Stock Mandatory - Stock Control

Datafile Software

Stock Mandatory - Stock Control

STOCK CODE X (16) The prime index of the stock file holding the Stock Code itself and, in the case of location stock, the first few characters identify the stock location code. In Premiersystems the stock code can be up to 32 characters in length.

STOCK DESCRIPTION X (30) Holds the first line of description for the stock item. An optional second item is profiled later.

UNIT OF ISSUE X (6) Holds a descriptive issue unit – i.e. EACH, GROSS etc.

ON-ORDER QTY K, L, M Primarily the quantity ordered from suppliers through purchase order processing it can include purchase order transactions entered via Stock Control and the quantity of the finished item awaiting build within Bill of Materials.

PHYSICAL QTY K, L, M The quantity held in stock.

RESERVED QTY K, L, M Primarily the quantity ordered by customers through Sales Order Processing it can include reservation transactions entered via Stock Control and the quantity of components awaiting issue to Bill of Materials.

FREE QUANTITY * A calculation of Physical plus On-Order less Reserved.

PICK QTY (OPT) K, L, M An optional item that holds the quantity waiting to be ‘picked’. A Sales Order Processing acknowledgement increases this value, a delivery note decreases it.

FIRST-TRANSACTION Y (6) Holds the record number of the first stock transaction for this stock item.

LAST-TRANSACTION Y (6) Holds the record number of the last stock transaction for the stock item.

B/F STOCK QTY K, L, M Updated at period end with the current value of the physical quantity (or Physical less Forward if forward stock processing in use).

COST PRICE K, L, M Holds the cost price of the stock item used for valuation (unless FIFO in use) and cost-of-sales. This cost will be used as the next purchase order cost unless overridden by matrix entries or last order price.

LAST TRANS DATE D, E Holds the date of the last entered transaction for the stock item.

LAST SALE DATE D, E Holds the date of the last sales issue

LAST PURCHASE DATE D, E Holds the date of the last goods receipt

Custom Fields

Article ID: 518
Created On: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:51 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 10:51 PM

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