Articles Search Results

  1. Period End Procedure - Stock Control Datafile Software Period End Procedure - Stock Control This routine updates the monthly demand, cost-of-sales and sales values for the period, resets the current period values to zero (or reset to the forward value if appropriate) and removes st... Read More
  2. End of Year Procedure - Nominal Datafile Software End of Year Procedure - Nominal This procedure opens up a new year for the company. As discussed earlier you may have to do this shortly before the actual year-end for ‘forward postings’ in the sales and purchase le... Read More
  3. End of Year Procedure - Cashbook Datafile Software End of Year Procedure - Cashbook This procedure opens up a new year for the company. As discussed earlier you may have to do this shortly before the actual year-end for ‘forward postings’ in the sales and purchase l... Read More