Matrix Factors - Batch Tracking

Datafile Software

Matrix Factors - Batch Tracking

FACTOR 1 NAME X (10) Holds the description for the first factor – i.e. ‘Colour’, ‘Size’, etc.

FACTOR 1 FORMAT X (10) Holds the ‘code’ format for the first factor – i.e. UUUUUU or 9999 etc.

FACTOR 1 FROM X (10) Holds the first variable for factor 1 – i.e. if colour then holds the first colour for the matrix template

FACTOR 1 TO X (10) Holds the last value for factor 1. Data Items must be consecutive within this range with a max. of ten items

FACTOR 2 NAME X (10) Holds the description for the second factor

FACTOR 2 FORMAT X (10) Holds the code format for the second factor

FACTOR 2 FROM X (10) Holds the first variable for factor 2

FACTOR 2 TO X (10) Holds the last variable for factor 2.

FACTOR 3 NAME X (10) Holds the description for the third factor

FACTOR 3 FORMAT X (10) Holds the code format for the third factor

FACTOR 3 FROM X (10) Holds the first variable for the third factor

FACTOR 3 TO X (10) Holds the last variable for the third factor

Custom Fields

Article ID: 588
Created On: Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 11:42 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 10:31 PM

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