Special Reports (including P11)

Datafile Software

Special Reports (including P11)

This option allows you to configure the special reports and documents, the P11 reports and the P45 document. The reports listed here are those on the right-hand side of the payroll reports menu.

Unlike the standard reports these reports are not fixed in purpose so whilst we configure these reports to list the employees basic pay, the NI contributions and the pension contributions you can configure these as required. You must, however, keep one report as the P35 listing and one document as the P14/P60 print.

You can configure up to five listing reports and these are configured as per the standard reports above.Note that if you change the title of the report you will need to amend the payroll reports menu as well.

You can configure up to four documents and these are configured as per the other payroll documents as discussed in the Document Design Manager section earlier. The first two reports are configured for you and can also be accessed via the document design manager, the second two can be configured as you require. If you configure these options you will need to amend your payroll reports menu to include these documents – parameter 7008 for document 3, parameter 7009 for document 4.

P45 Document

This option allows you to access the design for the P45 document. See the Document Design Manager section earlier in this manual.

P11 Reports Definitions

This option allows you to configure 4 listings and 4 statement reports against the P11 transactions database. 2 listings and 1 statement are configured for you by default; the others can be configured as required.

Listing Reports

On selection of a report you will be asked for a report title and then you are taken into the definition screen for the report.

You select the print control and the print options as per standard reports. The P11 details are configured to print over three lines per P11 record and you can set which of these items are to be totalled.

Only K/L and calculated data item types can be totalled and you should only set current period values to be totalled. If you select a year-to-date item to report you should not set the item to be totalled – the report totals section of the report will then list the value from the last period.

Statement Reports

The statement report settings are split into five sections – Header (Left) and Header (Right) print prior to the transaction detail, Footer (Left) and Footer (Right) print after the transaction detail and Details allows you to configure the P11 items to print.

The header and footer items allow you to print items from the employee files including the special ‘161+’ style items that are available within the document designs. To select an item for print in the header footer you first select the employee database to print from (1-5) and then select the item to print. As in standard reports earlier the employee databases are numbered as follows:

1Employee File

2Employee 2 File

3Switch File (Payroll Plus only)

4Overtime File (Payroll Plus only)

5Employee 3 File

Custom Fields

Article ID: 2061
Created On: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 11:19 AM
Last Updated On: Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 4:41 PM

Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/special-reports-including-p11-2061.html