Employee Optional 8/11

Datafile Software

Employee Optional 8/11

X Data Item Type Description

X YTD Basic Hours K, L }

X YTD Basic Value K, L }

X YTD Overtime 1 Hours K, L }

X YTD Overtime 1 Value K, L } Holds the YTD accumulation of basic

X YTD Overtime 2 Hours K, L } and overtime hours and values. If using

X YTD Overtime 2 Value K, L }Payroll Plus then the overtime

X YTD Overtime 3 Hours K, L } accumulation items will be held in the

X YTD Overtime 3 Value K, L } overtime database

X YTD Overtime 4 Hours K, L }

X YTD Overtime 4 Value K, L }

X YTD Overtime 5 Hours K, L }

X YTD Overtime 5 Value K, L }

X YTD Overtime 6 Hours K, L }

X YTD Overtime 6 Value K, L }

X First Trans Y (6) } If Premier and using the transaction file

X Last Trans Y (6) } these items contain the record numbers of

} the first and last transactions for this

} employee

Custom Fields

Article ID: 2079
Created On: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:43 PM
Last Updated On: Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 4:35 PM

Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/employee-optional-8-11-2079.html