Database Identifier

Datafile Software

Database Identifier

<?dfd id="aaa" path="folder\filename" type="x…x" ?>

This defines an additional database to be used within the process. An XML transaction will know about the standard application databases — such as the order header and detail file, the stock master file, the accounts file, and their associated transaction files.

For transactional XML templates, the attributes for the dfd command are:

id="aaa" gives a 3-letter mnemonic "aaa” by which the file is to be known within element attributes.

path="…" gives the pathname of the file. The usual "???” wildcard can be used in the pathname, and will be replaced by the 3-character code of the currently-open company.

type="x…x" states the type of file, and "x…x” can take one of the following values:

accum — a single record database that is exactly equivalent to Accumulators used in ProFiler user-defined report definitions, except that here it is a real database (in ProFiler it exists only within the definition, not as a separate entity). The values in the accumulator record are zeroed or blanked, as appropriate, before each XML file is created or read, or when a clear=”yes” attribute is found within the XMl template. Its 3-character file mnemonic is ACC

constant — a single record database that is exactly equivalent to constants files as used in ProFiler application definitions. Its file mnemonic is CON

log — reserved for future use as an optional file in which is recorded details of each XML file processed. At present it is accepted but ignored. Its mnemonic is LOG

lookup — a lookup file is used on input to check for the presence of a known value, or to replace data in the incoming element with an item from the lookup file. On output the data is generally a data item within the lookup file, accessed via a key.
Custom Fields

Article ID: 1814
Created On: Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 2:11 PM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 4:57 PM

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