Employee File – Full Screen Design (Premier only)

Datafile Software

Employee File – Full Screen Design (Premier only)

In Premier systems you have the option to create two user-defined screens in which to display details from the employee file. On selection of this option you are asked if you wish to use a full-screen layout and, if selected, you are taken into the screen design.

You design the screen as per the standard design parameters.

To add text to the screen you use the mouse or arrow keys to position the cursor at the start of where you wish to enter your text and type in the required label(s). To clear any text use the space bar.

To add a data item to the screen you use the mouse or arrow keys to position the cursor at the start of where you wish the item to display and then either ‘right-click’ with the mouse or press <F4-Select>. The list of available data items are displayed for you to select. To delete a data item from the screen use the mouse to click the item and then hit the <DELETE> key.

To draw borders around the screen choose the option ‘Border’ on the Tools pull-down at the top of the screen.

To draw a line on the screen select the option ‘Line Mode’ on the Tools pull-down and then use the mouse to click the start position of the line and then drag the line (horizontally or vertically) to the end position of the line. To delete a line use the mouse to select the line (it will turn blue when selected) and then hit the <DELETE> key. Once the line(s) has been drawn, switch back to text mode using the option on the Tools pull-down.

Once complete choose the File pull-down option ‘Save & Exit’. On save of the screen, you will be asked if you wish to use a second screen – respond as required.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 2023
Created On: Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:25 PM
Last Updated On: Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 4:53 PM

Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/employee-file-â€-full-screen-design-premier-only-2023.html