Datafile XML Template

Datafile Software

Datafile XML Template

The Datafile XML template is, as its name suggests, an example of what the application XML file looks like, except that data is represented by references to the application database items. It also includes instructions to the Datafile XML processor to tell it how to process the data — these instructions do not appear in the application XML file. It is a true XML file in its own right.

The simple database in/out XML template can be created via the transaction definition process itself, as described above. Normally you’ll only decide to edit this if you want to use different element names, perhaps to match a trading partner’s needs, or wish to include items form other databases (such as for lookup or applications constants). In these cases you’ll need to use a text processor of some sort (e.g. NotePad or WordPad).

For XML transactions, however, the best way to start an XML template is to get hold of a sample XML file that contains all the elements that are needed, or the XML schema itself that describes the XML files. Sample XML files and schemas are usually available from your trading partner, or from a standards authority such as BASDA, or from a trade association such as BOSSFed.

You then need to replace the sample data with references to the appropriate Datafile database items, and add in the Datafile commands and attributes that define how to construct (for an output XML file) or deconstruct (for an input XML file) the application XML files. For most application transactions, you need to specify which are the header items and which are the detail line items.

Sometimes, individual transactions are batched, so that one XML file in fact contains a number of transactions. The batched transactions should all be of only one type and will be topped and tailed with a batch header and trailer. But this merely adds one extra level to the hierarchy of XML elements. You’ll need to include the batch elements for the start and end of file within the Datafile template.

It is conventional, but not essential, to store the XML template in the same folder as the INI file that drives the XML process, in which case it is given the name XML.XML.

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Article ID: 1796
Created On: Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 11:50 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 5:03 PM

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