Copy Screen Region to Clipboard

Datafile Software

Copy Screen Region to Clipboard

Available from the Window pull-down menu on the main Datafile toolbar are two routines which allow you to copy the current Datafile screen to the operating system clipboard, one option allows you to save this screen to the clipboard and the second allows you to save the screen to a jpeg or bitmap file. These utilities can be useful when building up help notes for other users on your Datafile system or when raising a query on the system to your Datafile support agent.

Both of these options save the entire screen area to the clipboard which can make your notes/query less clear at times on the more complex screen options. This new feature adds an additional option of ‘Copy Region to Clipboard’ which allows the selection of a region of the screen to be saved to the clipboard and then pasted into your help notes or email query.

Selecting the ‘Copy Region to Clipboard’ takes a picture of the full Datafile screen and you can then use the mouse to highlight a box area within the screen before pressing the <F7-Option> key to save that area of the screen to the clipboard and return to the main Datafile screen.

Once the region has been copied to the clipboard you can use the paste (CTRL+V) routines in your document or email message (for example).

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Article ID: 69
Created On: Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:54 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 6:28 PM

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