Choosing the Right Company - Stock Control

Datafile Software

Choosing the Right Company - Stock Control

You can use Datafile to control more than one company’s data. Where you have more than one company, then if the computer doesn’t know which company’s data to process it asks you to select one from the list.This can occur if the computer has not previously processed any company in this session (and your user-id set-up doesn’t have a default company set), or if the last company used does not have stock control in use.

You can select the company by using the mouse to ‘double-click’ the entry in the list, or by entering the company id in the text input (use the <TAB> key or mouse to select the input option).

You can always check which company is active by using the desktop option "About this Company” (shortcut key <ALT+A>). You can change the company, provided you are within the menu system and not within a processing option, by using the desktop option "Open New Company” (ALT+O).

Once a company is selected you remain in that company and the three-digit code of the company displays in the status line at the foot of the screen.

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Article ID: 412
Created On: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 10:52 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 11:26 PM

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