Three Assembly reports are available for configuration, each split into two configuration options for the assembly header details and the component stock detail.
The Print Assy.(or Assembly) report is used for the option ‘Print/Value Assembly’ report, the Build Assy. report is used for the ‘Build’ report produced when building stock assemblies and the Comp Check report is used for the ‘Component Stock Check’ report.
Each report allows setting of the following options:
Up to eight report styles can be defined within Datafile through the CONFIG user options, these control the length and width of the page to be printed. You must select (within the HDR definition) the style the report is to be printed in. Available styles are listed as a help bubble when inputting the print control.
This allows you to select the items to be printed on the report. In addition to printing items from the Assembly and Component files themselves options exist for special items that print information relating to either the Stock Code or Values of the assembly being built. These are listed below.
Print Assembly Header Special Items
161 Stock Description, prints the description as held on the stock record for the finished item.
162 Stock Unit, prints the unit of issue as held on the stock record for the finished item.
163 Stock Memo, if any memo recorded against the finished stock item then a flag is printed here to highlight this.
164 Stock Cost, prints the cost as currently recorded on the Stock Record (as opposed to the accumulated cost of the components which is printed in the footer of the valuation report)
Print Assembly Detail Special Items
161 Stock Description, prints the description as held on the stock record for the component.
162 Stock Unit, prints the unit of issue as held on the stock record for the component.
163 Line Value, prints the total cost of the issue qty x cost price / cost per qty
164 Stock Cost, prints the unit cost of the component record.
165 Cost Per, prints the cost-per-qty of the component record.
166 Assy Level, prints the assembly level of the component within the build (the main assembly components being level 1)
Build Assembly Header Special Items
161 Stock Description, prints the stock description of the finished item.
162 Stock Unit, prints the issue unit of the finished item.
163 Build Qty, prints the quantity built of the finished item.
164 Stock Memo, prints a flag if the finished item has a memo recorded.
165 Stock Cost, prints the cost price as recorded for the finished item (as opposed to the accumulated costs of the components).
Build Assembly Detail Special Items
161 Stock Description, prints the description recorded on the component stock record.
162 Stock Unit, prints the issue unit of the component stock item.
163 Build Quantity, prints the build qty for any component that is a sub-assembly.
164 Error, prints a flag such as ‘NEG’ when the component is used even though it is out-of-stock.
165 Assy Level, prints the assembly level of the component.
166 Issue Quantity, prints the quantity of the component used in the assembly build
Component Stock Check Header Special Items
161 Stock Description, prints the stock description of the finished item.
162 Stock Unit, prints the issue unit of the finished item.
163 Build Qty, prints the quantity built of the finished item.
164 Stock Memo, prints a flag if the finished item has a memo recorded.
165 Stock Cost, prints the cost price as recorded for the finished item (as opposed to the accumulated costs of the components).
Component Stock Check Detail Special Items
161 Stock Description, prints the description recorded on the component stock record.
162 Stock Unit, prints the issue unit of the component stock item.
163 Build Quantity, prints the build qty for any component that is a sub-assembly.
164 Error, prints a flag such as ‘NEG’ when the component is used even though it is out-of-stock.
165 Assy Level, prints the assembly level of the component.
166 Issue Quantity, prints the quantity of the component used in the assembly build
167 Physical, prints the component stock items physical quantity
168 Reserved, prints the component stock items reserved quantity
169 On-Order, prints the component stock items on-order quantity
170 Free, prints the component stock items free quantity (this is a calculation of Physical plus On-Order less Reserved)
171 Available, prints the component stock items available quantity (this is a calculation of Physical less Reserved)
172 Short (Free), prints a calculated shortage quantity based on free-stock less issue quantity
173 Short (Avail), prints a calculated shortage quantity based on available less issue quantity
174 Short (Phys), prints a calculated shortage quantity based on physical less issue quantity
175 Short (Select), prints one of the three shortage quantities above (172-174) based on the run-time report selection of ‘Use Which Stock Level’.
176 Quan (Select), print one of the three stock quantities above (physical, free or available)
Only applicable for the Print/Value Assemblies Report – this report normally prints in Assembly Number order. You may specify a different printing sequence for a report here by specifying the data items in the assembly file that you wish to sort on. You also have the option as to whether the sort sequence is processed in ascending or descending order.
Here you can specify the number of characters the stock code is to be indented when printed for sub-assembly components. This affects the print size of the stock code data item – usually this is the data item size but if you set an indent then this increases by the number of characters indented multiplied by the maximum number of assembly levels.
Specify whether a blank line is to be left after the print of the sub-assembly item and before the print of its components. When set a blank line is also printed before the continuation of the main assembly items.
Not applicable if leaving a blank line before the component. Instead this option leaves a blank line before the print of the sub-assembly detail.
The OPTIONS button allows you to configure the page size, font and margins of the printed report and operates as discussed in Stock Reports above.
Article ID: 510
Created On: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:25 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 10:54 PM
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