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CALC - Recalculate Current Year Budgets - Nominal |
Article Number: 1000 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 7:27 PM
Datafile Software CALC – Recalculate Current Year Budgets - Nominal You would use this option at the start of a new year to calculate automatically the new year’s budgets based on either the actual results from the previous year or the previous year’s budgeted values. It is a batch operation — that is to say, it processes a range of accounts in the one run.You can ask to increase the previous year’s values by a fixed percentage in the process. Recalculate Using Which Value? If you want to recalculate the current year budgets using the actual month-by-month results from last year, then reply 1 <Enter>. If you want to base the current year’s budgets on the previous year’s budgets, then reply 2 <Enter>. Account range from: to: You can choose a consecutive range of nominal account codes here, which includes the ‘From’ and ‘To’ accounts entered. If you leave the ‘From’ account blank, then the range starts from the beginning of the file. If you leave the ‘To’ account blank, then the range finishes at the end of the file. Adjust Budgets by Percentage Value % You can increase last year’s values by entering a percentage here. If you enter ‘10.00’ here (you don’t have to enter the decimal places if zero) then last year’s values are increased by 10%. If you leave it zero, then last year’s values are copied without change. If you enter a negative value here, then last year’s values are reduced by this percentage. Automatically Set Period Budgets? Whilst this menu option is used to set the annual budget figure, in many cases you will want to reset the period budget figures at the same time. If you reply 'No' here then no period budget figures are touched by this option. If you reply ‘Y’ here then: If an account has a budget factor table number defined for it, that table is used to calculate the period budgets based on the new annual figure, as described above If no budget table factor is defined for an account, then the period budgets are calculated by dividing the annual budget by the number of periods in the year Note Rounding may leave a few pence ‘unallocated’ when determining the period budgets. The few odd pence not yet allocated to a period are added to the final period for equal budgets, or to the largest period value for factored budgets. |
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