DELETE - Delete an Account - Nominal

Datafile Software

DELETE - Delete an Account - Nominal

You cannot delete an account unless it has a non-zero balance, nor can you delete an account which still has transactions on file. You may have to wait until after all transactions for the account have been ‘cleared down’ before you can delete an account.

Delete Account

Key a valid code here and some details from the nominal account code are displayed. You may use the <F4-Select> if you are not sure of the code. Once a code is accepted you are prompted whether you wish to delete an account – ‘No’ abandons the attempt to delete and prompts you for another account, if you reply ‘Yes’ then the system checks that the current balance is 0 and that there are no transactions present before deleting it. You may not delete an active account and the system will warn accordingly if this is the case.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 998
Created On: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:49 AM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 7:28 PM

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