Cost / Sale Price Changes - Stock Control

Datafile Software

Cost / Sale Price Changes - Stock Control

This option provides a transaction audit trail for changes to costs and selling prices allowing later enquiry of when price details were amended.

Which Price

Select which price you want to change: 0-Cost Price, 1-9 for Selling Prices.

Old Cost/Price

Displays the current cost/sale price of the stock item

New Cost/Price

Defaults to the current cost/sale price for amendment to the new price.

Stock File Updating

When the stock files are updated the following actions occur:

The new cost/sale price is updated on the stock record

A price change stock transaction is written to the stock transaction file

Custom Fields

Article ID: 431
Created On: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 1:50 PM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 11:19 PM

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