Document Design Image Display Properties

Datafile Software

Document Design Image Display Properties

When adding a jpeg or bitmap image to a document layout the system sizes the image based on the screen dpi and the height/width of the image. This can result, with small logos, an unclear image as it has to be shrunk in size using a third party program. If the same image is inserted into (say) a Microsoft Word document then the image can display smaller as it uses the image dpi to size the display. Now, in Release 6.5, when an image is inserted into a document design the system will prompt whether to use the image dpi in preference to existing sizing.

Use Image DPI – set to size the image based on the dpi of the image itself rather than the screen.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 60
Created On: Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:42 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 6:31 PM

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