Stock Optional 3 - Stock Control

Datafile Software

Stock Optional 3 - Stock Control

CROSS-STOCK 1-5 X (16) Up to five alternate stock codes can be offered during sales order entry when the quantity required for the initially selected item isn’t available.

CROSS-MESSAGE 1-5 X (30) Optional message displayed when offering the alternate stock items.E.G. could read ‘Same product but in Silver colouring’.

AUTO CROSS-REF X (16) Used within Order Processing if an order is entered for the ‘main’ stock item then any auto cross-ref code is automatically substituted.This could be used where orders are placed using the customers own stock code, provided you don’t require to print this code on the documentation; you could add this code to your stock database and set the auto cross-ref to your standard code.

OPT PURCHASE GROUP N, T If using the Supplier Matrix options then this is the purchase stock group. If left blank then uses the sales group if this configured.

PURCH PRICE FROM/TO K, L, M Allows up to nine purchase prices, configured consecutively within the stock database, to be used within purchase order processing in a similar manner to the nine selling prices.

UNIT-PRICE (PACKS) K, L, M Cross Referencing one of the nine purchase prices above this is the price used when purchasing less than the pack quantity of the set item.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 523
Created On: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:58 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 10:50 PM

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