Delivery / Goods Received Note - Batch Tracking

Datafile Software

Delivery / Goods Received Note - Batch Tracking

The delivery note (or invoice where no delivery note) always prompts for the batch details to be issued / received and the quantity processed must match the ‘action’ quantity entered. After inputting the action quantity a pop-up allows you to select the batch details.

For Sales Order Processing the system will default to any pre-allocated serial numbers or issue on a FIFO/user-defined database (if configured). If pre-allocated the system can be set to auto-accept and not prompt these details for confirmation.

For Purchase Order Processing the system will also default to any pre-allocated batch details, or where configured, will default to the next auto-generated serial/batch number.Again, if pre-allocated, the system can be set to auto-accept and not prompt for batch details


If a delivery note (goods received note) is in use then an invoice document that doesn’t update stock cannot print the batch details.

If batch tracking in use then the alternate stock updating options, where you can order 1 item but update stock for 10 (say), are not applicable – factor between the order quantity and stock order quantity must be ‘1’.

If using Back-2-Back Order Processing then the system will allow generation of new serial/batch numbers on sales order entry where set to generate a purchase order, these batch details can then be transferred to the purchase order.

SOP / POP Batch Update does not support the reservation of batch details – subsequent delivery note processes will, of course, prompt for the appropriate details.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 552
Created On: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:53 PM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 10:41 PM

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