Forecast Dates - Additional Options

Forecast dates allow you to analyse date’s in different ways.  Existing option types allow you to add set number of days to a base date, show the Age in years/months/days, show the week in year of the base date and so on. New options have been added to allow for the calculation of expiry dates based on a set number of months or years and to calculate a ‘due date’ with our standard credit terms.

            H-Month Expiry – when creating a forecast date for a month expiry it asks for base date and a data item/constant value.  If, for example, you have a base date of 17/11/2014 and add 1 from a data item / constant then the expiry date would be 16/12/2014, add 2 then expiry date would be 16/01/2015 and so on.


            Y-Year Expiry – when creating a forecast date for a year expiry the system asks for the base date and a data item/constant value.  If, for example, you have a base date of 17/11/2014 and add 1 from a data item/constant then the expiry date would be 16/11/2015, add 2 then expiry date would be 16/11/2016 and so on.


            C-Credit Terms – when creating a forecast date for a due date the system asks for the base date and a data item containing the credit terms value.  Usual DF credit terms can be used - D30, D60, M131, M231 and so on.


In addition to the above the type D/E forecast dates will now allow setting the base date against another forecast date (types D/E/H/Y/C) and not just standard date item types.

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Article ID: 2164
Created On: Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:48 AM
Last Updated On: Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 2:24 PM

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