Log User-Id / Date / Time Database Record Updated

Datafile Software

Log User-Id / Date / Time Database Record Updated

Database options, available for the Premier product level, allow you to log the user who added the database record together with the date and time the record was added. This new feature allows you to also record the user who last updated the record together with the date and time the record was updated which can then be included in system reports or enquiries – perhaps shown who last processed a sales order etc. by including the extra items in the enquiry screen.


Database Changes

The additional items can be set within any database as required whether that be an application database such as the sales accounts or stock records file, a ProFiler database or a stand-alone database used within the (say) Databases on Desktop options.

When restructuring the database you can opt to share the data items for logging the user/date/time details who added with those for the user/date/time who last updated the record or separate items can be added as required. You can restructure a database via various options - such as the Restructure a Database options in the Installation section for the application databases – but once the database has been opened for amendment the processes are identical. Three new items are required, if not sharing with the ‘add’ settings, and these are:

Item Name Type Description

LAST-UPD-BY X (6) Holds the user-id who last updated the database record.

LAST-UPD-ON D / E Holds the date the database record was last updated.

LAST-UPD-AT N Holds the time the database record was last updated.

New options have been added within the Advanced Features of the database structure to reference the items to be used for updating last update details – press <F4> to update the advanced features.

Once the additional item has been recorded press the <END> key to return to the item list followed by the <ESC> key and select the UPDATE button to save the database changes. When prompted respond ‘Y’ to the prompts to ‘Extract Existing Data to New Database Structure’ and, if appropriate, ‘Copy Table Entries from Old Database to New Database. Final prompts ask to ‘Remove (.OLD) Database’ and to ‘Carry Out the Same Restructure on the BASE File as Well’ – respond as required. If you select to update the base file you need to manually insert the new items at the same data item positions as on the live file. Repeat for all required databases.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 1931
Created On: Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 12:04 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 5:58 PM

Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/log-user-id-date-time-database-record-updated-1931.html