allow invoice entry to allow more details than will fit on one page.

Continued Over Message

Enter message text to print (at foot of invoice detail) when the invoice goes over a page.

Message on Line/Column

Set the print co-ordinates for the continuation message.

Omit Footer Printing

If set then omits print of all text/data items below the detail line (except continuation details themselves) on all but the last page, line drawing and boxes are omitted where they start below the detail line. Images continue to print.

C/F Amount Line/Col

Set the print co-ordinates for a carried forward total.

Continued From Message

Enter message text to print (at top of invoice detail) when the invoice detail is a continuation from a previous page.

Message on Line/Column

Set the print co-ordinates for the continuation message.

Omit Header Printing

If set then omits all text/data items above the detail line (exception continuation details) on all bar the first page. Lines and Boxes are omitted where they start and finish above the detail line. Images continue to print.

B/F Amount Line/Col

Set the print co-ordinates for a brought forward total.

Which Amount for C/F and B/F Values

If printing a carried forward or brought forward value then this option controls which value is used.Options available:

Quantity x Price

Quantity x Price less Discount

Total Value (Qty x Price less discount plus tax)

Print Page Number on line/col

Set print co-ordinates for page number

Print Page Total on line / col

Set print co-ordinates for total number of pages (can then print ‘Page XXXX of YYYY’).

Allow Confirm of Currency Rate

If set then offers operator the option to overtype the default exchange rate for invoices against non-base currency accounts.

Currency Rate Printed on Line/Col

Can set (twice) print co-ordinates for the exchange rate. Note: if base currency account invoiced then value is printed as 1.0000.

Currency Code Printed on Line/Col

Can set (twice) print co-ordinates for the currency code.

Full Heading on Line/Col

Can set (twice) print co-ordinates for the currency ‘name’.

Short Heading on Line/Col

Can set (twice) print co-ordinates for the currency ‘short name’.

Print Home Values when FC VAT

If set a pop-up box allows you to set print co-ordinates for values ‘Net Total, ‘Tax Amount’ and ‘Total Including Tax’ in the base currency of the system. These items are only printed if the account invoiced is not using the base currency and a VAT amount is calculated.

Sales / Job Costing Link

The sales invoicing/credits procedure can be linked to job costing (but not purchase invoices/credits).This is an optional feature, and even when implemented the job code reference requested can be left blank at run time. This screen is only available for Professional users and above.

Link Invoice File to Job Costing (one per doc)

Set to allow selection of job code which the invoice relates to during invoice entry.

Update Job Costing with Invoice Data

If job linked then set to allow update of the invoice details to the job costing system.

Allow Overtyping of Job Display Data

When entering job details selected details (the first eight items of the print items from the job file) are displayed. Setting this allows you to overtype these values for this document print only (they are not saved back to the job file).

First Line Entry contains Job Details

If set, and the Job Title set to print in the same line/column as the stock description then when adding the first invoice detail the system will default the stock description to the job title.

Link to Job File Mandatory

Set to force every invoice posted with this document to be linked to a job.

Job Number is Ledger ‘User-1’ Value

If set then the sales transaction ‘user-1’ data item is updated with the job number that the invoice was generated for.

Enter More Job Items to be Printed

By default you are allowed to print 12 items from the job file on the invoice, setting this option increases this to 36 items.

The remaining items allow you to select a data item from the job file and its print position on the invoice layout.

Batch Tracking Printing

If invoice linked to stock and using the Batch Tracking application accessory (Diamond and Premier only) then this parameter screen allows you to set the batch print details.

Print Batches

Set to allow print of batch tracking details.

Space a line before

Batch details are printed on the line underneath the main invoice detail, setting this option leaves a line between the invoice detail and the start of the batch detail.


Set print position of the batch quantity processed.

Print Batch Item / Column

Allows selection of up to five items (batch code itself being one) from the batch file for print.

Max across the Page

Batch details are printed one per line; you can set this option to print more than one batch across the page.

Repeat Col Offset

If printing more than one across the page then the repeat col offset is the number of characters up from the (say) batch code before the second batch code prints.

Customised Features

Datafile Software Limited will quote for new features to meet special customer needs. Any extra user-definable parameters are grouped into a further set of screen questions, and the customer is given the necessary documentation to use these special features. If you feel that there is a feature required by your company that is not already available within the program, contact your dealer. Datafile Software Limited is happy to discuss your particular requirements through them, and to provide a written quotation for programming any extra facilities.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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